
2023-03-21 更新

Scene Graph Based Fusion Network For Image-Text Retrieval

Authors:Guoliang Wang, Yanlei Shang, Yong Chen

A critical challenge to image-text retrieval is how to learn accurate correspondences between images and texts. Most existing methods mainly focus on coarse-grained correspondences based on co-occurrences of semantic objects, while failing to distinguish the fine-grained local correspondences. In this paper, we propose a novel Scene Graph based Fusion Network (dubbed SGFN), which enhances the images’/texts’ features through intra- and cross-modal fusion for image-text retrieval. To be specific, we design an intra-modal hierarchical attention fusion to incorporate semantic contexts, such as objects, attributes, and relationships, into images’/texts’ feature vectors via scene graphs, and a cross-modal attention fusion to combine the contextual semantics and local fusion via contextual vectors. Extensive experiments on public datasets Flickr30K and MSCOCO show that our SGFN performs better than quite a few SOTA image-text retrieval methods.


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