2023-03-31 更新

Picture that Sketch: Photorealistic Image Generation from Abstract Sketches

Authors:Subhadeep Koley, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song

Given an abstract, deformed, ordinary sketch from untrained amateurs like you and me, this paper turns it into a photorealistic image - just like those shown in Fig. 1(a), all non-cherry-picked. We differ significantly from prior art in that we do not dictate an edgemap-like sketch to start with, but aim to work with abstract free-hand human sketches. In doing so, we essentially democratise the sketch-to-photo pipeline, “picturing” a sketch regardless of how good you sketch. Our contribution at the outset is a decoupled encoder-decoder training paradigm, where the decoder is a StyleGAN trained on photos only. This importantly ensures that generated results are always photorealistic. The rest is then all centred around how best to deal with the abstraction gap between sketch and photo. For that, we propose an autoregressive sketch mapper trained on sketch-photo pairs that maps a sketch to the StyleGAN latent space. We further introduce specific designs to tackle the abstract nature of human sketches, including a fine-grained discriminative loss on the back of a trained sketch-photo retrieval model, and a partial-aware sketch augmentation strategy. Finally, we showcase a few downstream tasks our generation model enables, amongst them is showing how fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval, a well-studied problem in the sketch community, can be reduced to an image (generated) to image retrieval task, surpassing state-of-the-arts. We put forward generated results in the supplementary for everyone to scrutinise.
PDF Accepted in CVPR 2023. Project page available at


KD-DLGAN: Data Limited Image Generation via Knowledge Distillation

Authors:Kaiwen Cui, Yingchen Yu, Fangneng Zhan, Shengcai Liao, Shijian Lu1, Eric Xing

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) rely heavily on large-scale training data for training high-quality image generation models. With limited training data, the GAN discriminator often suffers from severe overfitting which directly leads to degraded generation especially in generation diversity. Inspired by the recent advances in knowledge distillation (KD), we propose KD-DLGAN, a knowledge-distillation based generation framework that introduces pre-trained vision-language models for training effective data-limited generation models. KD-DLGAN consists of two innovative designs. The first is aggregated generative KD that mitigates the discriminator overfitting by challenging the discriminator with harder learning tasks and distilling more generalizable knowledge from the pre-trained models. The second is correlated generative KD that improves the generation diversity by distilling and preserving the diverse image-text correlation within the pre-trained models. Extensive experiments over multiple benchmarks show that KD-DLGAN achieves superior image generation with limited training data. In addition, KD-DLGAN complements the state-of-the-art with consistent and substantial performance gains.


LatentForensics: Towards lighter deepfake detection in the StyleGAN latent space

Authors:Matthieu Delmas, Amine Kacete, Stephane Paquelet, Simon Leglaive, Renaud Seguier

The classification of forged videos has been a challenge for the past few years. Deepfake classifiers can now reliably predict whether or not video frames have been tampered with. However, their performance is tied to both the dataset used for training and the analyst’s computational power. We propose a deepfake classification method that operates in the latent space of a state-of-the-art generative adversarial network (GAN) trained on high-quality face images. The proposed method leverages the structure of the latent space of StyleGAN to learn a lightweight classification model. Experimental results on a standard dataset reveal that the proposed approach outperforms other state-of-the-art deepfake classification methods. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study showing the interest of the latent space of StyleGAN for deepfake classification. Combined with other recent studies on the interpretation and manipulation of this latent space, we believe that the proposed approach can help in developing robust deepfake classification methods based on interpretable high-level properties of face images.
PDF 5 pages, 5 figures, 1 tables, submitted to ICIP 2023


Consistent View Synthesis with Pose-Guided Diffusion Models

Authors:Hung-Yu Tseng, Qinbo Li, Changil Kim, Suhib Alsisan, Jia-Bin Huang, Johannes Kopf

Novel view synthesis from a single image has been a cornerstone problem for many Virtual Reality applications that provide immersive experiences. However, most existing techniques can only synthesize novel views within a limited range of camera motion or fail to generate consistent and high-quality novel views under significant camera movement. In this work, we propose a pose-guided diffusion model to generate a consistent long-term video of novel views from a single image. We design an attention layer that uses epipolar lines as constraints to facilitate the association between different viewpoints. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed diffusion model against state-of-the-art transformer-based and GAN-based approaches.
PDF CVPR 2023. Project page:


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