Vision Transformer

2023-03-09 更新

Authors:Guanshuo Wang, Fufu Yu, Junjie Li, Qiong Jia, Shouhong Ding

Text-based Person Search (TPS), is targeted on retrieving pedestrians to match text descriptions instead of query images. Recent Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) models can bring transferable knowledge to downstream TPS tasks, resulting in more efficient performance gains. However, existing TPS methods improved by VLP only utilize pre-trained visual encoders, neglecting the corresponding textual representation and breaking the significant modality alignment learned from large-scale pre-training. In this paper, we explore the full utilization of textual potential from VLP in TPS tasks. We build on the proposed VLP-TPS baseline model, which is the first TPS model with both pre-trained modalities. We propose the Multi-Integrity Description Constraints (MIDC) to enhance the robustness of the textual modality by incorporating different components of fine-grained corpus during training. Inspired by the prompt approach for zero-shot classification with VLP models, we propose the Dynamic Attribute Prompt (DAP) to provide a unified corpus of fine-grained attributes as language hints for the image modality. Extensive experiments show that our proposed TPS framework achieves state-of-the-art performance, exceeding the previous best method by a margin.
PDF 10 pages, 6 figures


Centroid-centered Modeling for Efficient Vision Transformer Pre-training

Authors:Xin Yan, Zuchao Li, Lefei Zhang, Bo Du, Dacheng Tao

Masked Image Modeling (MIM) is a new self-supervised vision pre-training paradigm using Vision Transformer (ViT). Previous works can be pixel-based or token-based, using original pixels or discrete visual tokens from parametric tokenizer models, respectively. Our proposed approach, \textbf{CCViT}, leverages k-means clustering to obtain centroids for image modeling without supervised training of tokenizer model. The centroids represent patch pixels and index tokens and have the property of local invariance. Non-parametric centroid tokenizer only takes seconds to create and is faster for token inference. Specifically, we adopt patch masking and centroid replacement strategies to construct corrupted inputs, and two stacked encoder blocks to predict corrupted patch tokens and reconstruct original patch pixels. Experiments show that the ViT-B model with only 300 epochs achieves 84.3\% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K classification and 51.6\% on ADE20K semantic segmentation. Our approach achieves competitive results with BEiTv2 without distillation training from other models and outperforms other methods such as MAE.


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