Diffusion Models

2023-04-06 更新

Waving Goodbye to Low-Res: A Diffusion-Wavelet Approach for Image Super-Resolution

Authors:Brian Moser, Stanislav Frolov, Federico Raue, Sebastian Palacio, Andreas Dengel

This paper presents a novel Diffusion-Wavelet (DiWa) approach for Single-Image Super-Resolution (SISR). It leverages the strengths of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) and Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT). By enabling DDPMs to operate in the DWT domain, our DDPM models effectively hallucinate high-frequency information for super-resolved images on the wavelet spectrum, resulting in high-quality and detailed reconstructions in image space. Quantitatively, we outperform state-of-the-art diffusion-based SISR methods, namely SR3 and SRDiff, regarding PSNR, SSIM, and LPIPS on both face (8x scaling) and general (4x scaling) SR benchmarks. Meanwhile, using DWT enabled us to use fewer parameters than the compared models: 92M parameters instead of 550M compared to SR3 and 9.3M instead of 12M compared to SRDiff. Additionally, our method outperforms other state-of-the-art generative methods on classical general SR datasets while saving inference time. Finally, our work highlights its potential for various applications.


Multimodal Garment Designer: Human-Centric Latent Diffusion Models for Fashion Image Editing

Authors:Alberto Baldrati, Davide Morelli, Giuseppe Cartella, Marcella Cornia, Marco Bertini, Rita Cucchiara

Fashion illustration is used by designers to communicate their vision and to bring the design idea from conceptualization to realization, showing how clothes interact with the human body. In this context, computer vision can thus be used to improve the fashion design process. Differently from previous works that mainly focused on the virtual try-on of garments, we propose the task of multimodal-conditioned fashion image editing, guiding the generation of human-centric fashion images by following multimodal prompts, such as text, human body poses, and garment sketches. We tackle this problem by proposing a new architecture based on latent diffusion models, an approach that has not been used before in the fashion domain. Given the lack of existing datasets suitable for the task, we also extend two existing fashion datasets, namely Dress Code and VITON-HD, with multimodal annotations collected in a semi-automatic manner. Experimental results on these new datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal, both in terms of realism and coherence with the given multimodal inputs. Source code and collected multimodal annotations will be publicly released at: https://github.com/aimagelab/multimodal-garment-designer.


A Diffusion-based Method for Multi-turn Compositional Image Generation

Authors:Chao Wang, Xiaoyu Yang, Jinmiao Huang, Kevin Ferreira

Multi-turn compositional image generation (M-CIG) is a challenging task that aims to iteratively manipulate a reference image given a modification text. While most of the existing methods for M-CIG are based on generative adversarial networks (GANs), recent advances in image generation have demonstrated the superiority of diffusion models over GANs. In this paper, we propose a diffusion-based method for M-CIG named conditional denoising diffusion with image compositional matching (CDD-ICM). We leverage CLIP as the backbone of image and text encoders, and incorporate a gated fusion mechanism, originally proposed for question answering, to compositionally fuse the reference image and the modification text at each turn of M-CIG. We introduce a conditioning scheme to generate the target image based on the fusion results. To prioritize the semantic quality of the generated target image, we learn an auxiliary image compositional match (ICM) objective, along with the conditional denoising diffusion (CDD) objective in a multi-task learning framework. Additionally, we also perform ICM guidance and classifier-free guidance to improve performance. Experimental results show that CDD-ICM achieves state-of-the-art results on two benchmark datasets for M-CIG, i.e., CoDraw and i-CLEVR.


Few-shot Semantic Image Synthesis with Class Affinity Transfer

Authors:Marlène Careil, Jakob Verbeek, Stéphane Lathuilière

Semantic image synthesis aims to generate photo realistic images given a semantic segmentation map. Despite much recent progress, training them still requires large datasets of images annotated with per-pixel label maps that are extremely tedious to obtain. To alleviate the high annotation cost, we propose a transfer method that leverages a model trained on a large source dataset to improve the learning ability on small target datasets via estimated pairwise relations between source and target classes. The class affinity matrix is introduced as a first layer to the source model to make it compatible with the target label maps, and the source model is then further finetuned for the target domain. To estimate the class affinities we consider different approaches to leverage prior knowledge: semantic segmentation on the source domain, textual label embeddings, and self-supervised vision features. We apply our approach to GAN-based and diffusion-based architectures for semantic synthesis. Our experiments show that the different ways to estimate class affinity can be effectively combined, and that our approach significantly improves over existing state-of-the-art transfer approaches for generative image models.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023


Goal-Conditioned Imitation Learning using Score-based Diffusion Policies

Authors:Moritz Reuss, Maximilian Li, Xiaogang Jia, Rudolf Lioutikov

We propose a new policy representation based on score-based diffusion models (SDMs). We apply our new policy representation in the domain of Goal-Conditioned Imitation Learning (GCIL) to learn general-purpose goal-specified policies from large uncurated datasets without rewards. Our new goal-conditioned policy architecture “$\textbf{BE}$havior generation with $\textbf{S}$c$\textbf{O}$re-based Diffusion Policies” (BESO) leverages a generative, score-based diffusion model as its policy. BESO decouples the learning of the score model from the inference sampling process, and, hence allows for fast sampling strategies to generate goal-specified behavior in just 3 denoising steps, compared to 30+ steps of other diffusion based policies. Furthermore, BESO is highly expressive and can effectively capture multi-modality present in the solution space of the play data. Unlike previous methods such as Latent Plans or C-Bet, BESO does not rely on complex hierarchical policies or additional clustering for effective goal-conditioned behavior learning. Finally, we show how BESO can even be used to learn a goal-independent policy from play-data using classifier-free guidance. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work that a) represents a behavior policy based on such a decoupled SDM b) learns an SDM based policy in the domain of GCIL and c) provides a way to simultaneously learn a goal-dependent and a goal-independent policy from play-data. We evaluate BESO through detailed simulation and show that it consistently outperforms several state-of-the-art goal-conditioned imitation learning methods on challenging benchmarks. We additionally provide extensive ablation studies and experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for effective goal-conditioned behavior generation.


Generative Novel View Synthesis with 3D-Aware Diffusion Models

Authors:Eric R. Chan, Koki Nagano, Matthew A. Chan, Alexander W. Bergman, Jeong Joon Park, Axel Levy, Miika Aittala, Shalini De Mello, Tero Karras, Gordon Wetzstein

We present a diffusion-based model for 3D-aware generative novel view synthesis from as few as a single input image. Our model samples from the distribution of possible renderings consistent with the input and, even in the presence of ambiguity, is capable of rendering diverse and plausible novel views. To achieve this, our method makes use of existing 2D diffusion backbones but, crucially, incorporates geometry priors in the form of a 3D feature volume. This latent feature field captures the distribution over possible scene representations and improves our method’s ability to generate view-consistent novel renderings. In addition to generating novel views, our method has the ability to autoregressively synthesize 3D-consistent sequences. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results on synthetic renderings and room-scale scenes; we also show compelling results for challenging, real-world objects.
PDF Project page: https://nvlabs.github.io/genvs


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