Vision Transformer

2023-03-24 更新

From Knowledge Distillation to Self-Knowledge Distillation: A Unified Approach with Normalized Loss and Customized Soft Labels

Authors:Zhendong Yang, Ailing Zeng, Zhe Li, Tianke Zhang, Chun Yuan, Yu Li

Knowledge Distillation (KD) uses the teacher’s prediction logits as soft labels to guide the student, while self-KD does not need a real teacher to require the soft labels. This work unifies the formulations of the two tasks by decomposing and reorganizing the generic KD loss into a Normalized KD (NKD) loss and customized soft labels for both target class (image’s category) and non-target classes named Universal Self-Knowledge Distillation (USKD). We decompose the KD loss and find the non-target loss from it forces the student’s non-target logits to match the teacher’s, but the sum of the two non-target logits is different, preventing them from being identical. NKD normalizes the non-target logits to equalize their sum. It can be generally used for KD and self-KD to better use the soft labels for distillation loss. USKD generates customized soft labels for both target and non-target classes without a teacher. It smooths the target logit of the student as the soft target label and uses the rank of the intermediate feature to generate the soft non-target labels with Zipf’s law. For KD with teachers, our NKD achieves state-of-the-art performance on CIFAR-100 and ImageNet datasets, boosting the ImageNet Top-1 accuracy of ResNet18 from 69.90% to 71.96% with a ResNet-34 teacher. For self-KD without teachers, USKD is the first self-KD method that can be effectively applied to both CNN and ViT models with negligible additional time and memory cost, resulting in new state-of-the-art results, such as 1.17% and 0.55% accuracy gains on ImageNet for MobileNet and DeiT-Tiny, respectively. Our codes are available at
PDF 12 pages, 6 figures, 12 tables


MMFormer: Multimodal Transformer Using Multiscale Self-Attention for Remote Sensing Image Classification

Authors:Bo Zhang, Zuheng Ming, Wei Feng, Yaqian Liu, Liang He, Kaixing Zhao

To benefit the complementary information between heterogeneous data, we introduce a new Multimodal Transformer (MMFormer) for Remote Sensing (RS) image classification using Hyperspectral Image (HSI) accompanied by another source of data such as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). Compared with traditional Vision Transformer (ViT) lacking inductive biases of convolutions, we first introduce convolutional layers to our MMFormer to tokenize patches from multimodal data of HSI and LiDAR. Then we propose a Multi-scale Multi-head Self-Attention (MSMHSA) module to address the problem of compatibility which often limits to fuse HSI with high spectral resolution and LiDAR with relatively low spatial resolution. The proposed MSMHSA module can incorporate HSI to LiDAR data in a coarse-to-fine manner enabling us to learn a fine-grained representation. Extensive experiments on widely used benchmarks (e.g., Trento and MUUFL) demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our proposed MMFormer for RS image classification.


Exploring Structured Semantic Prior for Multi Label Recognition with Incomplete Labels

Authors:Zixuan Ding, Ao Wang, Hui Chen, Qiang Zhang, Pengzhang Liu, Yongjun Bao, Weipeng Yan, Jungong Han

Multi-label recognition (MLR) with incomplete labels is very challenging. Recent works strive to explore the image-to-label correspondence in the vision-language model, \ie, CLIP~\cite{radford2021clip}, to compensate for insufficient annotations. In spite of promising performance, they generally overlook the valuable prior about the label-to-label correspondence. In this paper, we advocate remedying the deficiency of label supervision for the MLR with incomplete labels by deriving a structured semantic prior about the label-to-label correspondence via a semantic prior prompter. We then present a novel Semantic Correspondence Prompt Network (SCPNet), which can thoroughly explore the structured semantic prior. A Prior-Enhanced Self-Supervised Learning method is further introduced to enhance the use of the prior. Comprehensive experiments and analyses on several widely used benchmark datasets show that our method significantly outperforms existing methods on all datasets, well demonstrating the effectiveness and the superiority of our method. Our code will be available at
PDF Accepted by IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023


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