2023-03-10 更新

High Fidelity Synthetic Face Generation for Rosacea Skin Condition from Limited Data

Authors:Anwesha Mohanty, Alistair Sutherland, Marija Bezbradica, Hossein Javidnia

Similar to the majority of deep learning applications, diagnosing skin diseases using computer vision and deep learning often requires a large volume of data. However, obtaining sufficient data for particular types of facial skin conditions can be difficult due to privacy concerns. As a result, conditions like Rosacea are often understudied in computer-aided diagnosis. The limited availability of data for facial skin conditions has led to the investigation of alternative methods for computer-aided diagnosis. In recent years, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), mainly variants of StyleGANs, have demonstrated promising results in generating synthetic facial images. In this study, for the first time, a small dataset of Rosacea with 300 full-face images is utilized to further investigate the possibility of generating synthetic data. The preliminary experiments show how fine-tuning the model and varying experimental settings significantly affect the fidelity of the Rosacea features. It is demonstrated that $R_1$ Regularization strength helps achieve high-fidelity details. Additionally, this study presents qualitative evaluations of synthetic/generated faces by expert dermatologists and non-specialist participants. The quantitative evaluation is presented using a few validation metric(s). Furthermore a number of limitations and future directions are discussed. Code and generated dataset are available at: \url{}


CoralStyleCLIP: Co-optimized Region and Layer Selection for Image Editing

Authors:Ambareesh Revanur, Debraj Basu, Shradha Agrawal, Dhwanit Agarwal, Deepak Pai

Edit fidelity is a significant issue in open-world controllable generative image editing. Recently, CLIP-based approaches have traded off simplicity to alleviate these problems by introducing spatial attention in a handpicked layer of a StyleGAN. In this paper, we propose CoralStyleCLIP, which incorporates a multi-layer attention-guided blending strategy in the feature space of StyleGAN2 for obtaining high-fidelity edits. We propose multiple forms of our co-optimized region and layer selection strategy to demonstrate the variation of time complexity with the quality of edits over different architectural intricacies while preserving simplicity. We conduct extensive experimental analysis and benchmark our method against state-of-the-art CLIP-based methods. Our findings suggest that CoralStyleCLIP results in high-quality edits while preserving the ease of use.


Generative Model-Based Attack on Learnable Image Encryption for Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning

Authors:AprilPyone MaungMaung, Hitoshi Kiya

In this paper, we propose a novel generative model-based attack on learnable image encryption methods proposed for privacy-preserving deep learning. Various learnable encryption methods have been studied to protect the sensitive visual information of plain images, and some of them have been investigated to be robust enough against all existing attacks. However, previous attacks on image encryption focus only on traditional cryptanalytic attacks or reverse translation models, so these attacks cannot recover any visual information if a block-scrambling encryption step, which effectively destroys global information, is applied. Accordingly, in this paper, generative models are explored to evaluate whether such models can restore sensitive visual information from encrypted images for the first time. We first point out that encrypted images have some similarity with plain images in the embedding space. By taking advantage of leaked information from encrypted images, we propose a guided generative model as an attack on learnable image encryption to recover personally identifiable visual information. We implement the proposed attack in two ways by utilizing two state-of-the-art generative models: a StyleGAN-based model and latent diffusion-based one. Experiments were carried out on the CelebA-HQ and ImageNet datasets. Results show that images reconstructed by the proposed method have perceptual similarities to plain images.
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.07953


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