Diffusion Models

2023-04-11 更新

Towards Coherent Image Inpainting Using Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models

Authors:Guanhua Zhang, Jiabao Ji, Yang Zhang, Mo Yu, Tommi Jaakkola, Shiyu Chang

Image inpainting refers to the task of generating a complete, natural image based on a partially revealed reference image. Recently, many research interests have been focused on addressing this problem using fixed diffusion models. These approaches typically directly replace the revealed region of the intermediate or final generated images with that of the reference image or its variants. However, since the unrevealed regions are not directly modified to match the context, it results in incoherence between revealed and unrevealed regions. To address the incoherence problem, a small number of methods introduce a rigorous Bayesian framework, but they tend to introduce mismatches between the generated and the reference images due to the approximation errors in computing the posterior distributions. In this paper, we propose COPAINT, which can coherently inpaint the whole image without introducing mismatches. COPAINT also uses the Bayesian framework to jointly modify both revealed and unrevealed regions, but approximates the posterior distribution in a way that allows the errors to gradually drop to zero throughout the denoising steps, thus strongly penalizing any mismatches with the reference image. Our experiments verify that COPAINT can outperform the existing diffusion-based methods under both objective and subjective metrics. The codes are available at https://github.com/UCSB-NLP-Chang/CoPaint/.
PDF 30 pages, 18 figures


Training-Free Layout Control with Cross-Attention Guidance

Authors:Minghao Chen, Iro Laina, Andrea Vedaldi

Recent diffusion-based generators can produce high-quality images based only on textual prompts. However, they do not correctly interpret instructions that specify the spatial layout of the composition. We propose a simple approach that can achieve robust layout control without requiring training or fine-tuning the image generator. Our technique, which we call layout guidance, manipulates the cross-attention layers that the model uses to interface textual and visual information and steers the reconstruction in the desired direction given, e.g., a user-specified layout. In order to determine how to best guide attention, we study the role of different attention maps when generating images and experiment with two alternative strategies, forward and backward guidance. We evaluate our method quantitatively and qualitatively with several experiments, validating its effectiveness. We further demonstrate its versatility by extending layout guidance to the task of editing the layout and context of a given real image.
PDF Project Page: https://silent-chen.github.io/layout-guidance/


RoSteALS: Robust Steganography using Autoencoder Latent Space

Authors:Tu Bui, Shruti Agarwal, Ning Yu, John Collomosse

Data hiding such as steganography and invisible watermarking has important applications in copyright protection, privacy-preserved communication and content provenance. Existing works often fall short in either preserving image quality, or robustness against perturbations or are too complex to train. We propose RoSteALS, a practical steganography technique leveraging frozen pretrained autoencoders to free the payload embedding from learning the distribution of cover images. RoSteALS has a light-weight secret encoder of just 300k parameters, is easy to train, has perfect secret recovery performance and comparable image quality on three benchmarks. Additionally, RoSteALS can be adapted for novel cover-less steganography applications in which the cover image can be sampled from noise or conditioned on text prompts via a denoising diffusion process. Our model and code are available at \url{https://github.com/TuBui/RoSteALS}.
PDF accepted to CVPR WMF 2023


Harnessing the Spatial-Temporal Attention of Diffusion Models for High-Fidelity Text-to-Image Synthesis

Authors:Qiucheng Wu, Yujian Liu, Handong Zhao, Trung Bui, Zhe Lin, Yang Zhang, Shiyu Chang

Diffusion-based models have achieved state-of-the-art performance on text-to-image synthesis tasks. However, one critical limitation of these models is the low fidelity of generated images with respect to the text description, such as missing objects, mismatched attributes, and mislocated objects. One key reason for such inconsistencies is the inaccurate cross-attention to text in both the spatial dimension, which controls at what pixel region an object should appear, and the temporal dimension, which controls how different levels of details are added through the denoising steps. In this paper, we propose a new text-to-image algorithm that adds explicit control over spatial-temporal cross-attention in diffusion models. We first utilize a layout predictor to predict the pixel regions for objects mentioned in the text. We then impose spatial attention control by combining the attention over the entire text description and that over the local description of the particular object in the corresponding pixel region of that object. The temporal attention control is further added by allowing the combination weights to change at each denoising step, and the combination weights are optimized to ensure high fidelity between the image and the text. Experiments show that our method generates images with higher fidelity compared to diffusion-model-based baselines without fine-tuning the diffusion model. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/UCSB-NLP-Chang/Diffusion-SpaceTime-Attn.
PDF 20 pages, 16 figures


NeRF applied to satellite imagery for surface reconstruction

Authors:Federico Semeraro, Yi Zhang, Wenying Wu, Patrick Carroll

We present Sat-NeRF, a modified implementation of the recently introduced Shadow Neural Radiance Field (S-NeRF) model. This method is able to synthesize novel views from a sparse set of satellite images of a scene, while accounting for the variation in lighting present in the pictures. The trained model can also be used to accurately estimate the surface elevation of the scene, which is often a desirable quantity for satellite observation applications. S-NeRF improves on the standard Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) method by considering the radiance as a function of the albedo and the irradiance. Both these quantities are output by fully connected neural network branches of the model, and the latter is considered as a function of the direct light from the sun and the diffuse color from the sky. The implementations were run on a dataset of satellite images, augmented using a zoom-and-crop technique. A hyperparameter study for NeRF was carried out, leading to intriguing observations on the model’s convergence. Finally, both NeRF and S-NeRF were run until 100k epochs in order to fully fit the data and produce their best possible predictions. The code related to this article can be found at https://github.gatech.edu/fsemeraro6/satnerf.


CCLAP: Controllable Chinese Landscape Painting Generation via Latent Diffusion Model

Authors:Zhongqi Wang, Jie Zhang, Zhilong Ji, Jinfeng Bai, Shiguang Shan

With the development of deep generative models, recent years have seen great success of Chinese landscape painting generation. However, few works focus on controllable Chinese landscape painting generation due to the lack of data and limited modeling capabilities. In this work, we propose a controllable Chinese landscape painting generation method named CCLAP, which can generate painting with specific content and style based on Latent Diffusion Model. Specifically, it consists of two cascaded modules, i.e., content generator and style aggregator. The content generator module guarantees the content of generated paintings specific to the input text. While the style aggregator module is to generate paintings of a style corresponding to a reference image. Moreover, a new dataset of Chinese landscape paintings named CLAP is collected for comprehensive evaluation. Both the qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance, especially in artfully-composed and artistic conception. Codes are available at https://github.com/Robin-WZQ/CCLAP.
PDF 8 pages,13 figures


HumanSD: A Native Skeleton-Guided Diffusion Model for Human Image Generation

Authors:Xuan Ju, Ailing Zeng, Chenchen Zhao, Jianan Wang, Lei Zhang, Qiang Xu

Controllable human image generation (HIG) has numerous real-life applications. State-of-the-art solutions, such as ControlNet and T2I-Adapter, introduce an additional learnable branch on top of the frozen pre-trained stable diffusion (SD) model, which can enforce various conditions, including skeleton guidance of HIG. While such a plug-and-play approach is appealing, the inevitable and uncertain conflicts between the original images produced from the frozen SD branch and the given condition incur significant challenges for the learnable branch, which essentially conducts image feature editing for condition enforcement. In this work, we propose a native skeleton-guided diffusion model for controllable HIG called HumanSD. Instead of performing image editing with dual-branch diffusion, we fine-tune the original SD model using a novel heatmap-guided denoising loss. This strategy effectively and efficiently strengthens the given skeleton condition during model training while mitigating the catastrophic forgetting effects. HumanSD is fine-tuned on the assembly of three large-scale human-centric datasets with text-image-pose information, two of which are established in this work. As shown in Figure 1, HumanSD outperforms ControlNet in terms of accurate pose control and image quality, particularly when the given skeleton guidance is sophisticated.


BerDiff: Conditional Bernoulli Diffusion Model for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors:Tao Chen, Chenhui Wang, Hongming Shan

Medical image segmentation is a challenging task with inherent ambiguity and high uncertainty, attributed to factors such as unclear tumor boundaries and multiple plausible annotations. The accuracy and diversity of segmentation masks are both crucial for providing valuable references to radiologists in clinical practice. While existing diffusion models have shown strong capacities in various visual generation tasks, it is still challenging to deal with discrete masks in segmentation. To achieve accurate and diverse medical image segmentation masks, we propose a novel conditional Bernoulli Diffusion model for medical image segmentation (BerDiff). Instead of using the Gaussian noise, we first propose to use the Bernoulli noise as the diffusion kernel to enhance the capacity of the diffusion model for binary segmentation tasks, resulting in more accurate segmentation masks. Second, by leveraging the stochastic nature of the diffusion model, our BerDiff randomly samples the initial Bernoulli noise and intermediate latent variables multiple times to produce a range of diverse segmentation masks, which can highlight salient regions of interest that can serve as valuable references for radiologists. In addition, our BerDiff can efficiently sample sub-sequences from the overall trajectory of the reverse diffusion, thereby speeding up the segmentation process. Extensive experimental results on two medical image segmentation datasets with different modalities demonstrate that our BerDiff outperforms other recently published state-of-the-art methods. Our results suggest diffusion models could serve as a strong backbone for medical image segmentation.
PDF 14 pages, 7 figures


Ambiguous Medical Image Segmentation using Diffusion Models

Authors:Aimon Rahman, Jeya Maria Jose Valanarasu, Ilker Hacihaliloglu, Vishal M Patel

Collective insights from a group of experts have always proven to outperform an individual’s best diagnostic for clinical tasks. For the task of medical image segmentation, existing research on AI-based alternatives focuses more on developing models that can imitate the best individual rather than harnessing the power of expert groups. In this paper, we introduce a single diffusion model-based approach that produces multiple plausible outputs by learning a distribution over group insights. Our proposed model generates a distribution of segmentation masks by leveraging the inherent stochastic sampling process of diffusion using only minimal additional learning. We demonstrate on three different medical image modalities- CT, ultrasound, and MRI that our model is capable of producing several possible variants while capturing the frequencies of their occurrences. Comprehensive results show that our proposed approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art ambiguous segmentation networks in terms of accuracy while preserving naturally occurring variation. We also propose a new metric to evaluate the diversity as well as the accuracy of segmentation predictions that aligns with the interest of clinical practice of collective insights.


A Cheaper and Better Diffusion Language Model with Soft-Masked Noise

Authors:Jiaao Chen, Aston Zhang, Mu Li, Alex Smola, Diyi Yang

Diffusion models that are based on iterative denoising have been recently proposed and leveraged in various generation tasks like image generation. Whereas, as a way inherently built for continuous data, existing diffusion models still have some limitations in modeling discrete data, e.g., languages. For example, the generally used Gaussian noise can not handle the discrete corruption well, and the objectives in continuous spaces fail to be stable for textual data in the diffusion process especially when the dimension is high. To alleviate these issues, we introduce a novel diffusion model for language modeling, Masked-Diffuse LM, with lower training cost and better performances, inspired by linguistic features in languages. Specifically, we design a linguistic-informed forward process which adds corruptions to the text through strategically soft-masking to better noise the textual data. Also, we directly predict the categorical distribution with cross-entropy loss function in every diffusion step to connect the continuous space and discrete space in a more efficient and straightforward way. Through experiments on 5 controlled generation tasks, we demonstrate that our Masked-Diffuse LM can achieve better generation quality than the state-of-the-art diffusion models with better efficiency.
PDF Code is available at https://github.com/amazon-science/masked-diffusion-lm


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