2023-04-26 更新

Authors:Baao Xie, Bohan Li, Zequn Zhang, Junting Dong, Xin Jin, Jingyu Yang, Wenjun Zeng

3D representation disentanglement aims to identify, decompose, and manipulate the underlying explanatory factors of 3D data, which helps AI fundamentally understand our 3D world. This task is currently under-explored and poses great challenges: (i) the 3D representations are complex and in general contains much more information than 2D image; (ii) many 3D representations are not well suited for gradient-based optimization, let alone disentanglement. To address these challenges, we use NeRF as a differentiable 3D representation, and introduce a self-supervised Navigation to identify interpretable semantic directions in the latent space. To our best knowledge, this novel method, dubbed NaviNeRF, is the first work to achieve fine-grained 3D disentanglement without any priors or supervisions. Specifically, NaviNeRF is built upon the generative NeRF pipeline, and equipped with an Outer Navigation Branch and an Inner Refinement Branch. They are complementary — the outer navigation is to identify global-view semantic directions, and the inner refinement dedicates to fine-grained attributes. A synergistic loss is further devised to coordinate two branches. Extensive experiments demonstrate that NaviNeRF has a superior fine-grained 3D disentanglement ability than the previous 3D-aware models. Its performance is also comparable to editing-oriented models relying on semantic or geometry priors.


Dehazing-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields from Hazy Images

Authors:Tian Li, LU Li, Wei Wang, Zhangchi Feng

Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has received much attention in recent years due to the impressively high quality in 3D scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis. However, image degradation caused by the scattering of atmospheric light and object light by particles in the atmosphere can significantly decrease the reconstruction quality when shooting scenes in hazy conditions. To address this issue, we propose Dehazing-NeRF, a method that can recover clear NeRF from hazy image inputs. Our method simulates the physical imaging process of hazy images using an atmospheric scattering model, and jointly learns the atmospheric scattering model and a clean NeRF model for both image dehazing and novel view synthesis. Different from previous approaches, Dehazing-NeRF is an unsupervised method with only hazy images as the input, and also does not rely on hand-designed dehazing priors. By jointly combining the depth estimated from the NeRF 3D scene with the atmospheric scattering model, our proposed model breaks through the ill-posed problem of single-image dehazing while maintaining geometric consistency. Besides, to alleviate the degradation of image quality caused by information loss, soft margin consistency regularization, as well as atmospheric consistency and contrast discriminative loss, are addressed during the model training process. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms the simple combination of single-image dehazing and NeRF on both image dehazing and novel view image synthesis.


3D-IntPhys: Towards More Generalized 3D-grounded Visual Intuitive Physics under Challenging Scenes

Authors:Haotian Xue, Antonio Torralba, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Daniel LK Yamins, Yunzhu Li, Hsiao-Yu Tung

Given a visual scene, humans have strong intuitions about how a scene can evolve over time under given actions. The intuition, often termed visual intuitive physics, is a critical ability that allows us to make effective plans to manipulate the scene to achieve desired outcomes without relying on extensive trial and error. In this paper, we present a framework capable of learning 3D-grounded visual intuitive physics models from videos of complex scenes with fluids. Our method is composed of a conditional Neural Radiance Field (NeRF)-style visual frontend and a 3D point-based dynamics prediction backend, using which we can impose strong relational and structural inductive bias to capture the structure of the underlying environment. Unlike existing intuitive point-based dynamics works that rely on the supervision of dense point trajectory from simulators, we relax the requirements and only assume access to multi-view RGB images and (imperfect) instance masks acquired using color prior. This enables the proposed model to handle scenarios where accurate point estimation and tracking are hard or impossible. We generate datasets including three challenging scenarios involving fluid, granular materials, and rigid objects in the simulation. The datasets do not include any dense particle information so most previous 3D-based intuitive physics pipelines can barely deal with that. We show our model can make long-horizon future predictions by learning from raw images and significantly outperforms models that do not employ an explicit 3D representation space. We also show that once trained, our model can achieve strong generalization in complex scenarios under extrapolate settings.


HOSNeRF: Dynamic Human-Object-Scene Neural Radiance Fields from a Single Video

Authors:Jia-Wei Liu, Yan-Pei Cao, Tianyuan Yang, Eric Zhongcong Xu, Jussi Keppo, Ying Shan, Xiaohu Qie, Mike Zheng Shou

We introduce HOSNeRF, a novel 360{\deg} free-viewpoint rendering method that reconstructs neural radiance fields for dynamic human-object-scene from a single monocular in-the-wild video. Our method enables pausing the video at any frame and rendering all scene details (dynamic humans, objects, and backgrounds) from arbitrary viewpoints. The first challenge in this task is the complex object motions in human-object interactions, which we tackle by introducing the new object bones into the conventional human skeleton hierarchy to effectively estimate large object deformations in our dynamic human-object model. The second challenge is that humans interact with different objects at different times, for which we introduce two new learnable object state embeddings that can be used as conditions for learning our human-object representation and scene representation, respectively. Extensive experiments show that HOSNeRF significantly outperforms SOTA approaches on two challenging datasets by a large margin of 40% ~ 50% in terms of LPIPS. The code, data, and compelling examples of 360{\deg} free-viewpoint renderings from single videos will be released in
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Explicit Correspondence Matching for Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Yuedong Chen, Haofei Xu, Qianyi Wu, Chuanxia Zheng, Tat-Jen Cham, Jianfei Cai

We present a new generalizable NeRF method that is able to directly generalize to new unseen scenarios and perform novel view synthesis with as few as two source views. The key to our approach lies in the explicitly modeled correspondence matching information, so as to provide the geometry prior to the prediction of NeRF color and density for volume rendering. The explicit correspondence matching is quantified with the cosine similarity between image features sampled at the 2D projections of a 3D point on different views, which is able to provide reliable cues about the surface geometry. Unlike previous methods where image features are extracted independently for each view, we consider modeling the cross-view interactions via Transformer cross-attention, which greatly improves the feature matching quality. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results on different evaluation settings, with the experiments showing a strong correlation between our learned cosine feature similarity and volume density, demonstrating the effectiveness and superiority of our proposed method. Code is at
PDF Code and pre-trained models: Project Page:


Segment Anything in 3D with NeRFs

Authors:Jiazhong Cen, Zanwei Zhou, Jiemin Fang, Wei Shen, Lingxi Xie, Xiaopeng Zhang, Qi Tian

The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has demonstrated its effectiveness in segmenting any object/part in various 2D images, yet its ability for 3D has not been fully explored. The real world is composed of numerous 3D scenes and objects. Due to the scarcity of accessible 3D data and high cost of its acquisition and annotation, lifting SAM to 3D is a challenging but valuable research avenue. With this in mind, we propose a novel framework to Segment Anything in 3D, named SA3D. Given a neural radiance field (NeRF) model, SA3D allows users to obtain the 3D segmentation result of any target object via only one-shot manual prompting in a single rendered view. With input prompts, SAM cuts out the target object from the according view. The obtained 2D segmentation mask is projected onto 3D mask grids via density-guided inverse rendering. 2D masks from other views are then rendered, which are mostly uncompleted but used as cross-view self-prompts to be fed into SAM again. Complete masks can be obtained and projected onto mask grids. This procedure is executed via an iterative manner while accurate 3D masks can be finally learned. SA3D can adapt to various radiance fields effectively without any additional redesigning. The entire segmentation process can be completed in approximately two minutes without any engineering optimization. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SA3D in different scenes, highlighting the potential of SAM in 3D scene perception. The project page is at
PDF Work in progress. Project page:


TensoIR: Tensorial Inverse Rendering

Authors:Haian Jin, Isabella Liu, Peijia Xu, Xiaoshuai Zhang, Songfang Han, Sai Bi, Xiaowei Zhou, Zexiang Xu, Hao Su

We propose TensoIR, a novel inverse rendering approach based on tensor factorization and neural fields. Unlike previous works that use purely MLP-based neural fields, thus suffering from low capacity and high computation costs, we extend TensoRF, a state-of-the-art approach for radiance field modeling, to estimate scene geometry, surface reflectance, and environment illumination from multi-view images captured under unknown lighting conditions. Our approach jointly achieves radiance field reconstruction and physically-based model estimation, leading to photo-realistic novel view synthesis and relighting results. Benefiting from the efficiency and extensibility of the TensoRF-based representation, our method can accurately model secondary shading effects (like shadows and indirect lighting) and generally support input images captured under single or multiple unknown lighting conditions. The low-rank tensor representation allows us to not only achieve fast and compact reconstruction but also better exploit shared information under an arbitrary number of capturing lighting conditions. We demonstrate the superiority of our method to baseline methods qualitatively and quantitatively on various challenging synthetic and real-world scenes.
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MixNeRF: Memory Efficient NeRF with Feature Mixed-up Hash Table

Authors:Yongjae Lee, Li Yang, Deliang Fan

Neural radiance field (NeRF) has shown remarkable performance in generating photo-realistic novel views. Since the emergence of NeRF, many studies have been conducted, among which managing features with explicit structures such as grids has achieved exceptionally fast training by reducing the complexity of multilayer perceptron (MLP) networks. However, storing features in dense grids requires significantly large memory space, which leads to memory bottleneck in computer systems and thus large training time. To address this issue, in this work, we propose MixNeRF, a memory-efficient NeRF framework that employs a mixed-up hash table to improve memory efficiency and reduce training time while maintaining reconstruction quality. We first design a \textit{mixed-up hash table} to adaptively mix part of multi-level feature grids into one and map it to a single hash table. Following that, in order to obtain the correct index of a grid point, we further design an \textit{index transformation} method that transforms indices of an arbitrary level grid to those of a canonical grid. Extensive experiments benchmarking with state-of-the-art Instant-NGP, TensoRF, and DVGO, indicate our MixNeRF could achieve the fastest training time on the same GPU hardware with similar or even higher reconstruction quality. Source code is available at \url{}.
PDF This paper is under review in ICCV 2023


Local Implicit Ray Function for Generalizable Radiance Field Representation

Authors:Xin Huang, Qi Zhang, Ying Feng, Xiaoyu Li, Xuan Wang, Qing Wang

We propose LIRF (Local Implicit Ray Function), a generalizable neural rendering approach for novel view rendering. Current generalizable neural radiance fields (NeRF) methods sample a scene with a single ray per pixel and may therefore render blurred or aliased views when the input views and rendered views capture scene content with different resolutions. To solve this problem, we propose LIRF to aggregate the information from conical frustums to construct a ray. Given 3D positions within conical frustums, LIRF takes 3D coordinates and the features of conical frustums as inputs and predicts a local volumetric radiance field. Since the coordinates are continuous, LIRF renders high-quality novel views at a continuously-valued scale via volume rendering. Besides, we predict the visible weights for each input view via transformer-based feature matching to improve the performance in occluded areas. Experimental results on real-world scenes validate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on novel view rendering of unseen scenes at arbitrary scales.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023. Project page:


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