Vision Transformer

2023-04-21 更新

Frequency Regularization: Restricting Information Redundancy of Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors:Chenqiu Zhao, Guanfang Dong, Shupei Zhang, Zijie Tan, Anup Basu

Convolutional neural networks have demonstrated impressive results in many computer vision tasks. However, the increasing size of these networks raises concerns about the information overload resulting from the large number of network parameters. In this paper, we propose Frequency Regularization to restrict the non-zero elements of the network parameters in frequency domain. The proposed approach operates at the tensor level, and can be applied to almost all network architectures. Specifically, the tensors of parameters are maintained in the frequency domain, where high frequency components can be eliminated by zigzag setting tensor elements to zero. Then, the inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT) is used to reconstruct the spatial tensors for matrix operations during network training. Since high frequency components of images are known to be less critical, a large proportion of these parameters can be set to zero when networks are trained with the proposed frequency regularization. Comprehensive evaluations on various state-of-the-art network architectures, including LeNet, Alexnet, VGG, Resnet, ViT, UNet, GAN, and VAE, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed frequency regularization. Under the condition of a very small accuracy decrease (less than 2\%), a LeNet5 with 0.4M parameters can be represented by only 776 float16 numbers(over 1100$\times$), and a UNet with 34M parameters can be represented by only 759 float16 numbers (over 80000$\times$).
PDF This work has been submitted for peer review. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible


CMID: A Unified Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Remote Sensing Image Understanding

Authors:Dilxat Muhtar, Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao, Zhenshi Li, Feng Gu

Self-supervised learning (SSL) has gained widespread attention in the remote sensing (RS) and earth observation (EO) communities owing to its ability to learn task-agnostic representations without human-annotated labels. Nevertheless, most existing RS SSL methods are limited to learning either global semantic separable or local spatial perceptible representations. We argue that this learning strategy is suboptimal in the realm of RS, since the required representations for different RS downstream tasks are often varied and complex. In this study, we proposed a unified SSL framework that is better suited for RS images representation learning. The proposed SSL framework, Contrastive Mask Image Distillation (CMID), is capable of learning representations with both global semantic separability and local spatial perceptibility by combining contrastive learning (CL) with masked image modeling (MIM) in a self-distillation way. Furthermore, our CMID learning framework is architecture-agnostic, which is compatible with both convolutional neural networks (CNN) and vision transformers (ViT), allowing CMID to be easily adapted to a variety of deep learning (DL) applications for RS understanding. Comprehensive experiments have been carried out on four downstream tasks (i.e. scene classification, semantic segmentation, object-detection, and change detection) and the results show that models pre-trained using CMID achieve better performance than other state-of-the-art SSL methods on multiple downstream tasks. The code and pre-trained models will be made available at to facilitate SSL research and speed up the development of RS images DL applications.
PDF Accepted by IEEE TGRS. The codes and models are released at


Multi-view Vision-Prompt Fusion Network: Can 2D Pre-trained Model Boost 3D Point Cloud Data-scarce Learning?

Authors:Haoyang Peng, Baopu Li, Bo Zhang, Xin Chen, Tao Chen, Hongyuan Zhu

Point cloud based 3D deep model has wide applications in many applications such as autonomous driving, house robot, and so on. Inspired by the recent prompt learning in natural language processing, this work proposes a novel Multi-view Vision-Prompt Fusion Network (MvNet) for few-shot 3D point cloud classification. MvNet investigates the possibility of leveraging the off-the-shelf 2D pre-trained models to achieve the few-shot classification, which can alleviate the over-dependence issue of the existing baseline models towards the large-scale annotated 3D point cloud data. Specifically, MvNet first encodes a 3D point cloud into multi-view image features for a number of different views. Then, a novel multi-view prompt fusion module is developed to effectively fuse information from different views to bridge the gap between 3D point cloud data and 2D pre-trained models. A set of 2D image prompts can then be derived to better describe the suitable prior knowledge for a large-scale pre-trained image model for few-shot 3D point cloud classification. Extensive experiments on ModelNet, ScanObjectNN, and ShapeNet datasets demonstrate that MvNet achieves new state-of-the-art performance for 3D few-shot point cloud image classification. The source code of this work will be available soon.
PDF 10 pages,5 figures


Omni Aggregation Networks for Lightweight Image Super-Resolution

Authors:Hang Wang, Xuanhong Chen, Bingbing Ni, Yutian Liu, Jinfan Liu

While lightweight ViT framework has made tremendous progress in image super-resolution, its uni-dimensional self-attention modeling, as well as homogeneous aggregation scheme, limit its effective receptive field (ERF) to include more comprehensive interactions from both spatial and channel dimensions. To tackle these drawbacks, this work proposes two enhanced components under a new Omni-SR architecture. First, an Omni Self-Attention (OSA) block is proposed based on dense interaction principle, which can simultaneously model pixel-interaction from both spatial and channel dimensions, mining the potential correlations across omni-axis (i.e., spatial and channel). Coupling with mainstream window partitioning strategies, OSA can achieve superior performance with compelling computational budgets. Second, a multi-scale interaction scheme is proposed to mitigate sub-optimal ERF (i.e., premature saturation) in shallow models, which facilitates local propagation and meso-/global-scale interactions, rendering an omni-scale aggregation building block. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Omni-SR achieves record-high performance on lightweight super-resolution benchmarks (e.g., 26.95 dB@Urban100 $\times 4$ with only 792K parameters). Our code is available at \url{}.
PDF Accepted by CVPR2023. Code is available at \url{}


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