
2023-04-03 更新

LaCViT: A Label-aware Contrastive Training Framework for Vision Transformers

Authors:Zijun Long, Zaiqiao Meng, Gerardo Aragon Camarasa, Richard McCreadie

Vision Transformers have been incredibly effective when tackling computer vision tasks due to their ability to model long feature dependencies. By using large-scale training data and various self-supervised signals (e.g., masked random patches), vision transformers provide state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarking datasets, such as ImageNet-1k and CIFAR-10. However, these vision transformers pretrained over general large-scale image corpora could only produce an anisotropic representation space, limiting their generalizability and transferability to the target downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose a simple and effective Label-aware Contrastive Training framework LaCViT, which improves the isotropy of the pretrained representation space for vision transformers, thereby enabling more effective transfer learning amongst a wide range of image classification tasks. Through experimentation over five standard image classification datasets, we demonstrate that LaCViT-trained models outperform the original pretrained baselines by around 9% absolute Accuracy@1, and consistent improvements can be observed when applying LaCViT to our three evaluated vision transformers.


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