Vision Transformer

2023-03-31 更新

Supervised Masked Knowledge Distillation for Few-Shot Transformers

Authors:Han Lin, Guangxing Han, Jiawei Ma, Shiyuan Huang, Xudong Lin, Shih-Fu Chang

Vision Transformers (ViTs) emerge to achieve impressive performance on many data-abundant computer vision tasks by capturing long-range dependencies among local features. However, under few-shot learning (FSL) settings on small datasets with only a few labeled data, ViT tends to overfit and suffers from severe performance degradation due to its absence of CNN-alike inductive bias. Previous works in FSL avoid such problem either through the help of self-supervised auxiliary losses, or through the dextile uses of label information under supervised settings. But the gap between self-supervised and supervised few-shot Transformers is still unfilled. Inspired by recent advances in self-supervised knowledge distillation and masked image modeling (MIM), we propose a novel Supervised Masked Knowledge Distillation model (SMKD) for few-shot Transformers which incorporates label information into self-distillation frameworks. Compared with previous self-supervised methods, we allow intra-class knowledge distillation on both class and patch tokens, and introduce the challenging task of masked patch tokens reconstruction across intra-class images. Experimental results on four few-shot classification benchmark datasets show that our method with simple design outperforms previous methods by a large margin and achieves a new start-of-the-art. Detailed ablation studies confirm the effectiveness of each component of our model. Code for this paper is available here:
PDF To appear in CVPR 2023


Soft Neighbors are Positive Supporters in Contrastive Visual Representation Learning

Authors:Chongjian Ge, Jiangliu Wang, Zhan Tong, Shoufa Chen, Yibing Song, Ping Luo

Contrastive learning methods train visual encoders by comparing views from one instance to others. Typically, the views created from one instance are set as positive, while views from other instances are negative. This binary instance discrimination is studied extensively to improve feature representations in self-supervised learning. In this paper, we rethink the instance discrimination framework and find the binary instance labeling insufficient to measure correlations between different samples. For an intuitive example, given a random image instance, there may exist other images in a mini-batch whose content meanings are the same (i.e., belonging to the same category) or partially related (i.e., belonging to a similar category). How to treat the images that correlate similarly to the current image instance leaves an unexplored problem. We thus propose to support the current image by exploring other correlated instances (i.e., soft neighbors). We first carefully cultivate a candidate neighbor set, which will be further utilized to explore the highly-correlated instances. A cross-attention module is then introduced to predict the correlation score (denoted as positiveness) of other correlated instances with respect to the current one. The positiveness score quantitatively measures the positive support from each correlated instance, and is encoded into the objective for pretext training. To this end, our proposed method benefits in discriminating uncorrelated instances while absorbing correlated instances for SSL. We evaluate our soft neighbor contrastive learning method (SNCLR) on standard visual recognition benchmarks, including image classification, object detection, and instance segmentation. The state-of-the-art recognition performance shows that SNCLR is effective in improving feature representations from both ViT and CNN encoders.
PDF Accepted by ICLR23


Mixed Autoencoder for Self-supervised Visual Representation Learning

Authors:Kai Chen, Zhili Liu, Lanqing Hong, Hang Xu, Zhenguo Li, Dit-Yan Yeung

Masked Autoencoder (MAE) has demonstrated superior performance on various vision tasks via randomly masking image patches and reconstruction. However, effective data augmentation strategies for MAE still remain open questions, different from those in contrastive learning that serve as the most important part. This paper studies the prevailing mixing augmentation for MAE. We first demonstrate that naive mixing will in contrast degenerate model performance due to the increase of mutual information (MI). To address, we propose homologous recognition, an auxiliary pretext task, not only to alleviate the MI increasement by explicitly requiring each patch to recognize homologous patches, but also to perform object-aware self-supervised pre-training for better downstream dense perception performance. With extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our proposed Mixed Autoencoder (MixedAE) achieves the state-of-the-art transfer results among masked image modeling (MIM) augmentations on different downstream tasks with significant efficiency. Specifically, our MixedAE outperforms MAE by +0.3% accuracy, +1.7 mIoU and +0.9 AP on ImageNet-1K, ADE20K and COCO respectively with a standard ViT-Base. Moreover, MixedAE surpasses iBOT, a strong MIM method combined with instance discrimination, while accelerating training by 2x. To our best knowledge, this is the very first work to consider mixing for MIM from the perspective of pretext task design. Code will be made available.
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2023


Task-Oriented Multi-Modal Mutual Leaning for Vision-Language Models

Authors:Sifan Long, Zhen Zhao, Junkun Yuan, Zichang Tan, Jiangjiang Liu, Luping Zhou, Shengsheng Wang, Jingdong Wang

Prompt learning has become one of the most efficient paradigms for adapting large pre-trained vision-language models to downstream tasks. Current state-of-the-art methods, like CoOp and ProDA, tend to adopt soft prompts to learn an appropriate prompt for each specific task. Recent CoCoOp further boosts the base-to-new generalization performance via an image-conditional prompt. However, it directly fuses identical image semantics to prompts of different labels and significantly weakens the discrimination among different classes as shown in our experiments. Motivated by this observation, we first propose a class-aware text prompt (CTP) to enrich generated prompts with label-related image information. Unlike CoCoOp, CTP can effectively involve image semantics and avoid introducing extra ambiguities into different prompts. On the other hand, instead of reserving the complete image representations, we propose text-guided feature tuning (TFT) to make the image branch attend to class-related representation. A contrastive loss is employed to align such augmented text and image representations on downstream tasks. In this way, the image-to-text CTP and text-to-image TFT can be mutually promoted to enhance the adaptation of VLMs for downstream tasks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing methods by a significant margin. Especially, compared to CoCoOp, we achieve an average improvement of 4.03% on new classes and 3.19% on harmonic-mean over eleven classification benchmarks.


文章作者: 木子已
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