Domain Adaptation

2023-04-26 更新

Weight-based Mask for Domain Adaptation

Authors:Eunseop Lee, Inhan Kim, Daijin Kim

In computer vision, unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is an approach to transferring knowledge from a label-rich source domain to a fully-unlabeled target domain. Conventional UDA approaches have two problems. The first problem is that a class classifier can be biased to the source domain because it is trained using only source samples. The second is that previous approaches align image-level features regardless of foreground and background, although the classifier requires foreground features. To solve these problems, we introduce Weight-based Mask Network (WEMNet) composed of Domain Ignore Module (DIM) and Semantic Enhancement Module (SEM). DIM obtains domain-agnostic feature representations via the weight of the domain discriminator and predicts categories. In addition, SEM obtains class-related feature representations using the classifier weight and focuses on the foreground features for domain adaptation. Extensive experimental results reveal that the proposed WEMNet outperforms the competitive accuracy on representative UDA datasets.
PDF 5 pages, 2 figures, to be published in ICASSP2023


PARAGRAPH2GRAPH: A GNN-based framework for layout paragraph analysis

Authors:Shu Wei, Nuo Xu

Document layout analysis has a wide range of requirements across various domains, languages, and business scenarios. However, most current state-of-the-art algorithms are language-dependent, with architectures that rely on transformer encoders or language-specific text encoders, such as BERT, for feature extraction. These approaches are limited in their ability to handle very long documents due to input sequence length constraints and are closely tied to language-specific tokenizers. Additionally, training a cross-language text encoder can be challenging due to the lack of labeled multilingual document datasets that consider privacy. Furthermore, some layout tasks require a clean separation between different layout components without overlap, which can be difficult for image segmentation-based algorithms to achieve. In this paper, we present Paragraph2Graph, a language-independent graph neural network (GNN)-based model that achieves competitive results on common document layout datasets while being adaptable to business scenarios with strict separation. With only 19.95 million parameters, our model is suitable for industrial applications, particularly in multi-language scenarios.


Universal Domain Adaptation via Compressive Attention Matching

Authors:Didi Zhu, Yincuan Li, Junkun Yuan, Zexi Li, Yunfeng Shao, Kun Kuang, Chao Wu

Universal domain adaptation (UniDA) aims to transfer knowledge from the source domain to the target domain without any prior knowledge about the label set. The challenge lies in how to determine whether the target samples belong to common categories. The mainstream methods make judgments based on the sample features, which overemphasizes global information while ignoring the most crucial local objects in the image, resulting in limited accuracy. To address this issue, we propose a Universal Attention Matching (UniAM) framework by exploiting the self-attention mechanism in vision transformer to capture the crucial object information. The proposed framework introduces a novel Compressive Attention Matching (CAM) approach to explore the core information by compressively representing attentions. Furthermore, CAM incorporates a residual-based measurement to determine the sample commonness. By utilizing the measurement, UniAM achieves domain-wise and category-wise Common Feature Alignment (CFA) and Target Class Separation (TCS). Notably, UniAM is the first method utilizing the attention in vision transformer directly to perform classification tasks. Extensive experiments show that UniAM outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods on various benchmark datasets.


Generation-driven Contrastive Self-training for Zero-shot Text Classification with Instruction-tuned GPT

Authors:Ruohong Zhang, Yau-Shian Wang, Yiming Yang

Moreover, GPT-based zero-shot classification models tend to make independent predictions over test instances, which can be sub-optimal as the instance correlations and the decision boundaries in the target space are ignored. To address these difficulties and limitations, we propose a new approach to zero-shot text classification, namely \ourmodelshort, which leverages the strong generative power of GPT to assist in training a smaller, more adaptable, and efficient sentence encoder classifier with contrastive self-training. Specifically, GenCo applies GPT in two ways: firstly, it generates multiple augmented texts for each input instance to enhance the semantic embedding of the instance and improve the mapping to relevant labels; secondly, it generates augmented texts conditioned on the predicted label during self-training, which makes the generative process tailored to the decision boundaries in the target space. In our experiments, GenCo outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on multiple benchmark datasets, even when only limited in-domain text data is available.


Survey on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation for Visual Perception in Automated Driving

Authors:Manuel Schwonberg, Joshua Niemeijer, Jan-Aike Termöhlen, Jörg P. Schäfer, Nico M. Schmidt, Hanno Gottschalk, Tim Fingscheidt

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have proven their capabilities in many areas in the past years, such as robotics, or automated driving, enabling technological breakthroughs. DNNs play a significant role in environment perception for the challenging application of automated driving and are employed for tasks such as detection, semantic segmentation, and sensor fusion. Despite this progress and tremendous research efforts, several issues still need to be addressed that limit the applicability of DNNs in automated driving. The bad generalization of DNNs to new, unseen domains is a major problem on the way to a safe, large-scale application, because manual annotation of new domains is costly, particularly for semantic segmentation. For this reason, methods are required to adapt DNNs to new domains without labeling effort. The task, which these methods aim to solve is termed unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). While several different domain shifts can challenge DNNs, the shift between synthetic and real data is of particular importance for automated driving, as it allows the use of simulation environments for DNN training. In this work, we present an overview of the current state of the art in this field of research. We categorize and explain the different approaches for UDA. The number of considered publications is larger than any other survey on this topic. The scope of this survey goes far beyond the description of the UDA state-of-the-art. Based on our large data and knowledge base, we present a quantitative comparison of the approaches and use the observations to point out the latest trends in this field. In the following, we conduct a critical analysis of the state-of-the-art and highlight promising future research directions. With this survey, we aim to facilitate UDA research further and encourage scientists to exploit novel research directions to generalize DNNs better.
PDF submitted to IEEE Access; Project Website:


Hierarchical State Abstraction Based on Structural Information Principles

Authors:Xianghua Zeng, Hao Peng, Angsheng Li, Chunyang Liu, Lifang He, Philip S. Yu

State abstraction optimizes decision-making by ignoring irrelevant environmental information in reinforcement learning with rich observations. Nevertheless, recent approaches focus on adequate representational capacities resulting in essential information loss, affecting their performances on challenging tasks. In this article, we propose a novel mathematical Structural Information principles-based State Abstraction framework, namely SISA, from the information-theoretic perspective. Specifically, an unsupervised, adaptive hierarchical state clustering method without requiring manual assistance is presented, and meanwhile, an optimal encoding tree is generated. On each non-root tree node, a new aggregation function and condition structural entropy are designed to achieve hierarchical state abstraction and compensate for sampling-induced essential information loss in state abstraction. Empirical evaluations on a visual gridworld domain and six continuous control benchmarks demonstrate that, compared with five SOTA state abstraction approaches, SISA significantly improves mean episode reward and sample efficiency up to 18.98 and 44.44%, respectively. Besides, we experimentally show that SISA is a general framework that can be flexibly integrated with different representation-learning objectives to improve their performances further.


Augmentation-based Domain Generalization for Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Manuel Schwonberg, Fadoua El Bouazati, Nico M. Schmidt, Hanno Gottschalk

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) and domain generalization (DG) are two research areas that aim to tackle the lack of generalization of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) towards unseen domains. While UDA methods have access to unlabeled target images, domain generalization does not involve any target data and only learns generalized features from a source domain. Image-style randomization or augmentation is a popular approach to improve network generalization without access to the target domain. Complex methods are often proposed that disregard the potential of simple image augmentations for out-of-domain generalization. For this reason, we systematically study the in- and out-of-domain generalization capabilities of simple, rule-based image augmentations like blur, noise, color jitter and many more. Based on a full factorial design of experiment design we provide a systematic statistical evaluation of augmentations and their interactions. Our analysis provides both, expected and unexpected, outcomes. Expected, because our experiments confirm the common scientific standard that combination of multiple different augmentations out-performs single augmentations. Unexpected, because combined augmentations perform competitive to state-of-the-art domain generalization approaches, while being significantly simpler and without training overhead. On the challenging synthetic-to-real domain shift between Synthia and Cityscapes we reach 39.5% mIoU compared to 40.9% mIoU of the best previous work. When additionally employing the recent vision transformer architecture DAFormer we outperform these benchmarks with a performance of 44.2% mIoU
PDF Accepted at Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2023 (IV 2023) Autonomy@Scale Workshop


AdaNPC: Exploring Non-Parametric Classifier for Test-Time Adaptation

Authors:Yi-Fan Zhang, Xue Wang, Kexin Jin, Kun Yuan, Zhang Zhang, Liang Wang, Rong Jin, Tieniu Tan

Many recent machine learning tasks focus to develop models that can generalize to unseen distributions. Domain generalization (DG) has become one of the key topics in various fields. Several literatures show that DG can be arbitrarily hard without exploiting target domain information. To address this issue, test-time adaptive (TTA) methods are proposed. Existing TTA methods require offline target data or extra sophisticated optimization procedures during the inference stage. In this work, we adopt Non-Parametric Classifier to perform the test-time Adaptation (AdaNPC). In particular, we construct a memory that contains the feature and label pairs from training domains. During inference, given a test instance, AdaNPC first recalls K closed samples from the memory to vote for the prediction, and then the test feature and predicted label are added to the memory. In this way, the sample distribution in the memory can be gradually changed from the training distribution towards the test distribution with very little extra computation cost. We theoretically justify the rationality behind the proposed method. Besides, we test our model on extensive numerical experiments. AdaNPC significantly outperforms competitive baselines on various DG benchmarks. In particular, when the adaptation target is a series of domains, the adaptation accuracy of AdaNPC is 50% higher than advanced TTA methods. The code is available at
PDF 30 pages, 12 figures


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