I2I Translation

2023-03-27 更新

Zero-guidance Segmentation Using Zero Segment Labels

Authors:Pitchaporn Rewatbowornwong, Nattanat Chatthee, Ekapol Chuangsuwanich, Supasorn Suwajanakorn

CLIP has enabled new and exciting joint vision-language applications, one of which is open-vocabulary segmentation, which can locate any segment given an arbitrary text query. In our research, we ask whether it is possible to discover semantic segments without any user guidance in the form of text queries or predefined classes, and label them using natural language automatically? We propose a novel problem zero-guidance segmentation and the first baseline that leverages two pre-trained generalist models, DINO and CLIP, to solve this problem without any fine-tuning or segmentation dataset. The general idea is to first segment an image into small over-segments, encode them into CLIP’s visual-language space, translate them into text labels, and merge semantically similar segments together. The key challenge, however, is how to encode a visual segment into a segment-specific embedding that balances global and local context information, both useful for recognition. Our main contribution is a novel attention-masking technique that balances the two contexts by analyzing the attention layers inside CLIP. We also introduce several metrics for the evaluation of this new task. With CLIP’s innate knowledge, our method can precisely locate the Mona Lisa painting among a museum crowd. Project page: https://zero-guide-seg.github.io/.


Optical Character Recognition and Transcription of Berber Signs from Images in a Low-Resource Language Amazigh

Authors:Levi Corallo, Aparna S. Varde

The Berber, or Amazigh language family is a low-resource North African vernacular language spoken by the indigenous Berber ethnic group. It has its own unique alphabet called Tifinagh used across Berber communities in Morocco, Algeria, and others. The Afroasiatic language Berber is spoken by 14 million people, yet lacks adequate representation in education, research, web applications etc. For instance, there is no option of translation to or from Amazigh / Berber on Google Translate, which hosts over 100 languages today. Consequently, we do not find specialized educational apps, L2 (2nd language learner) acquisition, automated language translation, and remote-access facilities enabled in Berber. Motivated by this background, we propose a supervised approach called DaToBS for Detection and Transcription of Berber Signs. The DaToBS approach entails the automatic recognition and transcription of Tifinagh characters from signs in photographs of natural environments. This is achieved by self-creating a corpus of 1862 pre-processed character images; curating the corpus with human-guided annotation; and feeding it into an OCR model via the deployment of CNN for deep learning based on computer vision models. We deploy computer vision modeling (rather than language models) because there are pictorial symbols in this alphabet, this deployment being a novel aspect of our work. The DaToBS experimentation and analyses yield over 92 percent accuracy in our research. To the best of our knowledge, ours is among the first few works in the automated transcription of Berber signs from roadside images with deep learning, yielding high accuracy. This can pave the way for developing pedagogical applications in the Berber language, thereby addressing an important goal of outreach to underrepresented communities via AI in education.


Bringing Inputs to Shared Domains for 3D Interacting Hands Recovery in the Wild

Authors:Gyeongsik Moon

Despite recent achievements, existing 3D interacting hands recovery methods have shown results mainly on motion capture (MoCap) environments, not on in-the-wild (ITW) ones. This is because collecting 3D interacting hands data in the wild is extremely challenging, even for the 2D data. We present InterWild, which brings MoCap and ITW samples to shared domains for robust 3D interacting hands recovery in the wild with a limited amount of ITW 2D/3D interacting hands data. 3D interacting hands recovery consists of two sub-problems: 1) 3D recovery of each hand and 2) 3D relative translation recovery between two hands. For the first sub-problem, we bring MoCap and ITW samples to a shared 2D scale space. Although ITW datasets provide a limited amount of 2D/3D interacting hands, they contain large-scale 2D single hand data. Motivated by this, we use a single hand image as an input for the first sub-problem regardless of whether two hands are interacting. Hence, interacting hands of MoCap datasets are brought to the 2D scale space of single hands of ITW datasets. For the second sub-problem, we bring MoCap and ITW samples to a shared appearance-invariant space. Unlike the first sub-problem, 2D labels of ITW datasets are not helpful for the second sub-problem due to the 3D translation’s ambiguity. Hence, instead of relying on ITW samples, we amplify the generalizability of MoCap samples by taking only a geometric feature without an image as an input for the second sub-problem. As the geometric feature is invariant to appearances, MoCap and ITW samples do not suffer from a huge appearance gap between the two datasets. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/InterWild.
PDF Published at CVPR 2023


Unsupervised Hierarchical Domain Adaptation for Adverse Weather Optical Flow

Authors:Hanyu Zhou, Yi Chang, Gang Chen, Luxin Yan

Optical flow estimation has made great progress, but usually suffers from degradation under adverse weather. Although semi/full-supervised methods have made good attempts, the domain shift between the synthetic and real adverse weather images would deteriorate their performance. To alleviate this issue, our start point is to unsupervisedly transfer the knowledge from source clean domain to target degraded domain. Our key insight is that adverse weather does not change the intrinsic optical flow of the scene, but causes a significant difference for the warp error between clean and degraded images. In this work, we propose the first unsupervised framework for adverse weather optical flow via hierarchical motion-boundary adaptation. Specifically, we first employ image translation to construct the transformation relationship between clean and degraded domains. In motion adaptation, we utilize the flow consistency knowledge to align the cross-domain optical flows into a motion-invariance common space, where the optical flow from clean weather is used as the guidance-knowledge to obtain a preliminary optical flow for adverse weather. Furthermore, we leverage the warp error inconsistency which measures the motion misalignment of the boundary between the clean and degraded domains, and propose a joint intra- and inter-scene boundary contrastive adaptation to refine the motion boundary. The hierarchical motion and boundary adaptation jointly promotes optical flow in a unified framework. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments have been performed to verify the superiority of the proposed method.


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