
2023-03-17 更新

MAtch, eXpand and Improve: Unsupervised Finetuning for Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Language Knowledge

Authors:Wei Lin, Leonid Karlinsky, Nina Shvetsova, Horst Possegger, Mateusz Kozinski, Rameswar Panda, Rogerio Feris, Hilde Kuehne, Horst Bischof

Large scale Vision-Language (VL) models have shown tremendous success in aligning representations between visual and text modalities. This enables remarkable progress in zero-shot recognition, image generation & editing, and many other exciting tasks. However, VL models tend to over-represent objects while paying much less attention to verbs, and require additional tuning on video data for best zero-shot action recognition performance. While previous work relied on large-scale, fully-annotated data, in this work we propose an unsupervised approach. We adapt a VL model for zero-shot and few-shot action recognition using a collection of unlabeled videos and an unpaired action dictionary. Based on that, we leverage Large Language Models and VL models to build a text bag for each unlabeled video via matching, text expansion and captioning. We use those bags in a Multiple Instance Learning setup to adapt an image-text backbone to video data. Although finetuned on unlabeled video data, our resulting models demonstrate high transferability to numerous unseen zero-shot downstream tasks, improving the base VL model performance by up to 14\%, and even comparing favorably to fully-supervised baselines in both zero-shot and few-shot video recognition transfer. The code will be released later at \url{https://github.com/wlin-at/MAXI}.


A Survey of Deep Visual Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

Authors:Wenjian Wang, Lijuan Duan, Yuxi Wang, Junsong Fan, Zhi Gong, Zhaoxiang Zhang

Few-Shot transfer learning has become a major focus of research as it allows recognition of new classes with limited labeled data. While it is assumed that train and test data have the same data distribution, this is often not the case in real-world applications. This leads to decreased model transfer effects when the new class distribution differs significantly from the learned classes. Research into Cross-Domain Few-Shot (CDFS) has emerged to address this issue, forming a more challenging and realistic setting. In this survey, we provide a detailed taxonomy of CDFS from the problem setting and corresponding solutions view. We summarise the existing CDFS network architectures and discuss the solution ideas for each direction the taxonomy indicates. Furthermore, we introduce various CDFS downstream applications and outline classification, detection, and segmentation benchmarks and corresponding standards for evaluation. We also discuss the challenges of CDFS research and explore potential directions for future investigation. Through this review, we aim to provide comprehensive guidance on CDFS research, enabling researchers to gain insight into the state-of-the-art while allowing them to build upon existing solutions to develop their own CDFS models.


SpatialFormer: Semantic and Target Aware Attentions for Few-Shot Learning

Authors:Jinxiang Lai, Siqian Yang, Wenlong Wu, Tao Wu, Guannan Jiang, Xi Wang, Jun Liu, Bin-Bin Gao, Wei Zhang, Yuan Xie, Chengjie Wang

Recent Few-Shot Learning (FSL) methods put emphasis on generating a discriminative embedding features to precisely measure the similarity between support and query sets. Current CNN-based cross-attention approaches generate discriminative representations via enhancing the mutually semantic similar regions of support and query pairs. However, it suffers from two problems: CNN structure produces inaccurate attention map based on local features, and mutually similar backgrounds cause distraction. To alleviate these problems, we design a novel SpatialFormer structure to generate more accurate attention regions based on global features. Different from the traditional Transformer modeling intrinsic instance-level similarity which causes accuracy degradation in FSL, our SpatialFormer explores the semantic-level similarity between pair inputs to boost the performance. Then we derive two specific attention modules, named SpatialFormer Semantic Attention (SFSA) and SpatialFormer Target Attention (SFTA), to enhance the target object regions while reduce the background distraction. Particularly, SFSA highlights the regions with same semantic information between pair features, and SFTA finds potential foreground object regions of novel feature that are similar to base categories. Extensive experiments show that our methods are effective and achieve new state-of-the-art results on few-shot classification benchmarks.


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