2023-04-24 更新

Omni-Line-of-Sight Imaging for Holistic Shape Reconstruction

Authors:Binbin Huang, Xingyue Peng, Siyuan Shen, Suan Xia, Ruiqian Li, Yanhua Yu, Yuehan Wang, Shenghua Gao, Wenzheng Chen, Shiying Li, Jingyi Yu

We introduce Omni-LOS, a neural computational imaging method for conducting holistic shape reconstruction (HSR) of complex objects utilizing a Single-Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD)-based time-of-flight sensor. As illustrated in Fig. 1, our method enables new capabilities to reconstruct near-$360^\circ$ surrounding geometry of an object from a single scan spot. In such a scenario, traditional line-of-sight (LOS) imaging methods only see the front part of the object and typically fail to recover the occluded back regions. Inspired by recent advances of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging techniques which have demonstrated great power to reconstruct occluded objects, Omni-LOS marries LOS and NLOS together, leveraging their complementary advantages to jointly recover the holistic shape of the object from a single scan position. The core of our method is to put the object nearby diffuse walls and augment the LOS scan in the front view with the NLOS scans from the surrounding walls, which serve as virtual ``mirrors’’ to trap lights toward the object. Instead of separately recovering the LOS and NLOS signals, we adopt an implicit neural network to represent the object, analogous to NeRF and NeTF. While transients are measured along straight rays in LOS but over the spherical wavefronts in NLOS, we derive differentiable ray propagation models to simultaneously model both types of transient measurements so that the NLOS reconstruction also takes into account the direct LOS measurements and vice versa. We further develop a proof-of-concept Omni-LOS hardware prototype for real-world validation. Comprehensive experiments on various wall settings demonstrate that Omni-LOS successfully resolves shape ambiguities caused by occlusions, achieves high-fidelity 3D scan quality, and manages to recover objects of various scales and complexity.


Factored Neural Representation for Scene Understanding

Authors:Yu-Shiang Wong, Niloy J. Mitra

A long-standing goal in scene understanding is to obtain interpretable and editable representations that can be directly constructed from a raw monocular RGB-D video, without requiring specialized hardware setup or priors. The problem is significantly more challenging in the presence of multiple moving and/or deforming objects. Traditional methods have approached the setup with a mix of simplifications, scene priors, pretrained templates, or known deformation models. The advent of neural representations, especially neural implicit representations and radiance fields, opens the possibility of end-to-end optimization to collectively capture geometry, appearance, and object motion. However, current approaches produce global scene encoding, assume multiview capture with limited or no motion in the scenes, and do not facilitate easy manipulation beyond novel view synthesis. In this work, we introduce a factored neural scene representation that can directly be learned from a monocular RGB-D video to produce object-level neural presentations with an explicit encoding of object movement (e.g., rigid trajectory) and/or deformations (e.g., nonrigid movement). We evaluate ours against a set of neural approaches on both synthetic and real data to demonstrate that the representation is efficient, interpretable, and editable (e.g., change object trajectory). The project webpage is available at: $\href{}{\text{link}}$.


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