Diffusion Models

2023-04-17 更新

DreamPose: Fashion Image-to-Video Synthesis via Stable Diffusion

Authors:Johanna Karras, Aleksander Holynski, Ting-Chun Wang, Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman

We present DreamPose, a diffusion-based method for generating animated fashion videos from still images. Given an image and a sequence of human body poses, our method synthesizes a video containing both human and fabric motion. To achieve this, we transform a pretrained text-to-image model (Stable Diffusion) into a pose-and-image guided video synthesis model, using a novel finetuning strategy, a set of architectural changes to support the added conditioning signals, and techniques to encourage temporal consistency. We fine-tune on a collection of fashion videos from the UBC Fashion dataset. We evaluate our method on a variety of clothing styles and poses, and demonstrate that our method produces state-of-the-art results on fashion video animation. Video results are available on our project page.
PDF Project page: https://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/dreampose/


Inpaint Anything: Segment Anything Meets Image Inpainting

Authors:Tao Yu, Runseng Feng, Ruoyu Feng, Jinming Liu, Xin Jin, Wenjun Zeng, Zhibo Chen

Modern image inpainting systems, despite the significant progress, often struggle with mask selection and holes filling. Based on Segment-Anything Model (SAM), we make the first attempt to the mask-free image inpainting and propose a new paradigm of clicking and filling'', which is named as Inpaint Anything (IA). The core idea behind IA is to combine the strengths of different models in order to build a very powerful and user-friendly pipeline for solving inpainting-related problems. IA supports three main features: (i) Remove Anything: users could click on an object and IA will remove it and smooth thehole’’ with the context; (ii) Fill Anything: after certain objects removal, users could provide text-based prompts to IA, and then it will fill the hole with the corresponding generative content via driving AIGC models like Stable Diffusion; (iii) Replace Anything: with IA, users have another option to retain the click-selected object and replace the remaining background with the newly generated scenes. We are also very willing to help everyone share and promote new projects based on our Inpaint Anything (IA). Our codes are available at https://github.com/geekyutao/Inpaint-Anything.
PDF Technical report. Code URL: https://github.com/geekyutao/Inpaint-Anything


Soundini: Sound-Guided Diffusion for Natural Video Editing

Authors:Seung Hyun Lee, Sieun Kim, Innfarn Yoo, Feng Yang, Donghyeon Cho, Youngseo Kim, Huiwen Chang, Jinkyu Kim, Sangpil Kim

We propose a method for adding sound-guided visual effects to specific regions of videos with a zero-shot setting. Animating the appearance of the visual effect is challenging because each frame of the edited video should have visual changes while maintaining temporal consistency. Moreover, existing video editing solutions focus on temporal consistency across frames, ignoring the visual style variations over time, e.g., thunderstorm, wave, fire crackling. To overcome this limitation, we utilize temporal sound features for the dynamic style. Specifically, we guide denoising diffusion probabilistic models with an audio latent representation in the audio-visual latent space. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to explore sound-guided natural video editing from various sound sources with sound-specialized properties, such as intensity, timbre, and volume. Additionally, we design optical flow-based guidance to generate temporally consistent video frames, capturing the pixel-wise relationship between adjacent frames. Experimental results show that our method outperforms existing video editing techniques, producing more realistic visual effects that reflect the properties of sound. Please visit our page: https://kuai-lab.github.io/soundini-gallery/.


DCFace: Synthetic Face Generation with Dual Condition Diffusion Model

Authors:Minchul Kim, Feng Liu, Anil Jain, Xiaoming Liu

Generating synthetic datasets for training face recognition models is challenging because dataset generation entails more than creating high fidelity images. It involves generating multiple images of same subjects under different factors (\textit{e.g.}, variations in pose, illumination, expression, aging and occlusion) which follows the real image conditional distribution. Previous works have studied the generation of synthetic datasets using GAN or 3D models. In this work, we approach the problem from the aspect of combining subject appearance (ID) and external factor (style) conditions. These two conditions provide a direct way to control the inter-class and intra-class variations. To this end, we propose a Dual Condition Face Generator (DCFace) based on a diffusion model. Our novel Patch-wise style extractor and Time-step dependent ID loss enables DCFace to consistently produce face images of the same subject under different styles with precise control. Face recognition models trained on synthetic images from the proposed DCFace provide higher verification accuracies compared to previous works by $6.11\%$ on average in $4$ out of $5$ test datasets, LFW, CFP-FP, CPLFW, AgeDB and CALFW. Code is available at https://github.com/mk-minchul/dcface
PDF To appear in CVPR 2023


Delta Denoising Score

Authors:Amir Hertz, Kfir Aberman, Daniel Cohen-Or

We introduce Delta Denoising Score (DDS), a novel scoring function for text-based image editing that guides minimal modifications of an input image towards the content described in a target prompt. DDS leverages the rich generative prior of text-to-image diffusion models and can be used as a loss term in an optimization problem to steer an image towards a desired direction dictated by a text. DDS utilizes the Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) mechanism for the purpose of image editing. We show that using only SDS often produces non-detailed and blurry outputs due to noisy gradients. To address this issue, DDS uses a prompt that matches the input image to identify and remove undesired erroneous directions of SDS. Our key premise is that SDS should be zero when calculated on pairs of matched prompts and images, meaning that if the score is non-zero, its gradients can be attributed to the erroneous component of SDS. Our analysis demonstrates the competence of DDS for text based image-to-image translation. We further show that DDS can be used to train an effective zero-shot image translation model. Experimental results indicate that DDS outperforms existing methods in terms of stability and quality, highlighting its potential for real-world applications in text-based image editing.
PDF Project page: https://delta-denoising-score.github.io/


Towards Controllable Diffusion Models via Reward-Guided Exploration

Authors:Hengtong Zhang, Tingyang Xu

By formulating data samples’ formation as a Markov denoising process, diffusion models achieve state-of-the-art performances in a collection of tasks. Recently, many variants of diffusion models have been proposed to enable controlled sample generation. Most of these existing methods either formulate the controlling information as an input (i.e.,: conditional representation) for the noise approximator, or introduce a pre-trained classifier in the test-phase to guide the Langevin dynamic towards the conditional goal. However, the former line of methods only work when the controlling information can be formulated as conditional representations, while the latter requires the pre-trained guidance classifier to be differentiable. In this paper, we propose a novel framework named RGDM (Reward-Guided Diffusion Model) that guides the training-phase of diffusion models via reinforcement learning (RL). The proposed training framework bridges the objective of weighted log-likelihood and maximum entropy RL, which enables calculating policy gradients via samples from a pay-off distribution proportional to exponential scaled rewards, rather than from policies themselves. Such a framework alleviates the high gradient variances and enables diffusion models to explore for highly rewarded samples in the reverse process. Experiments on 3D shape and molecule generation tasks show significant improvements over existing conditional diffusion models.


A Comparative Study on Generative Models for High Resolution Solar Observation Imaging

Authors:Mehdi Cherti, Alexander Czernik, Stefan Kesselheim, Frederic Effenberger, Jenia Jitsev

Solar activity is one of the main drivers of variability in our solar system and the key source of space weather phenomena that affect Earth and near Earth space. The extensive record of high resolution extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) offers an unprecedented, very large dataset of solar images. In this work, we make use of this comprehensive dataset to investigate capabilities of current state-of-the-art generative models to accurately capture the data distribution behind the observed solar activity states. Starting from StyleGAN-based methods, we uncover severe deficits of this model family in handling fine-scale details of solar images when training on high resolution samples, contrary to training on natural face images. When switching to the diffusion based generative model family, we observe strong improvements of fine-scale detail generation. For the GAN family, we are able to achieve similar improvements in fine-scale generation when turning to ProjectedGANs, which uses multi-scale discriminators with a pre-trained frozen feature extractor. We conduct ablation studies to clarify mechanisms responsible for proper fine-scale handling. Using distributed training on supercomputers, we are able to train generative models for up to 1024x1024 resolution that produce high quality samples indistinguishable to human experts, as suggested by the evaluation we conduct. We make all code, models and workflows used in this study publicly available at \url{https://github.com/SLAMPAI/generative-models-for-highres-solar-images}.


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