
2023-03-07 更新

X$^3$KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks and Stages for Multi-Camera 3D Object Detection

Authors:Marvin Klingner, Shubhankar Borse, Varun Ravi Kumar, Behnaz Rezaei, Venkatraman Narayanan, Senthil Yogamani, Fatih Porikli

Recent advances in 3D object detection (3DOD) have obtained remarkably strong results for LiDAR-based models. In contrast, surround-view 3DOD models based on multiple camera images underperform due to the necessary view transformation of features from perspective view (PV) to a 3D world representation which is ambiguous due to missing depth information. This paper introduces X$^3$KD, a comprehensive knowledge distillation framework across different modalities, tasks, and stages for multi-camera 3DOD. Specifically, we propose cross-task distillation from an instance segmentation teacher (X-IS) in the PV feature extraction stage providing supervision without ambiguous error backpropagation through the view transformation. After the transformation, we apply cross-modal feature distillation (X-FD) and adversarial training (X-AT) to improve the 3D world representation of multi-camera features through the information contained in a LiDAR-based 3DOD teacher. Finally, we also employ this teacher for cross-modal output distillation (X-OD), providing dense supervision at the prediction stage. We perform extensive ablations of knowledge distillation at different stages of multi-camera 3DOD. Our final X$^3$KD model outperforms previous state-of-the-art approaches on the nuScenes and Waymo datasets and generalizes to RADAR-based 3DOD. Qualitative results video at https://youtu.be/1do9DPFmr38.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023


Virtual Sparse Convolution for Multimodal 3D Object Detection

Authors:Hai Wu, Chenglu Wen, Shaoshuai Shi, Xin Li, Cheng Wang

Recently, virtual/pseudo-point-based 3D object detection that seamlessly fuses RGB images and LiDAR data by depth completion has gained great attention. However, virtual points generated from an image are very dense, introducing a huge amount of redundant computation during detection. Meanwhile, noises brought by inaccurate depth completion significantly degrade detection precision. This paper proposes a fast yet effective backbone, termed VirConvNet, based on a new operator VirConv (Virtual Sparse Convolution), for virtual-point-based 3D object detection. VirConv consists of two key designs: (1) StVD (Stochastic Voxel Discard) and (2) NRConv (Noise-Resistant Submanifold Convolution). StVD alleviates the computation problem by discarding large amounts of nearby redundant voxels. NRConv tackles the noise problem by encoding voxel features in both 2D image and 3D LiDAR space. By integrating VirConv, we first develop an efficient pipeline VirConv-L based on an early fusion design. Then, we build a high-precision pipeline VirConv-T based on a transformed refinement scheme. Finally, we develop a semi-supervised pipeline VirConv-S based on a pseudo-label framework. On the KITTI car 3D detection test leaderboard, our VirConv-L achieves 85% AP with a fast running speed of 56ms. Our VirConv-T and VirConv-S attains a high-precision of 86.3% and 87.2% AP, and currently rank 2nd and 1st, respectively. The code is available at https://github.com/hailanyi/VirConv.
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2023


Exploit CAM by itself: Complementary Learning System for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Jiren Mai, Fei Zhang, Junjie Ye, Marcus Kalander, Xian Zhang, WanKou Yang, Tongliang Liu, Bo Han

Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS) with image-level labels has long been suffering from fragmentary object regions led by Class Activation Map (CAM), which is incapable of generating fine-grained masks for semantic segmentation. To guide CAM to find more non-discriminating object patterns, this paper turns to an interesting working mechanism in agent learning named Complementary Learning System (CLS). CLS holds that the neocortex builds a sensation of general knowledge, while the hippocampus specially learns specific details, completing the learned patterns. Motivated by this simple but effective learning pattern, we propose a General-Specific Learning Mechanism (GSLM) to explicitly drive a coarse-grained CAM to a fine-grained pseudo mask. Specifically, GSLM develops a General Learning Module (GLM) and a Specific Learning Module (SLM). The GLM is trained with image-level supervision to extract coarse and general localization representations from CAM. Based on the general knowledge in the GLM, the SLM progressively exploits the specific spatial knowledge from the localization representations, expanding the CAM in an explicit way. To this end, we propose the Seed Reactivation to help SLM reactivate non-discriminating regions by setting a boundary for activation values, which successively identifies more regions of CAM. Without extra refinement processes, our method is able to achieve breakthrough improvements for CAM of over 20.0% mIoU on PASCAL VOC 2012 and 10.0% mIoU on MS COCO 2014 datasets, representing a new state-of-the-art among existing WSSS methods.


Scalable Object Detection on Embedded Devices Using Weight Pruning and Singular Value Decomposition

Authors:Dohyun Ham, Jaeyeop Jeong, June-Kyoo Park, Raehyeon Jeong, Seungmin Jeon, Hyeongjun Jeon, Yewon Lim

This paper presents a method for optimizing object detection models by combining weight pruning and singular value decomposition (SVD). The proposed method was evaluated on a custom dataset of street work images obtained from https://universe.roboflow.com/roboflow-100/street-work. The dataset consists of 611 training images, 175 validation images, and 87 test images with 7 classes. We compared the performance of the optimized models with the original unoptimized model in terms of frame rate, mean average precision (mAP@50), and weight size. The results show that the weight pruning + SVD model achieved a 0.724 mAP@50 with a frame rate of 1.48 FPS and a weight size of 12.1 MB, outperforming the original model (0.717 mAP@50, 1.50 FPS, and 12.3 MB). Precision-recall curves were also plotted for all models. Our work demonstrates that the proposed method can effectively optimize object detection models while balancing accuracy, speed, and model size.
PDF 8 pages, 3 figures. A report of the project done as part of the Yonsei-Roboin project for the 2nd semester, 2022


Dual Feedback Attention Framework via Boundary-Aware Auxiliary and Progressive Semantic Optimization for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery

Authors:Dejun Feng, Hongyu Chen, Suning Liu, Xingyu Shen, Ziyang Liao, Yakun Xie, Jun Zhu

Salient object detection in optical remote sensing image (ORSI-SOD) has gradually attracted attention thanks to the development of deep learning (DL) and salient object detection in natural scene image (NSI-SOD). However, NSI and ORSI are different in many aspects, such as large coverage, complex background, and large differences in target types and scales. Therefore, a new dedicated method is needed for ORSI-SOD. In addition, existing methods do not pay sufficient attention to the boundary of the object, and the completeness of the final saliency map still needs improvement. To address these issues, we propose a novel method called Dual Feedback Attention Framework via Boundary-Aware Auxiliary and Progressive Semantic Optimization (DFA-BASO). First, Boundary Protection Calibration (BPC) module is proposed to reduce the loss of edge position information during forward propagation and suppress noise in low-level features. Second, a Dual Feature Feedback Complementary (DFFC) module is proposed based on BPC module. It aggregates boundary-semantic dual features and provides effective feedback to coordinate features across different layers. Finally, a Strong Semantic Feedback Refinement (SSFR) module is proposed to obtain more complete saliency maps. This module further refines feature representation and eliminates feature differences through a unique feedback mechanism. Extensive experiments on two public datasets show that DFA-BASO outperforms 15 state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, this paper strongly demonstrates the true contribution of DFA-BASO to ORSI-SOD by in-depth analysis of the visualization figure. All codes can be found at https://github.com/YUHsss/DFA-BASO.


Detecting Human-Object Contact in Images

Authors:Yixin Chen, Sai Kumar Dwivedi, Michael J. Black, Dimitrios Tzionas

Humans constantly contact objects to move and perform tasks. Thus, detecting human-object contact is important for building human-centered artificial intelligence. However, there exists no robust method to detect contact between the body and the scene from an image, and there exists no dataset to learn such a detector. We fill this gap with HOT (“Human-Object conTact”), a new dataset of human-object contacts for images. To build HOT, we use two data sources: (1) We use the PROX dataset of 3D human meshes moving in 3D scenes, and automatically annotate 2D image areas for contact via 3D mesh proximity and projection. (2) We use the V-COCO, HAKE and Watch-n-Patch datasets, and ask trained annotators to draw polygons for the 2D image areas where contact takes place. We also annotate the involved body part of the human body. We use our HOT dataset to train a new contact detector, which takes a single color image as input, and outputs 2D contact heatmaps as well as the body-part labels that are in contact. This is a new and challenging task that extends current foot-ground or hand-object contact detectors to the full generality of the whole body. The detector uses a part-attention branch to guide contact estimation through the context of the surrounding body parts and scene. We evaluate our detector extensively, and quantitative results show that our model outperforms baselines, and that all components contribute to better performance. Results on images from an online repository show reasonable detections and generalizability.
PDF Accepted at CVPR 2023


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