
2023-04-17 更新

Task Adaptive Feature Transformation for One-Shot Learning

Authors:Imtiaz Masud Ziko, Freddy Lecue, Ismail Ben Ayed

We introduce a simple non-linear embedding adaptation layer, which is fine-tuned on top of fixed pre-trained features for one-shot tasks, improving significantly transductive entropy-based inference for low-shot regimes. Our norm-induced transformation could be understood as a re-parametrization of the feature space to disentangle the representations of different classes in a task specific manner. It focuses on the relevant feature dimensions while hindering the effects of non-relevant dimensions that may cause overfitting in a one-shot setting. We also provide an interpretation of our proposed feature transformation in the basic case of few-shot inference with K-means clustering. Furthermore, we give an interesting bound-optimization link between K-means and entropy minimization. This emphasizes why our feature transformation is useful in the context of entropy minimization. We report comprehensive experiments, which show consistent improvements over a variety of one-shot benchmarks, outperforming recent state-of-the-art methods.


SMAE: Few-shot Learning for HDR Deghosting with Saturation-Aware Masked Autoencoders

Authors:Qingsen Yan, Song Zhang, Weiye Chen, Hao Tang, Yu Zhu, Jinqiu Sun, Luc Van Gool, Yanning Zhang

Generating a high-quality High Dynamic Range (HDR) image from dynamic scenes has recently been extensively studied by exploiting Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Most DNNs-based methods require a large amount of training data with ground truth, requiring tedious and time-consuming work. Few-shot HDR imaging aims to generate satisfactory images with limited data. However, it is difficult for modern DNNs to avoid overfitting when trained on only a few images. In this work, we propose a novel semi-supervised approach to realize few-shot HDR imaging via two stages of training, called SSHDR. Unlikely previous methods, directly recovering content and removing ghosts simultaneously, which is hard to achieve optimum, we first generate content of saturated regions with a self-supervised mechanism and then address ghosts via an iterative semi-supervised learning framework. Concretely, considering that saturated regions can be regarded as masking Low Dynamic Range (LDR) input regions, we design a Saturated Mask AutoEncoder (SMAE) to learn a robust feature representation and reconstruct a non-saturated HDR image. We also propose an adaptive pseudo-label selection strategy to pick high-quality HDR pseudo-labels in the second stage to avoid the effect of mislabeled samples. Experiments demonstrate that SSHDR outperforms state-of-the-art methods quantitatively and qualitatively within and across different datasets, achieving appealing HDR visualization with few labeled samples.
PDF accepted by CVPR2023


Multimodal C4: An Open, Billion-scale Corpus of Images Interleaved With Text

Authors:Wanrong Zhu, Jack Hessel, Anas Awadalla, Samir Yitzhak Gadre, Jesse Dodge, Alex Fang, Youngjae Yu, Ludwig Schmidt, William Yang Wang, Yejin Choi

In-context vision and language models like Flamingo support arbitrarily interleaved sequences of images and text as input. This format not only enables few-shot learning via interleaving independent supervised (image, text) examples, but also, more complex prompts involving interaction between images, e.g., “What do image A and image B have in common?” To support this interface, pretraining occurs over web corpora that similarly contain interleaved images+text. To date, however, large-scale data of this form have not been publicly available. We release Multimodal C4 (mmc4), an augmentation of the popular text-only c4 corpus with images interleaved. We use a linear assignment algorithm to place images into longer bodies of text using CLIP features, a process that we show outperforms alternatives. mmc4 spans everyday topics like cooking, travel, technology, etc. A manual inspection of a random sample of documents shows that a vast majority (90%) of images are topically relevant, and that linear assignment frequently selects individual sentences specifically well-aligned with each image (78%). After filtering NSFW images, ads, etc., the corpus contains 103M documents containing 585M images interleaved with 43B English tokens.
PDF Project homepage: https://github.com/allenai/mmc4


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