2023-04-07 更新

StyleGAN Salon: Multi-View Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer

Authors:Sasikarn Khwanmuang, Pakkapon Phongthawee, Patsorn Sangkloy, Supasorn Suwajanakorn

Our paper seeks to transfer the hairstyle of a reference image to an input photo for virtual hair try-on. We target a variety of challenges scenarios, such as transforming a long hairstyle with bangs to a pixie cut, which requires removing the existing hair and inferring how the forehead would look, or transferring partially visible hair from a hat-wearing person in a different pose. Past solutions leverage StyleGAN for hallucinating any missing parts and producing a seamless face-hair composite through so-called GAN inversion or projection. However, there remains a challenge in controlling the hallucinations to accurately transfer hairstyle and preserve the face shape and identity of the input. To overcome this, we propose a multi-view optimization framework that uses “two different views” of reference composites to semantically guide occluded or ambiguous regions. Our optimization shares information between two poses, which allows us to produce high fidelity and realistic results from incomplete references. Our framework produces high-quality results and outperforms prior work in a user study that consists of significantly more challenging hair transfer scenarios than previously studied. Project page:
PDF Accepted to CVPR2023


Synthesizing Anyone, Anywhere, in Any Pose

Authors:Håkon Hukkelås, Frank Lindseth

We address the task of in-the-wild human figure synthesis, where the primary goal is to synthesize a full body given any region in any image. In-the-wild human figure synthesis has long been a challenging and under-explored task, where current methods struggle to handle extreme poses, occluding objects, and complex backgrounds. Our main contribution is TriA-GAN, a keypoint-guided GAN that can synthesize Anyone, Anywhere, in Any given pose. Key to our method is projected GANs combined with a well-crafted training strategy, where our simple generator architecture can successfully handle the challenges of in-the-wild full-body synthesis. We show that TriA-GAN significantly improves over previous in-the-wild full-body synthesis methods, all while requiring less conditional information for synthesis (keypoints vs. DensePose). Finally, we show that the latent space of \methodName is compatible with standard unconditional editing techniques, enabling text-guided editing of generated human figures.


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