I2I Translation

2023-03-08 更新

DwinFormer: Dual Window Transformers for End-to-End Monocular Depth Estimation

Authors:Md Awsafur Rahman, Shaikh Anowarul Fattah

Depth estimation from a single image is of paramount importance in the realm of computer vision, with a multitude of applications. Conventional methods suffer from the trade-off between consistency and fine-grained details due to the local-receptive field limiting their practicality. This lack of long-range dependency inherently comes from the convolutional neural network part of the architecture. In this paper, a dual window transformer-based network, namely DwinFormer, is proposed, which utilizes both local and global features for end-to-end monocular depth estimation. The DwinFormer consists of dual window self-attention and cross-attention transformers, Dwin-SAT and Dwin-CAT, respectively. The Dwin-SAT seamlessly extracts intricate, locally aware features while concurrently capturing global context. It harnesses the power of local and global window attention to adeptly capture both short-range and long-range dependencies, obviating the need for complex and computationally expensive operations, such as attention masking or window shifting. Moreover, Dwin-SAT introduces inductive biases which provide desirable properties, such as translational equvariance and less dependence on large-scale data. Furthermore, conventional decoding methods often rely on skip connections which may result in semantic discrepancies and a lack of global context when fusing encoder and decoder features. In contrast, the Dwin-CAT employs both local and global window cross-attention to seamlessly fuse encoder and decoder features with both fine-grained local and contextually aware global information, effectively amending semantic gap. Empirical evidence obtained through extensive experimentation on the NYU-Depth-V2 and KITTI datasets demonstrates the superiority of the proposed method, consistently outperforming existing approaches across both indoor and outdoor environments.


Guided Image-to-Image Translation by Discriminator-Generator Communication

Authors:Yuanjiang Cao, Lina Yao, Le Pan, Quan Z. Sheng, Xiaojun Chang

The goal of Image-to-image (I2I) translation is to transfer an image from a source domain to a target domain, which has recently drawn increasing attention. One major branch of this research is to formulate I2I translation based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). As a zero-sum game, GAN can be reformulated as a Partially-observed Markov Decision Process (POMDP) for generators, where generators cannot access full state information of their environments. This formulation illustrates the information insufficiency in the GAN training. To mitigate this problem, we propose to add a communication channel between discriminators and generators. We explore multiple architecture designs to integrate the communication mechanism into the I2I translation framework. To validate the performance of the proposed approach, we have conducted extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets. The experimental results confirm the superiority of our proposed method.


Generative Modeling with Flow-Guided Density Ratio Learning

Authors:Alvin Heng, Abdul Fatir Ansari, Harold Soh

We present Flow-Guided Density Ratio Learning (FDRL), a simple and scalable approach to generative modeling which builds on the stale (time-independent) approximation of the gradient flow of entropy-regularized f-divergences introduced in DGflow. In DGflow, the intractable time-dependent density ratio is approximated by a stale estimator given by a GAN discriminator. This is sufficient in the case of sample refinement, where the source and target distributions of the flow are close to each other. However, this assumption is invalid for generation and a naive application of the stale estimator fails due to the large chasm between the two distributions. FDRL proposes to train a density ratio estimator such that it learns from progressively improving samples during the training process. We show that this simple method alleviates the density chasm problem, allowing FDRL to generate images of dimensions as high as $128\times128$, as well as outperform existing gradient flow baselines on quantitative benchmarks. We also show the flexibility of FDRL with two use cases. First, unconditional FDRL can be easily composed with external classifiers to perform class-conditional generation. Second, FDRL can be directly applied to unpaired image-to-image translation with no modifications needed to the framework. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/ajrheng/FDRL.


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