I2I Translation

2023-03-13 更新

EHRDiff: Exploring Realistic EHR Synthesis with Diffusion Models

Authors:Hongyi Yuan, Songchi Zhou, Sheng Yu

Electronic health records (EHR) contain vast biomedical knowledge and are rich resources for developing precise medicine systems. However, due to privacy concerns, there are limited high-quality EHR data accessible to researchers hence hindering the advancement of methodologies. Recent research has explored using generative modelling methods to synthesize realistic EHR data, and most proposed methods are based on the generative adversarial network (GAN) and its variants for EHR synthesis. Although GAN-style methods achieved state-of-the-art performance in generating high-quality EHR data, such methods are hard to train and prone to mode collapse. Diffusion models are recently proposed generative modelling methods and set cutting-edge performance in image generation. The performance of diffusion models in realistic EHR synthesis is rarely explored. In this work, we explore whether the superior performance of diffusion models can translate to the domain of EHR synthesis and propose a novel EHR synthesis method named EHRDiff. Through comprehensive experiments, EHRDiff achieves new state-of-the-art performance for the quality of synthetic EHR data and can better protect private information in real training EHRs in the meanwhile.
PDF Working in progress


Convolutional Cross-View Pose Estimation

Authors:Zimin Xia, Olaf Booij, Julian F. P. Kooij

We propose a novel end-to-end method for cross-view pose estimation. Given a ground-level query image and an aerial image that covers the query’s local neighborhood, the 3 Degrees-of-Freedom camera pose of the query is estimated by matching its image descriptor to descriptors of local regions within the aerial image. The orientation-aware descriptors are obtained by using a translational equivariant convolutional ground image encoder and contrastive learning. The Localization Decoder produces a dense probability distribution in a coarse-to-fine manner with a novel Localization Matching Upsampling module. A smaller Orientation Decoder produces a vector field to condition the orientation estimate on the localization. Our method is validated on the VIGOR and KITTI datasets, where it surpasses the state-of-the-art baseline by 72% and 36% in median localization error for comparable orientation estimation accuracy. The predicted probability distribution can represent localization ambiguity, and enables rejecting possible erroneous predictions. Without re-training, the model can infer on ground images with different field of views and utilize orientation priors if available. On the Oxford RobotCar dataset, our method can reliably estimate the ego-vehicle’s pose over time, achieving a median localization error under 1 meter and a median orientation error of around 1 degree at 14 FPS.


文章作者: 木子已
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