Domain Adaptation

2023-03-21 更新

Unsupervised Cumulative Domain Adaptation for Foggy Scene Optical Flow

Authors:Hanyu Zhou, Yi Chang, Wending Yan, Luxin Yan

Optical flow has achieved great success under clean scenes, but suffers from restricted performance under foggy scenes. To bridge the clean-to-foggy domain gap, the existing methods typically adopt the domain adaptation to transfer the motion knowledge from clean to synthetic foggy domain. However, these methods unexpectedly neglect the synthetic-to-real domain gap, and thus are erroneous when applied to real-world scenes. To handle the practical optical flow under real foggy scenes, in this work, we propose a novel unsupervised cumulative domain adaptation optical flow (UCDA-Flow) framework: depth-association motion adaptation and correlation-alignment motion adaptation. Specifically, we discover that depth is a key ingredient to influence the optical flow: the deeper depth, the inferior optical flow, which motivates us to design a depth-association motion adaptation module to bridge the clean-to-foggy domain gap. Moreover, we figure out that the cost volume correlation shares similar distribution of the synthetic and real foggy images, which enlightens us to devise a correlation-alignment motion adaptation module to distill motion knowledge of the synthetic foggy domain to the real foggy domain. Note that synthetic fog is designed as the intermediate domain. Under this unified framework, the proposed cumulative adaptation progressively transfers knowledge from clean scenes to real foggy scenes. Extensive experiments have been performed to verify the superiority of the proposed method.


Synthetic-to-Real Domain Adaptation for Action Recognition: A Dataset and Baseline Performances

Authors:Arun V. Reddy, Ketul Shah, William Paul, Rohita Mocharla, Judy Hoffman, Kapil D. Katyal, Dinesh Manocha, Celso M. de Melo, Rama Chellappa

Human action recognition is a challenging problem, particularly when there is high variability in factors such as subject appearance, backgrounds and viewpoint. While deep neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to perform well on action recognition tasks, they typically require large amounts of high-quality labeled data to achieve robust performance across a variety of conditions. Synthetic data has shown promise as a way to avoid the substantial costs and potential ethical concerns associated with collecting and labeling enormous amounts of data in the real-world. However, synthetic data may differ from real data in important ways. This phenomenon, known as \textit{domain shift}, can limit the utility of synthetic data in robotics applications. To mitigate the effects of domain shift, substantial effort is being dedicated to the development of domain adaptation (DA) techniques. Yet, much remains to be understood about how best to develop these techniques. In this paper, we introduce a new dataset called Robot Control Gestures (RoCoG-v2). The dataset is composed of both real and synthetic videos from seven gesture classes, and is intended to support the study of synthetic-to-real domain shift for video-based action recognition. Our work expands upon existing datasets by focusing the action classes on gestures for human-robot teaming, as well as by enabling investigation of domain shift in both ground and aerial views. We present baseline results using state-of-the-art action recognition and domain adaptation algorithms and offer initial insight on tackling the synthetic-to-real and ground-to-air domain shifts.
PDF ICRA 2023. The first two authors contributed equally. Dataset available at:


LossMix: Simplify and Generalize Mixup for Object Detection and Beyond

Authors:Thanh Vu, Baochen Sun, Bodi Yuan, Alex Ngai, Yueqi Li, Jan-Michael Frahm

The success of data mixing augmentations in image classification tasks has been well-received. However, these techniques cannot be readily applied to object detection due to challenges such as spatial misalignment, foreground/background distinction, and plurality of instances. To tackle these issues, we first introduce a novel conceptual framework called Supervision Interpolation, which offers a fresh perspective on interpolation-based augmentations by relaxing and generalizing Mixup. Building on this framework, we propose LossMix, a simple yet versatile and effective regularization that enhances the performance and robustness of object detectors and more. Our key insight is that we can effectively regularize the training on mixed data by interpolating their loss errors instead of ground truth labels. Empirical results on the PASCAL VOC and MS COCO datasets demonstrate that LossMix consistently outperforms currently popular mixing strategies. Furthermore, we design a two-stage domain mixing method that leverages LossMix to surpass Adaptive Teacher (CVPR 2022) and set a new state of the art for unsupervised domain adaptation.


Augmenting and Aligning Snippets for Few-Shot Video Domain Adaptation

Authors:Yuecong Xu, Jianfei Yang, Yunjiao Zhou, Zhenghua Chen, Min Wu, Xiaoli Li

For video models to be transferred and applied seamlessly across video tasks in varied environments, Video Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (VUDA) has been introduced to improve the robustness and transferability of video models. However, current VUDA methods rely on a vast amount of high-quality unlabeled target data, which may not be available in real-world cases. We thus consider a more realistic \textit{Few-Shot Video-based Domain Adaptation} (FSVDA) scenario where we adapt video models with only a few target video samples. While a few methods have touched upon Few-Shot Domain Adaptation (FSDA) in images and in FSVDA, they rely primarily on spatial augmentation for target domain expansion with alignment performed statistically at the instance level. However, videos contain more knowledge in terms of rich temporal and semantic information, which should be fully considered while augmenting target domains and performing alignment in FSVDA. We propose a novel SSA2lign to address FSVDA at the snippet level, where the target domain is expanded through a simple snippet-level augmentation followed by the attentive alignment of snippets both semantically and statistically, where semantic alignment of snippets is conducted through multiple perspectives. Empirical results demonstrate state-of-the-art performance of SSA2lign across multiple cross-domain action recognition benchmarks.
PDF 15 pages, 9 tables, 5 figures


Confidence Attention and Generalization Enhanced Distillation for Continuous Video Domain Adaptation

Authors:Xiyu Wang, Yuecong Xu, Jianfei Yang, Kezhi Mao, Xiaoli Li, Zhenghua Chen

Continuous Video Domain Adaptation (CVDA) is a scenario where a source model is required to adapt to a series of individually available changing target domains continuously without source data or target supervision. It has wide applications, such as robotic vision and autonomous driving. The main underlying challenge of CVDA is to learn helpful information only from the unsupervised target data while avoiding forgetting previously learned knowledge catastrophically, which is out of the capability of previous Video-based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation methods. Therefore, we propose a Confidence-Attentive network with geneRalization enhanced self-knowledge disTillation (CART) to address the challenge in CVDA. Firstly, to learn from unsupervised domains, we propose to learn from pseudo labels. However, in continuous adaptation, prediction errors can accumulate rapidly in pseudo labels, and CART effectively tackles this problem with two key modules. Specifically, The first module generates refined pseudo labels using model predictions and deploys a novel attentive learning strategy. The second module compares the outputs of augmented data from the current model to the outputs of weakly augmented data from the source model, forming a novel consistency regularization on the model to alleviate the accumulation of prediction errors. Extensive experiments suggest that the CVDA performance of CART outperforms existing methods by a considerable margin.
PDF 16 pages, 9 tables, 10 figures


Multi-Modal Continual Test-Time Adaptation for 3D Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Haozhi Cao, Yuecong Xu, Jianfei Yang, Pengyu Yin, Shenghai Yuan, Lihua Xie

Continual Test-Time Adaptation (CTTA) generalizes conventional Test-Time Adaptation (TTA) by assuming that the target domain is dynamic over time rather than stationary. In this paper, we explore Multi-Modal Continual Test-Time Adaptation (MM-CTTA) as a new extension of CTTA for 3D semantic segmentation. The key to MM-CTTA is to adaptively attend to the reliable modality while avoiding catastrophic forgetting during continual domain shifts, which is out of the capability of previous TTA or CTTA methods. To fulfill this gap, we propose an MM-CTTA method called Continual Cross-Modal Adaptive Clustering (CoMAC) that addresses this task from two perspectives. On one hand, we propose an adaptive dual-stage mechanism to generate reliable cross-modal predictions by attending to the reliable modality based on the class-wise feature-centroid distance in the latent space. On the other hand, to perform test-time adaptation without catastrophic forgetting, we design class-wise momentum queues that capture confident target features for adaptation while stochastically restoring pseudo-source features to revisit source knowledge. We further introduce two new benchmarks to facilitate the exploration of MM-CTTA in the future. Our experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on both benchmarks.
PDF 15 pages, 6 tables, 7 figures


Automatic pain recognition from Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) signal using machine learning techniques

Authors:Fatemeh Pouromran, Yingzi Lin, Sagar Kamarthi

Physiological responses to pain have received increasing attention among researchers for developing an automated pain recognition sensing system. Though less explored, Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) is one of the candidate physiological measures that could help objective pain assessment. In this study, we applied machine learning techniques on BVP signals to device a non-invasive modality for pain sensing. Thirty-two healthy subjects participated in this study. First, we investigated a novel set of time-domain, frequency-domain and nonlinear dynamics features that could potentially be sensitive to pain. These include 24 features from BVP signals and 20 additional features from Inter-beat Intervals (IBIs) derived from the same BVP signals. Utilizing these features, we built machine learning models for detecting the presence of pain and its intensity. We explored different machine learning models, including Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost). Among them, we found that the XGBoost offered the best model performance for both pain classification and pain intensity estimation tasks. The ROC-AUC of the XGBoost model to detect low pain, medium pain and high pain with no pain as the baseline were 80.06 %, 85.81 %, and 90.05 % respectively. Moreover, the XGboost classifier distinguished medium pain from high pain with ROC-AUC of 91%. For the multi-class classification among three pain levels, the XGBoost offered the best performance with an average F1-score of 80.03%. Our results suggest that BVP signal together with machine learning algorithms is a promising physiological measurement for automated pain assessment. This work will have a national impact on accurate pain assessment, effective pain management, reducing drug-seeking behavior among patients, and addressing national opioid crisis.


Revisiting Realistic Test-Time Training: Sequential Inference and Adaptation by Anchored Clustering Regularized Self-Training

Authors:Yongyi Su, Xun Xu, Tianrui Li, Kui Jia

Deploying models on target domain data subject to distribution shift requires adaptation. Test-time training (TTT) emerges as a solution to this adaptation under a realistic scenario where access to full source domain data is not available, and instant inference on the target domain is required. Despite many efforts into TTT, there is a confusion over the experimental settings, thus leading to unfair comparisons. In this work, we first revisit TTT assumptions and categorize TTT protocols by two key factors. Among the multiple protocols, we adopt a realistic sequential test-time training (sTTT) protocol, under which we develop a test-time anchored clustering (TTAC) approach to enable stronger test-time feature learning. TTAC discovers clusters in both source and target domains and matches the target clusters to the source ones to improve adaptation. When source domain information is strictly absent (i.e. source-free) we further develop an efficient method to infer source domain distributions for anchored clustering. Finally, self-training~(ST) has demonstrated great success in learning from unlabeled data and we empirically figure out that applying ST alone to TTT is prone to confirmation bias. Therefore, a more effective TTT approach is introduced by regularizing self-training with anchored clustering, and the improved model is referred to as TTAC++. We demonstrate that, under all TTT protocols, TTAC++ consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on five TTT datasets, including corrupted target domain, selected hard samples, synthetic-to-real adaptation and adversarially attacked target domain. We hope this work will provide a fair benchmarking of TTT methods, and future research should be compared within respective protocols.
PDF Test-time training, Self-training. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2206.02721


Feature Alignment and Uniformity for Test Time Adaptation

Authors:Shuai Wang, Daoan Zhang, Zipei Yan, Jianguo Zhang, Rui Li

Test time adaptation (TTA) aims to adapt deep neural networks when receiving out of distribution test domain samples. In this setting, the model can only access online unlabeled test samples and pre-trained models on the training domains. We first address TTA as a feature revision problem due to the domain gap between source domains and target domains. After that, we follow the two measurements alignment and uniformity to discuss the test time feature revision. For test time feature uniformity, we propose a test time self-distillation strategy to guarantee the consistency of uniformity between representations of the current batch and all the previous batches. For test time feature alignment, we propose a memorized spatial local clustering strategy to align the representations among the neighborhood samples for the upcoming batch. To deal with the common noisy label problem, we propound the entropy and consistency filters to select and drop the possible noisy labels. To prove the scalability and efficacy of our method, we conduct experiments on four domain generalization benchmarks and four medical image segmentation tasks with various backbones. Experiment results show that our method not only improves baseline stably but also outperforms existing state-of-the-art test time adaptation methods.


Improved Benthic Classification using Resolution Scaling and SymmNet Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Authors:Heather Doig, Oscar Pizarro, Stefan B. Williams

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) conduct regular visual surveys of marine environments to characterise and monitor the composition and diversity of the benthos. The use of machine learning classifiers for this task is limited by the low numbers of annotations available and the many fine-grained classes involved. In addition to these challenges, there are domain shifts between image sets acquired during different AUV surveys due to changes in camera systems, imaging altitude, illumination and water column properties leading to a drop in classification performance for images from a different survey where some or all these elements may have changed. This paper proposes a framework to improve the performance of a benthic morphospecies classifier when used to classify images from a different survey compared to the training data. We adapt the SymmNet state-of-the-art Unsupervised Domain Adaptation method with an efficient bilinear pooling layer and image scaling to normalise spatial resolution, and show improved classification accuracy. We test our approach on two datasets with images from AUV surveys with different imaging payloads and locations. The results show that generic domain adaptation can be enhanced to produce a significant increase in accuracy for images from an AUV survey that differs from the training images.
PDF 7 pages, 6 figures. Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023, London UK


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