
2023-03-30 更新

HOICLIP: Efficient Knowledge Transfer for HOI Detection with Vision-Language Models

Authors:Shan Ning, Longtian Qiu, Yongfei Liu, Xuming He

Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection aims to localize human-object pairs and recognize their interactions. Recently, Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) has shown great potential in providing interaction prior for HOI detectors via knowledge distillation. However, such approaches often rely on large-scale training data and suffer from inferior performance under few/zero-shot scenarios. In this paper, we propose a novel HOI detection framework that efficiently extracts prior knowledge from CLIP and achieves better generalization. In detail, we first introduce a novel interaction decoder to extract informative regions in the visual feature map of CLIP via a cross-attention mechanism, which is then fused with the detection backbone by a knowledge integration block for more accurate human-object pair detection. In addition, prior knowledge in CLIP text encoder is leveraged to generate a classifier by embedding HOI descriptions. To distinguish fine-grained interactions, we build a verb classifier from training data via visual semantic arithmetic and a lightweight verb representation adapter. Furthermore, we propose a training-free enhancement to exploit global HOI predictions from CLIP. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms the state of the art by a large margin on various settings, e.g. +4.04 mAP on HICO-Det. The source code is available in https://github.com/Artanic30/HOICLIP.
PDF CVPR 2023.Open sourced, Code and Model Available


Communication-Efficient Vertical Federated Learning with Limited Overlapping Samples

Authors:Jingwei Sun, Ziyue Xu, Dong Yang, Vishwesh Nath, Wenqi Li, Can Zhao, Daguang Xu, Yiran Chen, Holger R. Roth

Federated learning is a popular collaborative learning approach that enables clients to train a global model without sharing their local data. Vertical federated learning (VFL) deals with scenarios in which the data on clients have different feature spaces but share some overlapping samples. Existing VFL approaches suffer from high communication costs and cannot deal efficiently with limited overlapping samples commonly seen in the real world. We propose a practical vertical federated learning (VFL) framework called \textbf{one-shot VFL} that can solve the communication bottleneck and the problem of limited overlapping samples simultaneously based on semi-supervised learning. We also propose \textbf{few-shot VFL} to improve the accuracy further with just one more communication round between the server and the clients. In our proposed framework, the clients only need to communicate with the server once or only a few times. We evaluate the proposed VFL framework on both image and tabular datasets. Our methods can improve the accuracy by more than 46.5\% and reduce the communication cost by more than 330$\times$ compared with state-of-the-art VFL methods when evaluated on CIFAR-10. Our code will be made publicly available at \url{https://nvidia.github.io/NVFlare/research/one-shot-vfl}.


Point2Vec for Self-Supervised Representation Learning on Point Clouds

Authors:Karim Abou Zeid, Jonas Schult, Alexander Hermans, Bastian Leibe

Recently, the self-supervised learning framework data2vec has shown inspiring performance for various modalities using a masked student-teacher approach. However, it remains open whether such a framework generalizes to the unique challenges of 3D point clouds. To answer this question, we extend data2vec to the point cloud domain and report encouraging results on several downstream tasks. In an in-depth analysis, we discover that the leakage of positional information reveals the overall object shape to the student even under heavy masking and thus hampers data2vec to learn strong representations for point clouds. We address this 3D-specific shortcoming by proposing point2vec, which unleashes the full potential of data2vec-like pre-training on point clouds. Our experiments show that point2vec outperforms other self-supervised methods on shape classification and few-shot learning on ModelNet40 and ScanObjectNN, while achieving competitive results on part segmentation on ShapeNetParts. These results suggest that the learned representations are strong and transferable, highlighting point2vec as a promising direction for self-supervised learning of point cloud representations.


Boosting Few-Shot Text Classification via Distribution Estimation

Authors:Han Liu, Feng Zhang, Xiaotong Zhang, Siyang Zhao, Fenglong Ma, Xiao-Ming Wu, Hongyang Chen, Hong Yu, Xianchao Zhang

Distribution estimation has been demonstrated as one of the most effective approaches in dealing with few-shot image classification, as the low-level patterns and underlying representations can be easily transferred across different tasks in computer vision domain. However, directly applying this approach to few-shot text classification is challenging, since leveraging the statistics of known classes with sufficient samples to calibrate the distributions of novel classes may cause negative effects due to serious category difference in text domain. To alleviate this issue, we propose two simple yet effective strategies to estimate the distributions of the novel classes by utilizing unlabeled query samples, thus avoiding the potential negative transfer issue. Specifically, we first assume a class or sample follows the Gaussian distribution, and use the original support set and the nearest few query samples to estimate the corresponding mean and covariance. Then, we augment the labeled samples by sampling from the estimated distribution, which can provide sufficient supervision for training the classification model. Extensive experiments on eight few-shot text classification datasets show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art baselines significantly.
PDF Accepted to AAAI 2023


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