
2023-03-27 更新

Decentralized Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Continuous-Space Stochastic Games

Authors:Awni Altabaa, Bora Yongacoglu, Serdar Yüksel

Stochastic games are a popular framework for studying multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). Recent advances in MARL have focused primarily on games with finitely many states. In this work, we study multi-agent learning in stochastic games with general state spaces and an information structure in which agents do not observe each other’s actions. In this context, we propose a decentralized MARL algorithm and we prove the near-optimality of its policy updates. Furthermore, we study the global policy-updating dynamics for a general class of best-reply based algorithms and derive a closed-form characterization of convergence probabilities over the joint policy space.


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