2023-03-08 更新

Multiscale Tensor Decomposition and Rendering Equation Encoding for View Synthesis

Authors:Kang Han, Wei Xiang

Rendering novel views from captured multi-view images has made considerable progress since the emergence of the neural radiance field. This paper aims to further advance the quality of view rendering by proposing a novel approach dubbed the neural radiance feature field (NRFF) which represents scenes in the feature space. We first propose a multiscale tensor decomposition scheme to organize learnable features so as to represent scenes from coarse to fine scales. We demonstrate many benefits of the proposed multiscale representation, including more accurate scene shape and appearance reconstruction, and faster convergence compared with the single-scale representation. Instead of encoding view directions to model view-dependent effects, we further propose to encode the rendering equation in the feature space by employing the anisotropic spherical Gaussian mixture predicted from the proposed multiscale representation. The proposed NRFF improves state-of-the-art rendering results by over 1 dB in PSNR on both the NeRF and NSVF synthetic datasets. A significant improvement has also been observed on the real-world Tanks and Temples dataset.


Semantic-aware Occlusion Filtering Neural Radiance Fields in the Wild

Authors:Jaewon Lee, Injae Kim, Hwan Heo, Hyunwoo J. Kim

We present a learning framework for reconstructing neural scene representations from a small number of unconstrained tourist photos. Since each image contains transient occluders, decomposing the static and transient components is necessary to construct radiance fields with such in-the-wild photographs where existing methods require a lot of training data. We introduce SF-NeRF, aiming to disentangle those two components with only a few images given, which exploits semantic information without any supervision. The proposed method contains an occlusion filtering module that predicts the transient color and its opacity for each pixel, which enables the NeRF model to solely learn the static scene representation. This filtering module learns the transient phenomena guided by pixel-wise semantic features obtained by a trainable image encoder that can be trained across multiple scenes to learn the prior of transient objects. Furthermore, we present two techniques to prevent ambiguous decomposition and noisy results of the filtering module. We demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art novel view synthesis methods on Phototourism dataset in a few-shot setting.
PDF 11 pages, 5 figures


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