
2023-03-22 更新

ExtremeNeRF: Few-shot Neural Radiance Fields Under Unconstrained Illumination

Authors:SeokYeong Lee, JunYong Choi, Seungryong Kim, Ig-Jae Kim, Junghyun Cho

In this paper, we propose a new challenge that synthesizes a novel view in a more practical environment, where the number of input multi-view images is limited and illumination variations are significant. Despite recent success, neural radiance fields (NeRF) require a massive amount of input multi-view images taken under constrained illuminations. To address the problem, we suggest ExtremeNeRF, which utilizes occlusion-aware multiview albedo consistency, supported by geometric alignment and depth consistency. We extract intrinsic image components that should be illumination-invariant across different views, enabling direct appearance comparison between the input and novel view under unconstrained illumination. We provide extensive experimental results for an evaluation of the task, using the newly built NeRF Extreme benchmark, which is the first in-the-wild novel view synthesis benchmark taken under multiple viewing directions and varying illuminations. The project page is at https://seokyeong94.github.io/ExtremeNeRF/


Multi-modal Prompting for Low-Shot Temporal Action Localization

Authors:Chen Ju, Zeqian Li, Peisen Zhao, Ya Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Qi Tian, Yanfeng Wang, Weidi Xie

In this paper, we consider the problem of temporal action localization under low-shot (zero-shot & few-shot) scenario, with the goal of detecting and classifying the action instances from arbitrary categories within some untrimmed videos, even not seen at training time. We adopt a Transformer-based two-stage action localization architecture with class-agnostic action proposal, followed by open-vocabulary classification. We make the following contributions. First, to compensate image-text foundation models with temporal motions, we improve category-agnostic action proposal by explicitly aligning embeddings of optical flows, RGB and texts, which has largely been ignored in existing low-shot methods. Second, to improve open-vocabulary action classification, we construct classifiers with strong discriminative power, i.e., avoid lexical ambiguities. To be specific, we propose to prompt the pre-trained CLIP text encoder either with detailed action descriptions (acquired from large-scale language models), or visually-conditioned instance-specific prompt vectors. Third, we conduct thorough experiments and ablation studies on THUMOS14 and ActivityNet1.3, demonstrating the superior performance of our proposed model, outperforming existing state-of-the-art approaches by one significant margin.


文章作者: 木子已
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