2023-03-30 更新

NeRF-DS: Neural Radiance Fields for Dynamic Specular Objects

Authors:Zhiwen Yan, Chen Li, Gim Hee Lee

Dynamic Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) is a powerful algorithm capable of rendering photo-realistic novel view images from a monocular RGB video of a dynamic scene. Although it warps moving points across frames from the observation spaces to a common canonical space for rendering, dynamic NeRF does not model the change of the reflected color during the warping. As a result, this approach often fails drastically on challenging specular objects in motion. We address this limitation by reformulating the neural radiance field function to be conditioned on surface position and orientation in the observation space. This allows the specular surface at different poses to keep the different reflected colors when mapped to the common canonical space. Additionally, we add the mask of moving objects to guide the deformation field. As the specular surface changes color during motion, the mask mitigates the problem of failure to find temporal correspondences with only RGB supervision. We evaluate our model based on the novel view synthesis quality with a self-collected dataset of different moving specular objects in realistic environments. The experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly improves the reconstruction quality of moving specular objects from monocular RGB videos compared to the existing NeRF models. Our code and data are available at the project website


DBARF: Deep Bundle-Adjusting Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Yu Chen, Gim Hee Lee

Recent works such as BARF and GARF can bundle adjust camera poses with neural radiance fields (NeRF) which is based on coordinate-MLPs. Despite the impressive results, these methods cannot be applied to Generalizable NeRFs (GeNeRFs) which require image feature extractions that are often based on more complicated 3D CNN or transformer architectures. In this work, we first analyze the difficulties of jointly optimizing camera poses with GeNeRFs, and then further propose our DBARF to tackle these issues. Our DBARF which bundle adjusts camera poses by taking a cost feature map as an implicit cost function can be jointly trained with GeNeRFs in a self-supervised manner. Unlike BARF and its follow-up works, which can only be applied to per-scene optimized NeRFs and need accurate initial camera poses with the exception of forward-facing scenes, our method can generalize across scenes and does not require any good initialization. Experiments show the effectiveness and generalization ability of our DBARF when evaluated on real-world datasets. Our code is available at \url{}.


SUDS: Scalable Urban Dynamic Scenes

Authors:Haithem Turki, Jason Y. Zhang, Francesco Ferroni, Deva Ramanan

We extend neural radiance fields (NeRFs) to dynamic large-scale urban scenes. Prior work tends to reconstruct single video clips of short durations (up to 10 seconds). Two reasons are that such methods (a) tend to scale linearly with the number of moving objects and input videos because a separate model is built for each and (b) tend to require supervision via 3D bounding boxes and panoptic labels, obtained manually or via category-specific models. As a step towards truly open-world reconstructions of dynamic cities, we introduce two key innovations: (a) we factorize the scene into three separate hash table data structures to efficiently encode static, dynamic, and far-field radiance fields, and (b) we make use of unlabeled target signals consisting of RGB images, sparse LiDAR, off-the-shelf self-supervised 2D descriptors, and most importantly, 2D optical flow. Operationalizing such inputs via photometric, geometric, and feature-metric reconstruction losses enables SUDS to decompose dynamic scenes into the static background, individual objects, and their motions. When combined with our multi-branch table representation, such reconstructions can be scaled to tens of thousands of objects across 1.2 million frames from 1700 videos spanning geospatial footprints of hundreds of kilometers, (to our knowledge) the largest dynamic NeRF built to date. We present qualitative initial results on a variety of tasks enabled by our representations, including novel-view synthesis of dynamic urban scenes, unsupervised 3D instance segmentation, and unsupervised 3D cuboid detection. To compare to prior work, we also evaluate on KITTI and Virtual KITTI 2, surpassing state-of-the-art methods that rely on ground truth 3D bounding box annotations while being 10x quicker to train.
PDF CVPR 2023 Project page:


3D-Aware Multi-Class Image-to-Image Translation with NeRFs

Authors:Senmao Li, Joost van de Weijer, Yaxing Wang, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Meiqin Liu, Jian Yang

Recent advances in 3D-aware generative models (3D-aware GANs) combined with Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have achieved impressive results. However no prior works investigate 3D-aware GANs for 3D consistent multi-class image-to-image (3D-aware I2I) translation. Naively using 2D-I2I translation methods suffers from unrealistic shape/identity change. To perform 3D-aware multi-class I2I translation, we decouple this learning process into a multi-class 3D-aware GAN step and a 3D-aware I2I translation step. In the first step, we propose two novel techniques: a new conditional architecture and an effective training strategy. In the second step, based on the well-trained multi-class 3D-aware GAN architecture, that preserves view-consistency, we construct a 3D-aware I2I translation system. To further reduce the view-consistency problems, we propose several new techniques, including a U-net-like adaptor network design, a hierarchical representation constrain and a relative regularization loss. In extensive experiments on two datasets, quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that we successfully perform 3D-aware I2I translation with multi-view consistency.
PDF Accepted by CVPR2023


Perceptual Quality Assessment of NeRF and Neural View Synthesis Methods for Front-Facing Views

Authors:Hanxue Liang, Tianhao Wu, Param Hanji, Francesco Banterle, Hongyun Gao, Rafal Mantiuk, Cengiz Oztireli

Neural view synthesis (NVS) is one of the most successful techniques for synthesizing free viewpoint videos, capable of achieving high fidelity from only a sparse set of captured images. This success has led to many variants of the techniques, each evaluated on a set of test views typically using image quality metrics such as PSNR, SSIM, or LPIPS. There has been a lack of research on how NVS methods perform with respect to perceived video quality. We present the first study on perceptual evaluation of NVS and NeRF variants. For this study, we collected two datasets of scenes captured in a controlled lab environment as well as in-the-wild. In contrast to existing datasets, these scenes come with reference video sequences, allowing us to test for temporal artifacts and subtle distortions that are easily overlooked when viewing only static images. We measured the quality of videos synthesized by several NVS methods in a well-controlled perceptual quality assessment experiment as well as with many existing state-of-the-art image/video quality metrics. We present a detailed analysis of the results and recommendations for dataset and metric selection for NVS evaluation.


Generalizable Neural Voxels for Fast Human Radiance Fields

Authors:Taoran Yi, Jiemin Fang, Xinggang Wang, Wenyu Liu

Rendering moving human bodies at free viewpoints only from a monocular video is quite a challenging problem. The information is too sparse to model complicated human body structures and motions from both view and pose dimensions. Neural radiance fields (NeRF) have shown great power in novel view synthesis and have been applied to human body rendering. However, most current NeRF-based methods bear huge costs for both training and rendering, which impedes the wide applications in real-life scenarios. In this paper, we propose a rendering framework that can learn moving human body structures extremely quickly from a monocular video. The framework is built by integrating both neural fields and neural voxels. Especially, a set of generalizable neural voxels are constructed. With pretrained on various human bodies, these general voxels represent a basic skeleton and can provide strong geometric priors. For the fine-tuning process, individual voxels are constructed for learning differential textures, complementary to general voxels. Thus learning a novel body can be further accelerated, taking only a few minutes. Our method shows significantly higher training efficiency compared with previous methods, while maintaining similar rendering quality. The project page is at .
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F$^{2}$-NeRF: Fast Neural Radiance Field Training with Free Camera Trajectories

Authors:Peng Wang, Yuan Liu, Zhaoxi Chen, Lingjie Liu, Ziwei Liu, Taku Komura, Christian Theobalt, Wenping Wang

This paper presents a novel grid-based NeRF called F2-NeRF (Fast-Free-NeRF) for novel view synthesis, which enables arbitrary input camera trajectories and only costs a few minutes for training. Existing fast grid-based NeRF training frameworks, like Instant-NGP, Plenoxels, DVGO, or TensoRF, are mainly designed for bounded scenes and rely on space warping to handle unbounded scenes. Existing two widely-used space-warping methods are only designed for the forward-facing trajectory or the 360-degree object-centric trajectory but cannot process arbitrary trajectories. In this paper, we delve deep into the mechanism of space warping to handle unbounded scenes. Based on our analysis, we further propose a novel space-warping method called perspective warping, which allows us to handle arbitrary trajectories in the grid-based NeRF framework. Extensive experiments demonstrate that F2-NeRF is able to use the same perspective warping to render high-quality images on two standard datasets and a new free trajectory dataset collected by us. Project page:
PDF CVPR 2023. Project page:


SparseNeRF: Distilling Depth Ranking for Few-shot Novel View Synthesis

Authors:Guangcong Wang, Zhaoxi Chen, Chen Change Loy, Ziwei Liu

Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) significantly degrades when only a limited number of views are available. To complement the lack of 3D information, depth-based models, such as DSNeRF and MonoSDF, explicitly assume the availability of accurate depth maps of multiple views. They linearly scale the accurate depth maps as supervision to guide the predicted depth of few-shot NeRFs. However, accurate depth maps are difficult and expensive to capture due to wide-range depth distances in the wild. In this work, we present a new Sparse-view NeRF (SparseNeRF) framework that exploits depth priors from real-world inaccurate observations. The inaccurate depth observations are either from pre-trained depth models or coarse depth maps of consumer-level depth sensors. Since coarse depth maps are not strictly scaled to the ground-truth depth maps, we propose a simple yet effective constraint, a local depth ranking method, on NeRFs such that the expected depth ranking of the NeRF is consistent with that of the coarse depth maps in local patches. To preserve the spatial continuity of the estimated depth of NeRF, we further propose a spatial continuity constraint to encourage the consistency of the expected depth continuity of NeRF with coarse depth maps. Surprisingly, with simple depth ranking constraints, SparseNeRF outperforms all state-of-the-art few-shot NeRF methods (including depth-based models) on standard LLFF and DTU datasets. Moreover, we collect a new dataset NVS-RGBD that contains real-world depth maps from Azure Kinect, ZED 2, and iPhone 13 Pro. Extensive experiments on NVS-RGBD dataset also validate the superiority and generalizability of SparseNeRF. Project page is available at
PDF Technical Report, Project page:


Flow supervision for Deformable NeRF

Authors:Chaoyang Wang, Lachlan Ewen MacDonald, Laszlo A. Jeni, Simon Lucey

In this paper we present a new method for deformable NeRF that can directly use optical flow as supervision. We overcome the major challenge with respect to the computationally inefficiency of enforcing the flow constraints to the backward deformation field, used by deformable NeRFs. Specifically, we show that inverting the backward deformation function is actually not needed for computing scene flows between frames. This insight dramatically simplifies the problem, as one is no longer constrained to deformation functions that can be analytically inverted. Instead, thanks to the weak assumptions required by our derivation based on the inverse function theorem, our approach can be extended to a broad class of commonly used backward deformation field. We present results on monocular novel view synthesis with rapid object motion, and demonstrate significant improvements over baselines without flow supervision.


NeFII: Inverse Rendering for Reflectance Decomposition with Near-Field Indirect Illumination

Authors:Haoqian Wu, Zhipeng Hu, Lincheng Li, Yongqiang Zhang, Changjie Fan, Xin Yu

Inverse rendering methods aim to estimate geometry, materials and illumination from multi-view RGB images. In order to achieve better decomposition, recent approaches attempt to model indirect illuminations reflected from different materials via Spherical Gaussians (SG), which, however, tends to blur the high-frequency reflection details. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end inverse rendering pipeline that decomposes materials and illumination from multi-view images, while considering near-field indirect illumination. In a nutshell, we introduce the Monte Carlo sampling based path tracing and cache the indirect illumination as neural radiance, enabling a physics-faithful and easy-to-optimize inverse rendering method. To enhance efficiency and practicality, we leverage SG to represent the smooth environment illuminations and apply importance sampling techniques. To supervise indirect illuminations from unobserved directions, we develop a novel radiance consistency constraint between implicit neural radiance and path tracing results of unobserved rays along with the joint optimization of materials and illuminations, thus significantly improving the decomposition performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art on multiple synthetic and real datasets, especially in terms of inter-reflection decomposition.
PDF Accepted in CVPR 2023


Instant Neural Radiance Fields Stylization

Authors:Shaoxu Li, Ye Pan

We present Instant Neural Radiance Fields Stylization, a novel approach for multi-view image stylization for the 3D scene. Our approach models a neural radiance field based on neural graphics primitives, which use a hash table-based position encoder for position embedding. We split the position encoder into two parts, the content and style sub-branches, and train the network for normal novel view image synthesis with the content and style targets. In the inference stage, we execute AdaIN to the output features of the position encoder, with content and style voxel grid features as reference. With the adjusted features, the stylization of novel view images could be obtained. Our method extends the style target from style images to image sets of scenes and does not require additional network training for stylization. Given a set of images of 3D scenes and a style target(a style image or another set of 3D scenes), our method can generate stylized novel views with a consistent appearance at various view angles in less than 10 minutes on modern GPU hardware. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the validity and superiority of our method.


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