
2023-04-26 更新

Partially Observable Mean Field Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based on Graph-Attention

Authors:Min Yang, Guanjun Liu, Ziyuan Zhou

Traditional multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms are difficultly applied in a large-scale multi-agent environment. The introduction of mean field theory has enhanced the scalability of multi-agent reinforcement learning in recent years. This paper considers partially observable multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), where each agent can only observe other agents within a fixed range. This partial observability affects the agent’s ability to assess the quality of the actions of surrounding agents. This paper focuses on developing a method to capture more effective information from local observations in order to select more effective actions. Previous work in this field employs probability distributions or weighted mean field to update the average actions of neighborhood agents, but it does not fully consider the feature information of surrounding neighbors and leads to a local optimum. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm, Partially Observable Mean Field Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning based on Graph—Attention (GAMFQ) to remedy this flaw. GAMFQ uses a graph attention module and a mean field module to describe how an agent is influenced by the actions of other agents at each time step. This graph attention module consists of a graph attention encoder and a differentiable attention mechanism, and this mechanism outputs a dynamic graph to represent the effectiveness of neighborhood agents against central agents. The mean—field module approximates the effect of a neighborhood agent on a central agent as the average effect of effective neighborhood agents. We evaluate GAMFQ on three challenging tasks in the MAgents framework. Experiments show that GAMFQ outperforms baselines including the state-of-the-art partially observable mean-field reinforcement learning algorithms.


文章作者: 木子已
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