Vision Transformer

2023-03-15 更新

Pretrained ViTs Yield Versatile Representations For Medical Images

Authors:Christos Matsoukas, Johan Fredin Haslum, Magnus Söderberg, Kevin Smith

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have reigned for a decade as the de facto approach to automated medical image diagnosis, pushing the state-of-the-art in classification, detection and segmentation tasks. Over the last years, vision transformers (ViTs) have appeared as a competitive alternative to CNNs, yielding impressive levels of performance in the natural image domain, while possessing several interesting properties that could prove beneficial for medical imaging tasks. In this work, we explore the benefits and drawbacks of transformer-based models for medical image classification. We conduct a series of experiments on several standard 2D medical image benchmark datasets and tasks. Our findings show that, while CNNs perform better if trained from scratch, off-the-shelf vision transformers can perform on par with CNNs when pretrained on ImageNet, both in a supervised and self-supervised setting, rendering them as a viable alternative to CNNs.
PDF Extended version of arXiv:2108.09038 originally published at the ICCV 2021 Workshop on Computer Vision for Automated Medical Diagnosis


Quaternion Orthogonal Transformer for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild

Authors:Yu Zhou, Liyuan Guo, Lianghai Jin

Facial expression recognition (FER) is a challenging topic in artificial intelligence. Recently, many researchers have attempted to introduce Vision Transformer (ViT) to the FER task. However, ViT cannot fully utilize emotional features extracted from raw images and requires a lot of computing resources. To overcome these problems, we propose a quaternion orthogonal transformer (QOT) for FER. Firstly, to reduce redundancy among features extracted from pre-trained ResNet-50, we use the orthogonal loss to decompose and compact these features into three sets of orthogonal sub-features. Secondly, three orthogonal sub-features are integrated into a quaternion matrix, which maintains the correlations between different orthogonal components. Finally, we develop a quaternion vision transformer (Q-ViT) for feature classification. The Q-ViT adopts quaternion operations instead of the original operations in ViT, which improves the final accuracies with fewer parameters. Experimental results on three in-the-wild FER datasets show that the proposed QOT outperforms several state-of-the-art models and reduces the computations.
PDF This paper has been accepted to ICASSP2023


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