
2023-03-31 更新

InstMove: Instance Motion for Object-centric Video Segmentation

Authors:Qihao Liu, Junfeng Wu, Yi Jiang, Xiang Bai, Alan Yuille, Song Bai

Despite significant efforts, cutting-edge video segmentation methods still remain sensitive to occlusion and rapid movement, due to their reliance on the appearance of objects in the form of object embeddings, which are vulnerable to these disturbances. A common solution is to use optical flow to provide motion information, but essentially it only considers pixel-level motion, which still relies on appearance similarity and hence is often inaccurate under occlusion and fast movement. In this work, we study the instance-level motion and present InstMove, which stands for Instance Motion for Object-centric Video Segmentation. In comparison to pixel-wise motion, InstMove mainly relies on instance-level motion information that is free from image feature embeddings, and features physical interpretations, making it more accurate and robust toward occlusion and fast-moving objects. To better fit in with the video segmentation tasks, InstMove uses instance masks to model the physical presence of an object and learns the dynamic model through a memory network to predict its position and shape in the next frame. With only a few lines of code, InstMove can be integrated into current SOTA methods for three different video segmentation tasks and boost their performance. Specifically, we improve the previous arts by 1.5 AP on OVIS dataset, which features heavy occlusions, and 4.9 AP on YouTubeVIS-Long dataset, which mainly contains fast-moving objects. These results suggest that instance-level motion is robust and accurate, and hence serving as a powerful solution in complex scenarios for object-centric video segmentation.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023; Code: https://github.com/wjf5203/VNext


BEVSimDet: Simulated Multi-modal Distillation in Bird’s-Eye View for Multi-view 3D Object Detection

Authors:Haimei Zhao, Qiming Zhang, Shanshan Zhao, Jing Zhang, Dacheng Tao

Multi-view camera-based 3D object detection has gained popularity due to its low cost. But accurately inferring 3D geometry solely from camera data remains challenging, which impacts model performance. One promising approach to address this issue is to distill precise 3D geometry knowledge from LiDAR data. However, transferring knowledge between different sensor modalities is hindered by the significant modality gap. In this paper, we approach this challenge from the perspective of both architecture design and knowledge distillation and present a new simulated multi-modal 3D object detection method named BEVSimDet. We first introduce a novel framework that includes a LiDAR and camera fusion-based teacher and a simulated multi-modal student, where the student simulates multi-modal features with image-only input. To facilitate effective distillation, we propose a simulated multi-modal distillation scheme that supports intra-modal, cross-modal, and multi-modal distillation simultaneously. By combining them together, BEVSimDet can learn better feature representations for 3D object detection while enjoying cost-effective camera-only deployment. Experimental results on the challenging nuScenes benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of BEVSimDet over recent representative methods. The source code will be released at \href{https://github.com/ViTAE-Transformer/BEVSimDet}{BEVSimDet}.
PDF 15 pages; add link


Complementary Random Masking for RGB-Thermal Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Ukcheol Shin, Kyunghyun Lee, In So Kweon

RGB-thermal semantic segmentation is one potential solution to achieve reliable semantic scene understanding in adverse weather and lighting conditions. However, the previous studies mostly focus on designing a multi-modal fusion module without consideration of the nature of multi-modality inputs. Therefore, the networks easily become over-reliant on a single modality, making it difficult to learn complementary and meaningful representations for each modality. This paper proposes 1) a complementary random masking strategy of RGB-T images and 2) self-distillation loss between clean and masked input modalities. The proposed masking strategy prevents over-reliance on a single modality. It also improves the accuracy and robustness of the neural network by forcing the network to segment and classify objects even when one modality is partially available. Also, the proposed self-distillation loss encourages the network to extract complementary and meaningful representations from a single modality or complementary masked modalities. Based on the proposed method, we achieve state-of-the-art performance over three RGB-T semantic segmentation benchmarks. Our source code is available at https://github.com/UkcheolShin/CRM_RGBTSeg.
PDF Our source code is available at https://github.com/UkcheolShin/CRM_RGBTSeg


Removing supervision in semantic segmentation with local-global matching and area balancing

Authors:Simone Rossetti, Nico Samà, Fiora Pirri

Removing supervision in semantic segmentation is still tricky. Current approaches can deal with common categorical patterns yet resort to multi-stage architectures. We design a novel end-to-end model leveraging local-global patch matching to predict categories, good localization, area and shape of objects for semantic segmentation. The local-global matching is, in turn, compelled by optimal transport plans fulfilling area constraints nearing a solution for exact shape prediction. Our model attains state-of-the-art in Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation, only image-level labels, with 75% mIoU on PascalVOC2012 val set and 46% on MS-COCO2014 val set. Dropping the image-level labels and clustering self-supervised learned features to yield pseudo-multi-level labels, we obtain an unsupervised model for semantic segmentation. We also attain state-of-the-art on Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation with 43.6% mIoU on PascalVOC2012 val set and 19.4% on MS-COCO2014 val set. The code is available at https://github.com/deepplants/PC2M.


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