Diffusion Models

2023-03-31 更新

Discriminative Class Tokens for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors:Idan Schwartz, Vésteinn Snæbjarnarson, Sagie Benaim, Hila Chefer, Ryan Cotterell, Lior Wolf, Serge Belongie

Recent advances in text-to-image diffusion models have enabled the generation of diverse and high-quality images. However, generated images often fall short of depicting subtle details and are susceptible to errors due to ambiguity in the input text. One way of alleviating these issues is to train diffusion models on class-labeled datasets. This comes with a downside, doing so limits their expressive power: (i) supervised datasets are generally small compared to large-scale scraped text-image datasets on which text-to-image models are trained, and so the quality and diversity of generated images are severely affected, or (ii) the input is a hard-coded label, as opposed to free-form text, which limits the control over the generated images. In this work, we propose a non-invasive fine-tuning technique that capitalizes on the expressive potential of free-form text while achieving high accuracy through discriminative signals from a pretrained classifier, which guides the generation. This is done by iteratively modifying the embedding of a single input token of a text-to-image diffusion model, using the classifier, by steering generated images toward a given target class. Our method is fast compared to prior fine-tuning methods and does not require a collection of in-class images or retraining of a noise-tolerant classifier. We evaluate our method extensively, showing that the generated images are: (i) more accurate and of higher quality than standard diffusion models, (ii) can be used to augment training data in a low-resource setting, and (iii) reveal information about the data used to train the guiding classifier. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/idansc/discriminative_class_tokens}


LayoutDiffusion: Controllable Diffusion Model for Layout-to-image Generation

Authors:Guangcong Zheng, Xianpan Zhou, Xuewei Li, Zhongang Qi, Ying Shan, Xi Li

Recently, diffusion models have achieved great success in image synthesis. However, when it comes to the layout-to-image generation where an image often has a complex scene of multiple objects, how to make strong control over both the global layout map and each detailed object remains a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a diffusion model named LayoutDiffusion that can obtain higher generation quality and greater controllability than the previous works. To overcome the difficult multimodal fusion of image and layout, we propose to construct a structural image patch with region information and transform the patched image into a special layout to fuse with the normal layout in a unified form. Moreover, Layout Fusion Module (LFM) and Object-aware Cross Attention (OaCA) are proposed to model the relationship among multiple objects and designed to be object-aware and position-sensitive, allowing for precisely controlling the spatial related information. Extensive experiments show that our LayoutDiffusion outperforms the previous SOTA methods on FID, CAS by relatively 46.35%, 26.70% on COCO-stuff and 44.29%, 41.82% on VG. Code is available at https://github.com/ZGCTroy/LayoutDiffusion.
PDF Accepted by CVPR2023


DAE-Talker: High Fidelity Speech-Driven Talking Face Generation with Diffusion Autoencoder

Authors:Chenpng Du, Qi Chen, Tianyu He, Xu Tan, Xie Chen, Kai Yu, Sheng Zhao, Jiang Bian

While recent research has made significant progress in speech-driven talking face generation, the quality of the generated video still lags behind that of real recordings. One reason for this is the use of handcrafted intermediate representations like facial landmarks and 3DMM coefficients, which are designed based on human knowledge and are insufficient to precisely describe facial movements. Additionally, these methods require an external pretrained model for extracting these representations, whose performance sets an upper bound on talking face generation. To address these limitations, we propose a novel method called DAE-Talker that leverages data-driven latent representations obtained from a diffusion autoencoder (DAE). DAE contains an image encoder that encodes an image into a latent vector and a DDIM image decoder that reconstructs the image from it. We train our DAE on talking face video frames and then extract their latent representations as the training target for a Conformer-based speech2latent model. This allows DAE-Talker to synthesize full video frames and produce natural head movements that align with the content of speech, rather than relying on a predetermined head pose from a template video. We also introduce pose modelling in speech2latent for pose controllability. Additionally, we propose a novel method for generating continuous video frames with the DDIM image decoder trained on individual frames, eliminating the need for modelling the joint distribution of consecutive frames directly. Our experiments show that DAE-Talker outperforms existing popular methods in lip-sync, video fidelity, and pose naturalness. We also conduct ablation studies to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed techniques and demonstrate the pose controllability of DAE-Talker.


DDP: Diffusion Model for Dense Visual Prediction

Authors:Yuanfeng Ji, Zhe Chen, Enze Xie, Lanqing Hong, Xihui Liu, Zhaoqiang Liu, Tong Lu, Zhenguo Li, Ping Luo

We propose a simple, efficient, yet powerful framework for dense visual predictions based on the conditional diffusion pipeline. Our approach follows a “noise-to-map” generative paradigm for prediction by progressively removing noise from a random Gaussian distribution, guided by the image. The method, called DDP, efficiently extends the denoising diffusion process into the modern perception pipeline. Without task-specific design and architecture customization, DDP is easy to generalize to most dense prediction tasks, e.g., semantic segmentation and depth estimation. In addition, DDP shows attractive properties such as dynamic inference and uncertainty awareness, in contrast to previous single-step discriminative methods. We show top results on three representative tasks with six diverse benchmarks, without tricks, DDP achieves state-of-the-art or competitive performance on each task compared to the specialist counterparts. For example, semantic segmentation (83.9 mIoU on Cityscapes), BEV map segmentation (70.6 mIoU on nuScenes), and depth estimation (0.05 REL on KITTI). We hope that our approach will serve as a solid baseline and facilitate future research


Forget-Me-Not: Learning to Forget in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors:Eric Zhang, Kai Wang, Xingqian Xu, Zhangyang Wang, Humphrey Shi

The unlearning problem of deep learning models, once primarily an academic concern, has become a prevalent issue in the industry. The significant advances in text-to-image generation techniques have prompted global discussions on privacy, copyright, and safety, as numerous unauthorized personal IDs, content, artistic creations, and potentially harmful materials have been learned by these models and later utilized to generate and distribute uncontrolled content. To address this challenge, we propose \textbf{Forget-Me-Not}, an efficient and low-cost solution designed to safely remove specified IDs, objects, or styles from a well-configured text-to-image model in as little as 30 seconds, without impairing its ability to generate other content. Alongside our method, we introduce the \textbf{Memorization Score (M-Score)} and \textbf{ConceptBench} to measure the models’ capacity to generate general concepts, grouped into three primary categories: ID, object, and style. Using M-Score and ConceptBench, we demonstrate that Forget-Me-Not can effectively eliminate targeted concepts while maintaining the model’s performance on other concepts. Furthermore, Forget-Me-Not offers two practical extensions: a) removal of potentially harmful or NSFW content, and b) enhancement of model accuracy, inclusion and diversity through \textbf{concept correction and disentanglement}. It can also be adapted as a lightweight model patch for Stable Diffusion, allowing for concept manipulation and convenient distribution. To encourage future research in this critical area and promote the development of safe and inclusive generative models, we will open-source our code and ConceptBench at \href{https://github.com/SHI-Labs/Forget-Me-Not}{https://github.com/SHI-Labs/Forget-Me-Not}.


Consistent View Synthesis with Pose-Guided Diffusion Models

Authors:Hung-Yu Tseng, Qinbo Li, Changil Kim, Suhib Alsisan, Jia-Bin Huang, Johannes Kopf

Novel view synthesis from a single image has been a cornerstone problem for many Virtual Reality applications that provide immersive experiences. However, most existing techniques can only synthesize novel views within a limited range of camera motion or fail to generate consistent and high-quality novel views under significant camera movement. In this work, we propose a pose-guided diffusion model to generate a consistent long-term video of novel views from a single image. We design an attention layer that uses epipolar lines as constraints to facilitate the association between different viewpoints. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed diffusion model against state-of-the-art transformer-based and GAN-based approaches.
PDF CVPR 2023. Project page: https://poseguided-diffusion.github.io/


Zero-Shot Video Editing Using Off-The-Shelf Image Diffusion Models

Authors:Wen Wang, Kangyang Xie, Zide Liu, Hao Chen, Yue Cao, Xinlong Wang, Chunhua Shen

Large-scale text-to-image diffusion models achieve unprecedented success in image generation and editing. However, how to extend such success to video editing is unclear. Recent initial attempts at video editing require significant text-to-video data and computation resources for training, which is often not accessible. In this work, we propose vid2vid-zero, a simple yet effective method for zero-shot video editing. Our vid2vid-zero leverages off-the-shelf image diffusion models, and doesn’t require training on any video. At the core of our method is a null-text inversion module for text-to-video alignment, a cross-frame modeling module for temporal consistency, and a spatial regularization module for fidelity to the original video. Without any training, we leverage the dynamic nature of the attention mechanism to enable bi-directional temporal modeling at test time. Experiments and analyses show promising results in editing attributes, subjects, places, etc., in real-world videos. Code will be made available at \url{https://github.com/baaivision/vid2vid-zero}.


Token Merging for Fast Stable Diffusion

Authors:Daniel Bolya, Judy Hoffman

The landscape of image generation has been forever changed by open vocabulary diffusion models. However, at their core these models use transformers, which makes generation slow. Better implementations to increase the throughput of these transformers have emerged, but they still evaluate the entire model. In this paper, we instead speed up diffusion models by exploiting natural redundancy in generated images by merging redundant tokens. After making some diffusion-specific improvements to Token Merging (ToMe), our ToMe for Stable Diffusion can reduce the number of tokens in an existing Stable Diffusion model by up to 60% while still producing high quality images without any extra training. In the process, we speed up image generation by up to 2x and reduce memory consumption by up to 5.6x. Furthermore, this speed-up stacks with efficient implementations such as xFormers, minimally impacting quality while being up to 5.4x faster for large images. Code is available at https://github.com/dbolya/tomesd.
PDF Check out the code at https://github.com/dbolya/tomesd


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