Diffusion Models

2023-04-14 更新

PATMAT: Person Aware Tuning of Mask-Aware Transformer for Face Inpainting

Authors:Saman Motamed, Jianjin Xu, Chen Henry Wu, Fernando De la Torre

Generative models such as StyleGAN2 and Stable Diffusion have achieved state-of-the-art performance in computer vision tasks such as image synthesis, inpainting, and de-noising. However, current generative models for face inpainting often fail to preserve fine facial details and the identity of the person, despite creating aesthetically convincing image structures and textures. In this work, we propose Person Aware Tuning (PAT) of Mask-Aware Transformer (MAT) for face inpainting, which addresses this issue. Our proposed method, PATMAT, effectively preserves identity by incorporating reference images of a subject and fine-tuning a MAT architecture trained on faces. By using ~40 reference images, PATMAT creates anchor points in MAT’s style module, and tunes the model using the fixed anchors to adapt the model to a new face identity. Moreover, PATMAT’s use of multiple images per anchor during training allows the model to use fewer reference images than competing methods. We demonstrate that PATMAT outperforms state-of-the-art models in terms of image quality, the preservation of person-specific details, and the identity of the subject. Our results suggest that PATMAT can be a promising approach for improving the quality of personalized face inpainting.


DiffFit: Unlocking Transferability of Large Diffusion Models via Simple Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning

Authors:Enze Xie, Lewei Yao, Han Shi, Zhili Liu, Daquan Zhou, Zhaoqiang Liu, Jiawei Li, Zhenguo Li

Diffusion models have proven to be highly effective in generating high-quality images. However, adapting large pre-trained diffusion models to new domains remains an open challenge, which is critical for real-world applications. This paper proposes DiffFit, a parameter-efficient strategy to fine-tune large pre-trained diffusion models that enable fast adaptation to new domains. DiffFit is embarrassingly simple that only fine-tunes the bias term and newly-added scaling factors in specific layers, yet resulting in significant training speed-up and reduced model storage costs. Compared with full fine-tuning, DiffFit achieves 2$\times$ training speed-up and only needs to store approximately 0.12\% of the total model parameters. Intuitive theoretical analysis has been provided to justify the efficacy of scaling factors on fast adaptation. On 8 downstream datasets, DiffFit achieves superior or competitive performances compared to the full fine-tuning while being more efficient. Remarkably, we show that DiffFit can adapt a pre-trained low-resolution generative model to a high-resolution one by adding minimal cost. Among diffusion-based methods, DiffFit sets a new state-of-the-art FID of 3.02 on ImageNet 512$\times$512 benchmark by fine-tuning only 25 epochs from a public pre-trained ImageNet 256$\times$256 checkpoint while being 30$\times$ more training efficient than the closest competitor.
PDF Tech Report


Learning Controllable 3D Diffusion Models from Single-view Images

Authors:Jiatao Gu, Qingzhe Gao, Shuangfei Zhai, Baoquan Chen, Lingjie Liu, Josh Susskind

Diffusion models have recently become the de-facto approach for generative modeling in the 2D domain. However, extending diffusion models to 3D is challenging due to the difficulties in acquiring 3D ground truth data for training. On the other hand, 3D GANs that integrate implicit 3D representations into GANs have shown remarkable 3D-aware generation when trained only on single-view image datasets. However, 3D GANs do not provide straightforward ways to precisely control image synthesis. To address these challenges, We present Control3Diff, a 3D diffusion model that combines the strengths of diffusion models and 3D GANs for versatile, controllable 3D-aware image synthesis for single-view datasets. Control3Diff explicitly models the underlying latent distribution (optionally conditioned on external inputs), thus enabling direct control during the diffusion process. Moreover, our approach is general and applicable to any type of controlling input, allowing us to train it with the same diffusion objective without any auxiliary supervision. We validate the efficacy of Control3Diff on standard image generation benchmarks, including FFHQ, AFHQ, and ShapeNet, using various conditioning inputs such as images, sketches, and text prompts. Please see the project website (\url{https://jiataogu.me/control3diff}) for video comparisons.
PDF work in progress


DiffusionRig: Learning Personalized Priors for Facial Appearance Editing

Authors:Zheng Ding, Xuaner Zhang, Zhihao Xia, Lars Jebe, Zhuowen Tu, Xiuming Zhang

We address the problem of learning person-specific facial priors from a small number (e.g., 20) of portrait photos of the same person. This enables us to edit this specific person’s facial appearance, such as expression and lighting, while preserving their identity and high-frequency facial details. Key to our approach, which we dub DiffusionRig, is a diffusion model conditioned on, or “rigged by,” crude 3D face models estimated from single in-the-wild images by an off-the-shelf estimator. On a high level, DiffusionRig learns to map simplistic renderings of 3D face models to realistic photos of a given person. Specifically, DiffusionRig is trained in two stages: It first learns generic facial priors from a large-scale face dataset and then person-specific priors from a small portrait photo collection of the person of interest. By learning the CGI-to-photo mapping with such personalized priors, DiffusionRig can “rig” the lighting, facial expression, head pose, etc. of a portrait photo, conditioned only on coarse 3D models while preserving this person’s identity and other high-frequency characteristics. Qualitative and quantitative experiments show that DiffusionRig outperforms existing approaches in both identity preservation and photorealism. Please see the project website: https://diffusionrig.github.io for the supplemental material, video, code, and data.
PDF CVPR 2023. Project website: https://diffusionrig.github.io


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