Diffusion Models

2023-03-09 更新

TRACT: Denoising Diffusion Models with Transitive Closure Time-Distillation

Authors:David Berthelot, Arnaud Autef, Jierui Lin, Dian Ang Yap, Shuangfei Zhai, Siyuan Hu, Daniel Zheng, Walter Talbot, Eric Gu

Denoising Diffusion models have demonstrated their proficiency for generative sampling. However, generating good samples often requires many iterations. Consequently, techniques such as binary time-distillation (BTD) have been proposed to reduce the number of network calls for a fixed architecture. In this paper, we introduce TRAnsitive Closure Time-distillation (TRACT), a new method that extends BTD. For single step diffusion,TRACT improves FID by up to 2.4x on the same architecture, and achieves new single-step Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models (DDIM) state-of-the-art FID (7.4 for ImageNet64, 3.8 for CIFAR10). Finally we tease apart the method through extended ablations. The PyTorch implementation will be released soon.


Diffusing Gaussian Mixtures for Generating Categorical Data

Authors:Florence Regol, Mark Coates

Learning a categorical distribution comes with its own set of challenges. A successful approach taken by state-of-the-art works is to cast the problem in a continuous domain to take advantage of the impressive performance of the generative models for continuous data. Amongst them are the recently emerging diffusion probabilistic models, which have the observed advantage of generating high-quality samples. Recent advances for categorical generative models have focused on log likelihood improvements. In this work, we propose a generative model for categorical data based on diffusion models with a focus on high-quality sample generation, and propose sampled-based evaluation methods. The efficacy of our method stems from performing diffusion in the continuous domain while having its parameterization informed by the structure of the categorical nature of the target distribution. Our method of evaluation highlights the capabilities and limitations of different generative models for generating categorical data, and includes experiments on synthetic and real-world protein datasets.


Visual ChatGPT: Talking, Drawing and Editing with Visual Foundation Models

Authors:Chenfei Wu, Shengming Yin, Weizhen Qi, Xiaodong Wang, Zecheng Tang, Nan Duan

ChatGPT is attracting a cross-field interest as it provides a language interface with remarkable conversational competency and reasoning capabilities across many domains. However, since ChatGPT is trained with languages, it is currently not capable of processing or generating images from the visual world. At the same time, Visual Foundation Models, such as Visual Transformers or Stable Diffusion, although showing great visual understanding and generation capabilities, they are only experts on specific tasks with one-round fixed inputs and outputs. To this end, We build a system called \textbf{Visual ChatGPT}, incorporating different Visual Foundation Models, to enable the user to interact with ChatGPT by 1) sending and receiving not only languages but also images 2) providing complex visual questions or visual editing instructions that require the collaboration of multiple AI models with multi-steps. 3) providing feedback and asking for corrected results. We design a series of prompts to inject the visual model information into ChatGPT, considering models of multiple inputs/outputs and models that require visual feedback. Experiments show that Visual ChatGPT opens the door to investigating the visual roles of ChatGPT with the help of Visual Foundation Models. Our system is publicly available at \url{https://github.com/microsoft/visual-chatgpt}.


Video-P2P: Video Editing with Cross-attention Control

Authors:Shaoteng Liu, Yuechen Zhang, Wenbo Li, Zhe Lin, Jiaya Jia

This paper presents Video-P2P, a novel framework for real-world video editing with cross-attention control. While attention control has proven effective for image editing with pre-trained image generation models, there are currently no large-scale video generation models publicly available. Video-P2P addresses this limitation by adapting an image generation diffusion model to complete various video editing tasks. Specifically, we propose to first tune a Text-to-Set (T2S) model to complete an approximate inversion and then optimize a shared unconditional embedding to achieve accurate video inversion with a small memory cost. For attention control, we introduce a novel decoupled-guidance strategy, which uses different guidance strategies for the source and target prompts. The optimized unconditional embedding for the source prompt improves reconstruction ability, while an initialized unconditional embedding for the target prompt enhances editability. Incorporating the attention maps of these two branches enables detailed editing. These technical designs enable various text-driven editing applications, including word swap, prompt refinement, and attention re-weighting. Video-P2P works well on real-world videos for generating new characters while optimally preserving their original poses and scenes. It significantly outperforms previous approaches.
PDF 10 pages, 9 figures. Project page: https://video-p2p.github.io/


Multilevel Diffusion: Infinite Dimensional Score-Based Diffusion Models for Image Generation

Authors:Paul Hagemann, Lars Ruthotto, Gabriele Steidl, Nicole Tianjiao Yang

Score-based diffusion models (SBDM) have recently emerged as state-of-the-art approaches for image generation. Existing SBDMs are typically formulated in a finite-dimensional setting, where images are considered as tensors of a finite size. This papers develops SBDMs in the infinite-dimensional setting, that is, we model the training data as functions supported on a rectangular domain. Besides the quest for generating images at ever higher resolution our primary motivation is to create a well-posed infinite-dimensional learning problem so that we can discretize it consistently on multiple resolution levels. We thereby hope to obtain diffusion models that generalize across different resolution levels and improve the efficiency of the training process. We demonstrate how to overcome two shortcomings of current SBDM approaches in the infinite-dimensional setting. First, we modify the forward process to ensure that the latent distribution is well-defined in the infinite-dimensional setting using the notion of trace class operators. Second, we illustrate that approximating the score function with an operator network, in our case Fourier neural operators (FNOs), is beneficial for multilevel training. After deriving the forward and reverse process in the infinite-dimensional setting, we show their well-posedness, derive adequate discretizations, and investigate the role of the latent distributions. We provide first promising numerical results on two datasets, MNIST and material structures. In particular, we show that multilevel training is feasible within this framework.


Open-Vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors:Jiarui Xu, Sifei Liu, Arash Vahdat, Wonmin Byeon, Xiaolong Wang, Shalini De Mello

We present ODISE: Open-vocabulary DIffusion-based panoptic SEgmentation, which unifies pre-trained text-image diffusion and discriminative models to perform open-vocabulary panoptic segmentation. Text-to-image diffusion models have shown the remarkable capability of generating high-quality images with diverse open-vocabulary language descriptions. This demonstrates that their internal representation space is highly correlated with open concepts in the real world. Text-image discriminative models like CLIP, on the other hand, are good at classifying images into open-vocabulary labels. We propose to leverage the frozen representation of both these models to perform panoptic segmentation of any category in the wild. Our approach outperforms the previous state of the art by significant margins on both open-vocabulary panoptic and semantic segmentation tasks. In particular, with COCO training only, our method achieves 23.4 PQ and 30.0 mIoU on the ADE20K dataset, with 8.3 PQ and 7.9 mIoU absolute improvement over the previous state-of-the-art. Project page is available at \url{https://jerryxu.net/ODISE}.
PDF CVPR 2022. Project page: https://jerryxu.net/ODISE


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