
2023-04-03 更新

Reproducibility is Nothing without Correctness: The Importance of Testing Code in NLP

Authors:Sara Papi, Marco Gaido, Andrea Pilzer, Matteo Negri

Despite its pivotal role in research experiments, code correctness is often presumed only on the basis of the perceived quality of the results. This comes with the risk of erroneous outcomes and potentially misleading findings. To address this issue, we posit that the current focus on result reproducibility should go hand in hand with the emphasis on coding best practices. We bolster our call to the NLP community by presenting a case study, in which we identify (and correct) three bugs in widely used open-source implementations of the state-of-the-art Conformer architecture. Through comparative experiments on automatic speech recognition and translation in various language settings, we demonstrate that the existence of bugs does not prevent the achievement of good and reproducible results and can lead to incorrect conclusions that potentially misguide future research. In response to this, this study is a call to action toward the adoption of coding best practices aimed at fostering correctness and improving the quality of the developed software.


Dialog act guided contextual adapter for personalized speech recognition

Authors:Feng-Ju Chang, Thejaswi Muniyappa, Kanthashree Mysore Sathyendra, Kai Wei, Grant P. Strimel, Ross McGowan

Personalization in multi-turn dialogs has been a long standing challenge for end-to-end automatic speech recognition (E2E ASR) models. Recent work on contextual adapters has tackled rare word recognition using user catalogs. This adaptation, however, does not incorporate an important cue, the dialog act, which is available in a multi-turn dialog scenario. In this work, we propose a dialog act guided contextual adapter network. Specifically, it leverages dialog acts to select the most relevant user catalogs and creates queries based on both — the audio as well as the semantic relationship between the carrier phrase and user catalogs to better guide the contextual biasing. On industrial voice assistant datasets, our model outperforms both the baselines - dialog act encoder-only model, and the contextual adaptation, leading to the most improvement over the no-context model: 58% average relative word error rate reduction (WERR) in the multi-turn dialog scenario, in comparison to the prior-art contextual adapter, which has achieved 39% WERR over the no-context model.
PDF Accepted at ICASSP 2023


The Edinburgh International Accents of English Corpus: Towards the Democratization of English ASR

Authors:Ramon Sanabria, Nikolay Bogoychev, Nina Markl, Andrea Carmantini, Ondrej Klejch, Peter Bell

English is the most widely spoken language in the world, used daily by millions of people as a first or second language in many different contexts. As a result, there are many varieties of English. Although the great many advances in English automatic speech recognition (ASR) over the past decades, results are usually reported based on test datasets which fail to represent the diversity of English as spoken today around the globe. We present the first release of The Edinburgh International Accents of English Corpus (EdAcc). This dataset attempts to better represent the wide diversity of English, encompassing almost 40 hours of dyadic video call conversations between friends. Unlike other datasets, EdAcc includes a wide range of first and second-language varieties of English and a linguistic background profile of each speaker. Results on latest public, and commercial models show that EdAcc highlights shortcomings of current English ASR models. The best performing model, trained on 680 thousand hours of transcribed data, obtains an average of 19.7% word error rate (WER) — in contrast to the 2.7% WER obtained when evaluated on US English clean read speech. Across all models, we observe a drop in performance on Indian, Jamaican, and Nigerian English speakers. Recordings, linguistic backgrounds, data statement, and evaluation scripts are released on our website (https://groups.inf.ed.ac.uk/edacc/) under CC-BY-SA license.
PDF Accepted to IEEE ICASSP 2023


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