2023-04-19 更新

CoMaL: Conditional Maximum Likelihood Approach to Self-supervised Domain Adaptation in Long-tail Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Thanh-Dat Truong, Chi Nhan Duong, Pierce Helton, Ashley Dowling, Xin Li, Khoa Luu

The research in self-supervised domain adaptation in semantic segmentation has recently received considerable attention. Although GAN-based methods have become one of the most popular approaches to domain adaptation, they have suffered from some limitations. They are insufficient to model both global and local structures of a given image, especially in small regions of tail classes. Moreover, they perform bad on the tail classes containing limited number of pixels or less training samples. In order to address these issues, we present a new self-supervised domain adaptation approach to tackle long-tail semantic segmentation in this paper. Firstly, a new metric is introduced to formulate long-tail domain adaptation in the segmentation problem. Secondly, a new Conditional Maximum Likelihood (CoMaL) approach in an autoregressive framework is presented to solve the problem of long-tail domain adaptation. Although other segmentation methods work under the pixel independence assumption, the long-tailed pixel distributions in CoMaL are generally solved in the context of structural dependency, as that is more realistic. Finally, the proposed method is evaluated on popular large-scale semantic segmentation benchmarks, i.e., “SYNTHIA to Cityscapes” and “GTA to Cityscapes”, and outperforms the prior methods by a large margin in both the standard and the proposed evaluation protocols.


ID2image: Leakage of non-ID information into face descriptors and inversion from descriptors to images

Authors:Mingrui Li, William A. P. Smith, Patrik Huber

Embedding a face image to a descriptor vector using a deep CNN is a widely used technique in face recognition. Via several possible training strategies, such embeddings are supposed to capture only identity information. Information about the environment (such as background and lighting) or changeable aspects of the face (such as pose, expression, presence of glasses, hat etc.) should be discarded since they are not useful for recognition. In this paper, we present a surprising result that this is not the case. We show that non-ID attributes, as well as landmark positions and the image histogram can be recovered from the ID embedding of state-of-the-art face embedding networks (VGGFace2 and ArcFace). In fact, these non-ID attributes can be predicted from ID embeddings with similar accuracy to a prediction from the original image. Going further, we present an optimisation strategy that uses a generative model (specifically StyleGAN2 for faces) to recover images from an ID embedding. We show photorealistic inversion from ID embedding to face image in which not only is the ID realistically reconstructed but the pose, lighting and background/apparel to some extent as well.


Frequency Regularization: Restricting Information Redundancy of Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors:Chenqiu Zhao, Guanfang Dong, Shupei Zhang, Zijie Tan, Anup Basu

Convolutional neural networks have demonstrated impressive results in many computer vision tasks. However, the increasing size of these networks raises concerns about the information redundancy within the network parameters. In this paper, we proposed the Frequency Regularization to restrict the non-zero elements of the network parameters in frequency domain. The proposed approach operates at the tensor level, and can be applied to almost any kind of network architectures. Specifically, the tensors of parameters are maintained in the frequency domain, where high frequency components can be eliminated by zigzag setting tensor elements to zero. Then, the inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT) is used to reconstruct the spatial tensors for matrix operations during network training. Since high frequency components of images are known to be non-critical, a large proportion of the parameters can be set to zero when networks are trained with proposed frequency regularization. Comprehensive evaluations on various state-of-the-art network architectures, including LeNet, Alexnet, VGG, Resnet, UNet, GAN, and VAE, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed frequency regularization. Under the condition with tiny accuracy decrease (less than 2\%), a LeNet5 with 0.4M parameters can be represented by 776 float16 numbers(over 1100$\times$), a UNet with 34M parameters can be represented by 2936 float16 numbers (over 20000$\times$).
PDF This work has been submitted for peer review. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible


Refusion: Enabling Large-Size Realistic Image Restoration with Latent-Space Diffusion Models

Authors:Ziwei Luo, Fredrik K. Gustafsson, Zheng Zhao, Jens Sjölund, Thomas B. Schön

This work aims to improve the applicability of diffusion models in realistic image restoration. Specifically, we enhance the diffusion model in several aspects such as network architecture, noise level, denoising steps, training image size, and optimizer/scheduler. We show that tuning these hyperparameters allows us to achieve better performance on both distortion and perceptual scores. We also propose a U-Net based latent diffusion model which performs diffusion in a low-resolution latent space while preserving high-resolution information from the original input for the decoding process. Compared to the previous latent-diffusion model which trains a VAE-GAN to compress the image, our proposed U-Net compression strategy is significantly more stable and can recover highly accurate images without relying on adversarial optimization. Importantly, these modifications allow us to apply diffusion models to various image restoration tasks, including real-world shadow removal, HR non-homogeneous dehazing, stereo super-resolution, and bokeh effect transformation. By simply replacing the datasets and slightly changing the noise network, our model, named Refusion, is able to deal with large-size images (e.g., 6000 x 4000 x 3 in HR dehazing) and produces good results on all the above restoration problems. Our Refusion achieves the best perceptual performance in the NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge and wins 2nd place overall.
PDF CVPRW 2023. Runner-up method in NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge. Code is available at


PG-VTON: A Novel Image-Based Virtual Try-On Method via Progressive Inference Paradigm

Authors:Naiyu Fang, Lemiao Qiu, Shuyou Zhang, Zili Wang, Kerui Hu

Virtual try-on is a promising computer vision topic with a high commercial value wherein a new garment is visually worn on a person with a photo-realistic effect. Previous studies conduct their shape and content inference at one stage, employing a single-scale warping mechanism and a relatively unsophisticated content inference mechanism. These approaches have led to suboptimal results in terms of garment warping and skin reservation under challenging try-on scenarios. To address these limitations, we propose a novel virtual try-on method via progressive inference paradigm (PGVTON) that leverages a top-down inference pipeline and a general garment try-on strategy. Specifically, we propose a robust try-on parsing inference method by disentangling semantic categories and introducing consistency. Exploiting the try-on parsing as the shape guidance, we implement the garment try-on via warping-mapping-composition. To facilitate adaptation to a wide range of try-on scenarios, we adopt a covering more and selecting one warping strategy and explicitly distinguish tasks based on alignment. Additionally, we regulate StyleGAN2 to implement re-naked skin inpainting, conditioned on the target skin shape and spatial-agnostic skin features. Experiments demonstrate that our method has state-of-the-art performance under two challenging scenarios. The code will be available at


Look ATME: The Discriminator Mean Entropy Needs Attention

Authors:Edgardo Solano-Carrillo, Angel Bueno Rodriguez, Borja Carrillo-Perez, Yannik Steiniger, Jannis Stoppe

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are successfully used for image synthesis but are known to face instability during training. In contrast, probabilistic diffusion models (DMs) are stable and generate high-quality images, at the cost of an expensive sampling procedure. In this paper, we introduce a simple method to allow GANs to stably converge to their theoretical optimum, while bringing in the denoising machinery from DMs. These models are combined into a simpler model (ATME) that only requires a forward pass during inference, making predictions cheaper and more accurate than DMs and popular GANs. ATME breaks an information asymmetry existing in most GAN models in which the discriminator has spatial knowledge of where the generator is failing. To restore the information symmetry, the generator is endowed with knowledge of the entropic state of the discriminator, which is leveraged to allow the adversarial game to converge towards equilibrium. We demonstrate the power of our method in several image-to-image translation tasks, showing superior performance than state-of-the-art methods at a lesser cost. Code is available at
PDF Accepted for the CVPR 2023 Workshop on Generative Models for Computer Vision,


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