
2023-04-12 更新

Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better Generalization

Authors:Amirmohammad Sarfi, Zahra Karimpour, Muawiz Chaudhary, Nasir M. Khalid, Mirco Ravanelli, Sudhir Mudur, Eugene Belilovsky

Recently, a number of iterative learning methods have been introduced to improve generalization. These typically rely on training for longer periods of time in exchange for improved generalization. LLF (later-layer-forgetting) is a state-of-the-art method in this category. It strengthens learning in early layers by periodically re-initializing the last few layers of the network. Our principal innovation in this work is to use Simulated annealing in EArly Layers (SEAL) of the network in place of re-initialization of later layers. Essentially, later layers go through the normal gradient descent process, while the early layers go through short stints of gradient ascent followed by gradient descent. Extensive experiments on the popular Tiny-ImageNet dataset benchmark and a series of transfer learning and few-shot learning tasks show that we outperform LLF by a significant margin. We further show that, compared to normal training, LLF features, although improving on the target task, degrade the transfer learning performance across all datasets we explored. In comparison, our method outperforms LLF across the same target datasets by a large margin. We also show that the prediction depth of our method is significantly lower than that of LLF and normal training, indicating on average better prediction performance.


Authors:Jingyi Xu, Hieu Le, Dimitris Samaras

Two-stage object detectors generate object proposals and classify them to detect objects in images. These proposals often do not contain the objects perfectly but overlap with them in many possible ways, exhibiting great variability in the difficulty levels of the proposals. Training a robust classifier against this crop-related variability requires abundant training data, which is not available in few-shot settings. To mitigate this issue, we propose a novel variational autoencoder (VAE) based data generation model, which is capable of generating data with increased crop-related diversity. The main idea is to transform the latent space such latent codes with different norms represent different crop-related variations. This allows us to generate features with increased crop-related diversity in difficulty levels by simply varying the latent norm. In particular, each latent code is rescaled such that its norm linearly correlates with the IoU score of the input crop w.r.t. the ground-truth box. Here the IoU score is a proxy that represents the difficulty level of the crop. We train this VAE model on base classes conditioned on the semantic code of each class and then use the trained model to generate features for novel classes. In our experiments our generated features consistently improve state-of-the-art few-shot object detection methods on the PASCAL VOC and MS COCO datasets.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 23


Teaching Large Language Models to Self-Debug

Authors:Xinyun Chen, Maxwell Lin, Nathanael Schärli, Denny Zhou

Large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive performance on code generation. However, for complex programming tasks, generating the correct solution in one go becomes challenging, thus some prior works have designed program repair approaches to improve code generation performance. In this work, we propose Self-Debugging, which teaches a large language model to debug its predicted program via few-shot demonstrations. In particular, we demonstrate that Self-Debugging can teach the large language model to perform rubber duck debugging; i.e., without any feedback on the code correctness or error messages, the model is able to identify its mistakes by explaining the generated code in natural language. Self-Debugging achieves the state-of-the-art performance on several code generation benchmarks, including the Spider dataset for text-to-SQL generation, TransCoder for C++-to-Python translation, and MBPP for text-to-Python generation. On the Spider benchmark where there are no unit tests to verify the correctness of predictions, Self-Debugging with code explanation consistently improves the baseline by 2-3%, and improves the prediction accuracy on problems of the hardest label by 9%. On TransCoder and MBPP where unit tests are available, Self-Debugging improves the baseline accuracy by up to 12%. Meanwhile, by leveraging feedback messages and reusing failed predictions, Self-Debugging notably improves sample efficiency, and can match or outperform baseline models that generate more than 10x candidate programs.


MASIL: Towards Maximum Separable Class Representation for Few Shot Class Incremental Learning

Authors:Anant Khandelwal

Few Shot Class Incremental Learning (FSCIL) with few examples per class for each incremental session is the realistic setting of continual learning since obtaining large number of annotated samples is not feasible and cost effective. We present the framework MASIL as a step towards learning the maximal separable classifier. It addresses the common problem i.e forgetting of old classes and over-fitting to novel classes by learning the classifier weights to be maximally separable between classes forming a simplex Equiangular Tight Frame. We propose the idea of concept factorization explaining the collapsed features for base session classes in terms of concept basis and use these to induce classifier simplex for few shot classes. We further adds fine tuning to reduce any error occurred during factorization and train the classifier jointly on base and novel classes without retaining any base class samples in memory. Experimental results on miniImageNet, CIFAR-100 and CUB-200 demonstrate that MASIL outperforms all the benchmarks.
PDF 13 pages, 2 figures, 6 tables


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