Domain Adaptation

2023-03-23 更新

Efficient Feature Distillation for Zero-shot Detection

Authors:Zhuoming Liu, Xuefeng Hu, Ram Nevatia

The large-scale vision-language models (e.g., CLIP) are leveraged by different methods to detect unseen objects. However, most of these works require additional captions or images for training, which is not feasible in the context of zero-shot detection. In contrast, the distillation-based method is an extra-data-free method, but it has its limitations. Specifically, existing work creates distillation regions that are biased to the base categories, which limits the distillation of novel category information and harms the distillation efficiency. Furthermore, directly using the raw feature from CLIP for distillation neglects the domain gap between the training data of CLIP and the detection datasets, which makes it difficult to learn the mapping from the image region to the vision-language feature space - an essential component for detecting unseen objects. As a result, existing distillation-based methods require an excessively long training schedule. To solve these problems, we propose Efficient feature distillation for Zero-Shot Detection (EZSD). Firstly, EZSD adapts the CLIP’s feature space to the target detection domain by re-normalizing CLIP to bridge the domain gap; Secondly, EZSD uses CLIP to generate distillation proposals with potential novel instances, to avoid the distillation being overly biased to the base categories. Finally, EZSD takes advantage of semantic meaning for regression to further improve the model performance. As a result, EZSD achieves state-of-the-art performance in the COCO zero-shot benchmark with a much shorter training schedule and outperforms previous work by 4% in LVIS overall setting with 1/10 training time.


Exploring the Benefits of Visual Prompting in Differential Privacy

Authors:Yizhe Li, Yu-Lin Tsai, Xuebin Ren, Chia-Mu Yu, Pin-Yu Chen

Visual Prompting (VP) is an emerging and powerful technique that allows sample-efficient adaptation to downstream tasks by engineering a well-trained frozen source model. In this work, we explore the benefits of VP in constructing compelling neural network classifiers with differential privacy (DP). We explore and integrate VP into canonical DP training methods and demonstrate its simplicity and efficiency. In particular, we discover that VP in tandem with PATE, a state-of-the-art DP training method that leverages the knowledge transfer from an ensemble of teachers, achieves the state-of-the-art privacy-utility trade-off with minimum expenditure of privacy budget. Moreover, we conduct additional experiments on cross-domain image classification with a sufficient domain gap to further unveil the advantage of VP in DP. Lastly, we also conduct extensive ablation studies to validate the effectiveness and contribution of VP under DP consideration.


Distribution Aligned Diffusion and Prototype-guided network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Segmentation

Authors:Haipeng Zhou, Lei Zhu, Yuyin Zhou

The Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DPM) has emerged as a highly effective generative model in the field of computer vision. Its intermediate latent vectors offer rich semantic information, making it an attractive option for various downstream tasks such as segmentation and detection. In order to explore its potential further, we have taken a step forward and considered a more complex scenario in the medical image domain, specifically, under an unsupervised adaptation condition. To this end, we propose a Diffusion-based and Prototype-guided network (DP-Net) for unsupervised domain adaptive segmentation. Concretely, our DP-Net consists of two stages: 1) Distribution Aligned Diffusion (DADiff), which involves training a domain discriminator to minimize the difference between the intermediate features generated by the DPM, thereby aligning the inter-domain distribution; and 2) Prototype-guided Consistency Learning (PCL), which utilizes feature centroids as prototypes and applies a prototype-guided loss to ensure that the segmentor learns consistent content from both source and target domains. Our approach is evaluated on fundus datasets through a series of experiments, which demonstrate that the performance of the proposed method is reliable and outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Our work presents a promising direction for using DPM in complex medical image scenarios, opening up new possibilities for further research in medical imaging.


Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Training Event-Based Networks Using Contrastive Learning and Uncorrelated Conditioning

Authors:Dayuan Jian, Mohammad Rostami

Event-based cameras offer reliable measurements for preforming computer vision tasks in high-dynamic range environments and during fast motion maneuvers. However, adopting deep learning in event-based vision faces the challenge of annotated data scarcity due to recency of event cameras. Transferring the knowledge that can be obtained from conventional camera annotated data offers a practical solution to this challenge. We develop an unsupervised domain adaptation algorithm for training a deep network for event-based data image classification using contrastive learning and uncorrelated conditioning of data. Our solution outperforms the existing algorithms for this purpose.


An Effective Motion-Centric Paradigm for 3D Single Object Tracking in Point Clouds

Authors:Chaoda Zheng, Xu Yan, Haiming Zhang, Baoyuan Wang, Shenghui Cheng, Shuguang Cui, Zhen Li

3D single object tracking in LiDAR point clouds (LiDAR SOT) plays a crucial role in autonomous driving. Current approaches all follow the Siamese paradigm based on appearance matching. However, LiDAR point clouds are usually textureless and incomplete, which hinders effective appearance matching. Besides, previous methods greatly overlook the critical motion clues among targets. In this work, beyond 3D Siamese tracking, we introduce a motion-centric paradigm to handle LiDAR SOT from a new perspective. Following this paradigm, we propose a matching-free two-stage tracker M^2-Track. At the 1st-stage, M^2-Track localizes the target within successive frames via motion transformation. Then it refines the target box through motion-assisted shape completion at the 2nd-stage. Due to the motion-centric nature, our method shows its impressive generalizability with limited training labels and provides good differentiability for end-to-end cycle training. This inspires us to explore semi-supervised LiDAR SOT by incorporating a pseudo-label-based motion augmentation and a self-supervised loss term. Under the fully-supervised setting, extensive experiments confirm that M^2-Track significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-arts on three large-scale datasets while running at 57FPS (~8%, ~17% and ~22% precision gains on KITTI, NuScenes, and Waymo Open Dataset respectively). While under the semi-supervised setting, our method performs on par with or even surpasses its fully-supervised counterpart using fewer than half labels from KITTI. Further analysis verifies each component’s effectiveness and shows the motion-centric paradigm’s promising potential for auto-labeling and unsupervised domain adaptation.
PDF Journal Extension of M^2-Track, under review. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2203.01730


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