2023-03-23 更新

ExtremeNeRF: Few-shot Neural Radiance Fields Under Unconstrained Illumination

Authors:SeokYeong Lee, JunYong Choi, Seungryong Kim, Ig-Jae Kim, Junghyun Cho

In this paper, we propose a new challenge that synthesizes a novel view in a more practical environment, where the number of input multi-view images is limited and illumination variations are significant. Despite recent success, neural radiance fields (NeRF) require a massive amount of input multi-view images taken under constrained illuminations. To address the problem, we suggest ExtremeNeRF, which utilizes occlusion-aware multiview albedo consistency, supported by geometric alignment and depth consistency. We extract intrinsic image components that should be illumination-invariant across different views, enabling direct appearance comparison between the input and novel view under unconstrained illumination. We provide extensive experimental results for an evaluation of the task, using the newly built NeRF Extreme benchmark, which is the first in-the-wild novel view synthesis benchmark taken under multiple viewing directions and varying illuminations. The project page is at
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NLOS-NeuS: Non-line-of-sight Neural Implicit Surface

Authors:Yuki Fujimura, Takahiro Kushida, Takuya Funatomi, Yasuhiro Mukaigawa

Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging is conducted to infer invisible scenes from indirect light on visible objects. The neural transient field (NeTF) was proposed for representing scenes as neural radiance fields in NLOS scenes. We propose NLOS neural implicit surface (NLOS-NeuS), which extends the NeTF to neural implicit surfaces with a signed distance function (SDF) for reconstructing three-dimensional surfaces in NLOS scenes. We introduce two constraints as loss functions for correctly learning an SDF to avoid non-zero level-set surfaces. We also introduce a lower bound constraint of an SDF based on the geometry of the first-returning photons. The experimental results indicate that these constraints are essential for learning a correct SDF in NLOS scenes. Compared with previous methods with discretized representation, NLOS-NeuS with the neural continuous representation enables us to reconstruct smooth surfaces while preserving fine details in NLOS scenes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on neural implicit surfaces with volume rendering in NLOS scenes.
PDF 13 pages


Balanced Spherical Grid for Egocentric View Synthesis

Authors:Changwoon Choi, Sang Min Kim, Young Min Kim

We present EgoNeRF, a practical solution to reconstruct large-scale real-world environments for VR assets. Given a few seconds of casually captured 360 video, EgoNeRF can efficiently build neural radiance fields which enable high-quality rendering from novel viewpoints. Motivated by the recent acceleration of NeRF using feature grids, we adopt spherical coordinate instead of conventional Cartesian coordinate. Cartesian feature grid is inefficient to represent large-scale unbounded scenes because it has a spatially uniform resolution, regardless of distance from viewers. The spherical parameterization better aligns with the rays of egocentric images, and yet enables factorization for performance enhancement. However, the na\”ive spherical grid suffers from irregularities at two poles, and also cannot represent unbounded scenes. To avoid singularities near poles, we combine two balanced grids, which results in a quasi-uniform angular grid. We also partition the radial grid exponentially and place an environment map at infinity to represent unbounded scenes. Furthermore, with our resampling technique for grid-based methods, we can increase the number of valid samples to train NeRF volume. We extensively evaluate our method in our newly introduced synthetic and real-world egocentric 360 video datasets, and it consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023


FeatureNeRF: Learning Generalizable NeRFs by Distilling Foundation Models

Authors:Jianglong Ye, Naiyan Wang, Xiaolong Wang

Recent works on generalizable NeRFs have shown promising results on novel view synthesis from single or few images. However, such models have rarely been applied on other downstream tasks beyond synthesis such as semantic understanding and parsing. In this paper, we propose a novel framework named FeatureNeRF to learn generalizable NeRFs by distilling pre-trained vision foundation models (e.g., DINO, Latent Diffusion). FeatureNeRF leverages 2D pre-trained foundation models to 3D space via neural rendering, and then extract deep features for 3D query points from NeRF MLPs. Consequently, it allows to map 2D images to continuous 3D semantic feature volumes, which can be used for various downstream tasks. We evaluate FeatureNeRF on tasks of 2D/3D semantic keypoint transfer and 2D/3D object part segmentation. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of FeatureNeRF as a generalizable 3D semantic feature extractor. Our project page is available at .
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SHERF: Generalizable Human NeRF from a Single Image

Authors:Shoukang Hu, Fangzhou Hong, Liang Pan, Haiyi Mei, Lei Yang, Ziwei Liu

Existing Human NeRF methods for reconstructing 3D humans typically rely on multiple 2D images from multi-view cameras or monocular videos captured from fixed camera views. However, in real-world scenarios, human images are often captured from random camera angles, presenting challenges for high-quality 3D human reconstruction. In this paper, we propose SHERF, the first generalizable Human NeRF model for recovering animatable 3D humans from a single input image. SHERF extracts and encodes 3D human representations in canonical space, enabling rendering and animation from free views and poses. To achieve high-fidelity novel view and pose synthesis, the encoded 3D human representations should capture both global appearance and local fine-grained textures. To this end, we propose a bank of 3D-aware hierarchical features, including global, point-level, and pixel-aligned features, to facilitate informative encoding. Global features enhance the information extracted from the single input image and complement the information missing from the partial 2D observation. Point-level features provide strong clues of 3D human structure, while pixel-aligned features preserve more fine-grained details. To effectively integrate the 3D-aware hierarchical feature bank, we design a feature fusion transformer. Extensive experiments on THuman, RenderPeople, ZJU_MoCap, and HuMMan datasets demonstrate that SHERF achieves state-of-the-art performance, with better generalizability for novel view and pose synthesis.
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