
2023-03-23 更新

AfroDigits: A Community-Driven Spoken Digit Dataset for African Languages

Authors:Chris Chinenye Emezue, Sanchit Gandhi, Lewis Tunstall, Abubakar Abid, Joshua Meyer, Quentin Lhoest, Pete Allen, Patrick Von Platen, Douwe Kiela, Yacine Jernite, Julien Chaumond, Merve Noyan, Omar Sanseviero

The advancement of speech technologies has been remarkable, yet its integration with African languages remains limited due to the scarcity of African speech corpora. To address this issue, we present AfroDigits, a minimalist, community-driven dataset of spoken digits for African languages, currently covering 38 African languages. As a demonstration of the practical applications of AfroDigits, we conduct audio digit classification experiments on six African languages [Igbo (ibo), Yoruba (yor), Rundi (run), Oshiwambo (kua), Shona (sna), and Oromo (gax)] using the Wav2Vec2.0-Large and XLS-R models. Our experiments reveal a useful insight on the effect of mixing African speech corpora during finetuning. AfroDigits is the first published audio digit dataset for African languages and we believe it will, among other things, pave the way for Afro-centric speech applications such as the recognition of telephone numbers, and street numbers. We release the dataset and platform publicly at https://huggingface.co/datasets/chrisjay/crowd-speech-africa and https://huggingface.co/spaces/chrisjay/afro-speech respectively.
PDF Accepted to the AfricaNLP Workshop at ICLR 2023


CiCo: Domain-Aware Sign Language Retrieval via Cross-Lingual Contrastive Learning

Authors:Yiting Cheng, Fangyun Wei, Jianmin Bao, Dong Chen, Wenqiang Zhang

This work focuses on sign language retrieval-a recently proposed task for sign language understanding. Sign language retrieval consists of two sub-tasks: text-to-sign-video (T2V) retrieval and sign-video-to-text (V2T) retrieval. Different from traditional video-text retrieval, sign language videos, not only contain visual signals but also carry abundant semantic meanings by themselves due to the fact that sign languages are also natural languages. Considering this character, we formulate sign language retrieval as a cross-lingual retrieval problem as well as a video-text retrieval task. Concretely, we take into account the linguistic properties of both sign languages and natural languages, and simultaneously identify the fine-grained cross-lingual (i.e., sign-to-word) mappings while contrasting the texts and the sign videos in a joint embedding space. This process is termed as cross-lingual contrastive learning. Another challenge is raised by the data scarcity issue-sign language datasets are orders of magnitude smaller in scale than that of speech recognition. We alleviate this issue by adopting a domain-agnostic sign encoder pre-trained on large-scale sign videos into the target domain via pseudo-labeling. Our framework, termed as domain-aware sign language retrieval via Cross-lingual Contrastive learning or CiCo for short, outperforms the pioneering method by large margins on various datasets, e.g., +22.4 T2V and +28.0 V2T R@1 improvements on How2Sign dataset, and +13.7 T2V and +17.1 V2T R@1 improvements on PHOENIX-2014T dataset. Code and models are available at: https://github.com/FangyunWei/SLRT.
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2023. Code and models are available at: https://github.com/FangyunWei/SLRT


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