2023-04-21 更新

Reference-guided Controllable Inpainting of Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Ashkan Mirzaei, Tristan Aumentado-Armstrong, Marcus A. Brubaker, Jonathan Kelly, Alex Levinshtein, Konstantinos G. Derpanis, Igor Gilitschenski

The popularity of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) for view synthesis has led to a desire for NeRF editing tools. Here, we focus on inpainting regions in a view-consistent and controllable manner. In addition to the typical NeRF inputs and masks delineating the unwanted region in each view, we require only a single inpainted view of the scene, i.e., a reference view. We use monocular depth estimators to back-project the inpainted view to the correct 3D positions. Then, via a novel rendering technique, a bilateral solver can construct view-dependent effects in non-reference views, making the inpainted region appear consistent from any view. For non-reference disoccluded regions, which cannot be supervised by the single reference view, we devise a method based on image inpainters to guide both the geometry and appearance. Our approach shows superior performance to NeRF inpainting baselines, with the additional advantage that a user can control the generated scene via a single inpainted image. Project page:
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Tetra-NeRF: Representing Neural Radiance Fields Using Tetrahedra

Authors:Jonas Kulhanek, Torsten Sattler

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) are a very recent and very popular approach for the problems of novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction. A popular scene representation used by NeRFs is to combine a uniform, voxel-based subdivision of the scene with an MLP. Based on the observation that a (sparse) point cloud of the scene is often available, this paper proposes to use an adaptive representation based on tetrahedra and a Delaunay representation instead of the uniform subdivision or point-based representations. We show that such a representation enables efficient training and leads to state-of-the-art results. Our approach elegantly combines concepts from 3D geometry processing, triangle-based rendering, and modern neural radiance fields. Compared to voxel-based representations, ours provides more detail around parts of the scene likely to be close to the surface. Compared to point-based representations, our approach achieves better performance.
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Multiscale Representation for Real-Time Anti-Aliasing Neural Rendering

Authors:Dongting Hu, Zhenkai Zhang, Tingbo Hou, Tongliang Liu, Huan Fu, Mingming Gong

The rendering scheme in neural radiance field (NeRF) is effective in rendering a pixel by casting a ray into the scene. However, NeRF yields blurred rendering results when the training images are captured at non-uniform scales, and produces aliasing artifacts if the test images are taken in distant views. To address this issue, Mip-NeRF proposes a multiscale representation as a conical frustum to encode scale information. Nevertheless, this approach is only suitable for offline rendering since it relies on integrated positional encoding (IPE) to query a multilayer perceptron (MLP). To overcome this limitation, we propose mip voxel grids (Mip-VoG), an explicit multiscale representation with a deferred architecture for real-time anti-aliasing rendering. Our approach includes a density Mip-VoG for scene geometry and a feature Mip-VoG with a small MLP for view-dependent color. Mip-VoG encodes scene scale using the level of detail (LOD) derived from ray differentials and uses quadrilinear interpolation to map a queried 3D location to its features and density from two neighboring downsampled voxel grids. To our knowledge, our approach is the first to offer multiscale training and real-time anti-aliasing rendering simultaneously. We conducted experiments on multiscale datasets, and the results show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art real-time rendering baselines.


Revisiting Implicit Neural Representations in Low-Level Vision

Authors:Wentian Xu, Jianbo Jiao

Implicit Neural Representation (INR) has been emerging in computer vision in recent years. It has been shown to be effective in parameterising continuous signals such as dense 3D models from discrete image data, e.g. the neural radius field (NeRF). However, INR is under-explored in 2D image processing tasks. Considering the basic definition and the structure of INR, we are interested in its effectiveness in low-level vision problems such as image restoration. In this work, we revisit INR and investigate its application in low-level image restoration tasks including image denoising, super-resolution, inpainting, and deblurring. Extensive experimental evaluations suggest the superior performance of INR in several low-level vision tasks with limited resources, outperforming its counterparts by over 2dB. Code and models are available at
PDF Published at the ICLR 2023 Neural Fields workshop. Project Webpage:


Anything-3D: Towards Single-view Anything Reconstruction in the Wild

Authors:Qiuhong Shen, Xingyi Yang, Xinchao Wang

3D reconstruction from a single-RGB image in unconstrained real-world scenarios presents numerous challenges due to the inherent diversity and complexity of objects and environments. In this paper, we introduce Anything-3D, a methodical framework that ingeniously combines a series of visual-language models and the Segment-Anything object segmentation model to elevate objects to 3D, yielding a reliable and versatile system for single-view conditioned 3D reconstruction task. Our approach employs a BLIP model to generate textural descriptions, utilizes the Segment-Anything model for the effective extraction of objects of interest, and leverages a text-to-image diffusion model to lift object into a neural radiance field. Demonstrating its ability to produce accurate and detailed 3D reconstructions for a wide array of objects, \emph{Anything-3D\footnotemark[2]} shows promise in addressing the limitations of existing methodologies. Through comprehensive experiments and evaluations on various datasets, we showcase the merits of our approach, underscoring its potential to contribute meaningfully to the field of 3D reconstruction. Demos and code will be available at \href{}{}.


LiDAR-NeRF: Novel LiDAR View Synthesis via Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Tang Tao, Longfei Gao, Guangrun Wang, Peng Chen, Dayang Hao, Xiaodan Liang, Mathieu Salzmann, Kaicheng Yu

We introduce a new task, novel view synthesis for LiDAR sensors. While traditional model-based LiDAR simulators with style-transfer neural networks can be applied to render novel views, they fall short in producing accurate and realistic LiDAR patterns, because the renderers they rely on exploit game engines, which are not differentiable. We address this by formulating, to the best of our knowledge, the first differentiable LiDAR renderer, and propose an end-to-end framework, LiDAR-NeRF, leveraging a neural radiance field (NeRF) to enable jointly learning the geometry and the attributes of 3D points. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we establish an object-centric multi-view LiDAR dataset, dubbed NeRF-MVL. It contains observations of objects from 9 categories seen from 360-degree viewpoints captured with multiple LiDAR sensors. Our extensive experiments on the scene-level KITTI-360 dataset, and on our object-level NeRF-MVL show that our LiDAR- NeRF surpasses the model-based algorithms significantly.


ReLight My NeRF: A Dataset for Novel View Synthesis and Relighting of Real World Objects

Authors:Marco Toschi, Riccardo De Matteo, Riccardo Spezialetti, Daniele De Gregorio, Luigi Di Stefano, Samuele Salti

In this paper, we focus on the problem of rendering novel views from a Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) under unobserved light conditions. To this end, we introduce a novel dataset, dubbed ReNe (Relighting NeRF), framing real world objects under one-light-at-time (OLAT) conditions, annotated with accurate ground-truth camera and light poses. Our acquisition pipeline leverages two robotic arms holding, respectively, a camera and an omni-directional point-wise light source. We release a total of 20 scenes depicting a variety of objects with complex geometry and challenging materials. Each scene includes 2000 images, acquired from 50 different points of views under 40 different OLAT conditions. By leveraging the dataset, we perform an ablation study on the relighting capability of variants of the vanilla NeRF architecture and identify a lightweight architecture that can render novel views of an object under novel light conditions, which we use to establish a non-trivial baseline for the dataset. Dataset and benchmark are available at
PDF Accepted at CVPR 2023 as a highlight


Learning Neural Duplex Radiance Fields for Real-Time View Synthesis

Authors:Ziyu Wan, Christian Richardt, Aljaž Božič, Chao Li, Vijay Rengarajan, Seonghyeon Nam, Xiaoyu Xiang, Tuotuo Li, Bo Zhu, Rakesh Ranjan, Jing Liao

Neural radiance fields (NeRFs) enable novel view synthesis with unprecedented visual quality. However, to render photorealistic images, NeRFs require hundreds of deep multilayer perceptron (MLP) evaluations - for each pixel. This is prohibitively expensive and makes real-time rendering infeasible, even on powerful modern GPUs. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to distill and bake NeRFs into highly efficient mesh-based neural representations that are fully compatible with the massively parallel graphics rendering pipeline. We represent scenes as neural radiance features encoded on a two-layer duplex mesh, which effectively overcomes the inherent inaccuracies in 3D surface reconstruction by learning the aggregated radiance information from a reliable interval of ray-surface intersections. To exploit local geometric relationships of nearby pixels, we leverage screen-space convolutions instead of the MLPs used in NeRFs to achieve high-quality appearance. Finally, the performance of the whole framework is further boosted by a novel multi-view distillation optimization strategy. We demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our approach via extensive experiments on a range of standard datasets.
PDF CVPR 2023. Project page:


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