2023-03-24 更新

NeRF-GAN Distillation for Efficient 3D-Aware Generation with Convolutions

Authors:Mohamad Shahbazi, Evangelos Ntavelis, Alessio Tonioni, Edo Collins, Danda Pani Paudel, Martin Danelljan, Luc Van Gool

Pose-conditioned convolutional generative models struggle with high-quality 3D-consistent image generation from single-view datasets, due to their lack of sufficient 3D priors. Recently, the integration of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) and generative models, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), has transformed 3D-aware generation from single-view images. NeRF-GANs exploit the strong inductive bias of 3D neural representations and volumetric rendering at the cost of higher computational complexity. This study aims at revisiting pose-conditioned 2D GANs for efficient 3D-aware generation at inference time by distilling 3D knowledge from pretrained NeRF-GANS. We propose a simple and effective method, based on re-using the well-disentangled latent space of a pre-trained NeRF-GAN in a pose-conditioned convolutional network to directly generate 3D-consistent images corresponding to the underlying 3D representations. Experiments on several datasets demonstrate that the proposed method obtains results comparable with volumetric rendering in terms of quality and 3D consistency while benefiting from the superior computational advantage of convolutional networks. The code will be available at:


SINE: Semantic-driven Image-based NeRF Editing with Prior-guided Editing Field

Authors:Chong Bao, Yinda Zhang, Bangbang Yang, Tianxing Fan, Zesong Yang, Hujun Bao, Guofeng Zhang, Zhaopeng Cui

Despite the great success in 2D editing using user-friendly tools, such as Photoshop, semantic strokes, or even text prompts, similar capabilities in 3D areas are still limited, either relying on 3D modeling skills or allowing editing within only a few categories.In this paper, we present a novel semantic-driven NeRF editing approach, which enables users to edit a neural radiance field with a single image, and faithfully delivers edited novel views with high fidelity and multi-view consistency.To achieve this goal, we propose a prior-guided editing field to encode fine-grained geometric and texture editing in 3D space, and develop a series of techniques to aid the editing process, including cyclic constraints with a proxy mesh to facilitate geometric supervision, a color compositing mechanism to stabilize semantic-driven texture editing, and a feature-cluster-based regularization to preserve the irrelevant content unchanged.Extensive experiments and editing examples on both real-world and synthetic data demonstrate that our method achieves photo-realistic 3D editing using only a single edited image, pushing the bound of semantic-driven editing in 3D real-world scenes. Our project webpage:
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023. Project Page:


Plotting Behind the Scenes: Towards Learnable Game Engines

Authors:Willi Menapace, Aliaksandr Siarohin, Stéphane Lathuilière, Panos Achlioptas, Vladislav Golyanik, Elisa Ricci, Sergey Tulyakov

Game engines are powerful tools in computer graphics. Their power comes at the immense cost of their development. In this work, we present a framework to train game-engine-like neural models, solely from monocular annotated videos. The result-a Learnable Game Engine (LGE)-maintains states of the scene, objects and agents in it, and enables rendering the environment from a controllable viewpoint. Similarly to a game engine, it models the logic of the game and the underlying rules of physics, to make it possible for a user to play the game by specifying both high- and low-level action sequences. Most captivatingly, our LGE unlocks the director’s mode, where the game is played by plotting behind the scenes, specifying high-level actions and goals for the agents in the form of language and desired states. This requires learning “game AI”, encapsulated by our animation model, to navigate the scene using high-level constraints, play against an adversary, devise the strategy to win a point. The key to learning such game AI is the exploitation of a large and diverse text corpus, collected in this work, describing detailed actions in a game and used to train our animation model. To render the resulting state of the environment and its agents, we use a compositional NeRF representation used in our synthesis model. To foster future research, we present newly collected, annotated and calibrated large-scale Tennis and Minecraft datasets. Our method significantly outperforms existing neural video game simulators in terms of rendering quality. Besides, our LGEs unlock applications beyond capabilities of the current state of the art. Our framework, data, and models are available at


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