
2023-03-08 更新

ADELT: Transpilation Between Deep Learning Frameworks

Authors:Linyuan Gong, Jiayi Wang, Alvin Cheung

We propose Adversarial DEep Learning Transpiler (ADELT) for source-to-source transpilation between deep learning frameworks. Unlike prior approaches, we decouple the transpilation of code skeletons and the mapping of API keywords (an API function name or a parameter name). ADELT transpile code skeletons using few-shot prompting on big language models. Based on contextual embeddings extracted by a BERT for code, we train aligned API embeddings in a domain-adversarial setup, upon which we generate a dictionary for keyword translation. The model is trained on our unlabeled DL corpus from web crawl data, without using any hand-crafted rules and parallel data. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art transpilers on multiple transpilation pairs including PyTorch-Keras and PyTorch-MXNet by 15.9pts and 12.0pts in exact match scores respectively.
PDF 23 pages


Semantic-aware Occlusion Filtering Neural Radiance Fields in the Wild

Authors:Jaewon Lee, Injae Kim, Hwan Heo, Hyunwoo J. Kim

We present a learning framework for reconstructing neural scene representations from a small number of unconstrained tourist photos. Since each image contains transient occluders, decomposing the static and transient components is necessary to construct radiance fields with such in-the-wild photographs where existing methods require a lot of training data. We introduce SF-NeRF, aiming to disentangle those two components with only a few images given, which exploits semantic information without any supervision. The proposed method contains an occlusion filtering module that predicts the transient color and its opacity for each pixel, which enables the NeRF model to solely learn the static scene representation. This filtering module learns the transient phenomena guided by pixel-wise semantic features obtained by a trainable image encoder that can be trained across multiple scenes to learn the prior of transient objects. Furthermore, we present two techniques to prevent ambiguous decomposition and noisy results of the filtering module. We demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art novel view synthesis methods on Phototourism dataset in a few-shot setting.
PDF 11 pages, 5 figures


DINet: Deformation Inpainting Network for Realistic Face Visually Dubbing on High Resolution Video

Authors:Zhimeng Zhang, Zhipeng Hu, Wenjin Deng, Changjie Fan, Tangjie Lv, Yu Ding

For few-shot learning, it is still a critical challenge to realize photo-realistic face visually dubbing on high-resolution videos. Previous works fail to generate high-fidelity dubbing results. To address the above problem, this paper proposes a Deformation Inpainting Network (DINet) for high-resolution face visually dubbing. Different from previous works relying on multiple up-sample layers to directly generate pixels from latent embeddings, DINet performs spatial deformation on feature maps of reference images to better preserve high-frequency textural details. Specifically, DINet consists of one deformation part and one inpainting part. In the first part, five reference facial images adaptively perform spatial deformation to create deformed feature maps encoding mouth shapes at each frame, in order to align with the input driving audio and also the head poses of the input source images. In the second part, to produce face visually dubbing, a feature decoder is responsible for adaptively incorporating mouth movements from the deformed feature maps and other attributes (i.e., head pose and upper facial expression) from the source feature maps together. Finally, DINet achieves face visually dubbing with rich textural details. We conduct qualitative and quantitative comparisons to validate our DINet on high-resolution videos. The experimental results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art works.
PDF AAAI-23, 9pages


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