Diffusion Models

2023-03-07 更新

Comparative study of Transformer and LSTM Network with attention mechanism on Image Captioning

Authors:Pranav Dandwate, Chaitanya Shahane, Vandana Jagtap, Shridevi C. Karande

In a globalized world at the present epoch of generative intelligence, most of the manual labour tasks are automated with increased efficiency. This can support businesses to save time and money. A crucial component of generative intelligence is the integration of vision and language. Consequently, image captioning become an intriguing area of research. There have been multiple attempts by the researchers to solve this problem with different deep learning architectures, although the accuracy has increased, but the results are still not up to standard. This study buckles down to the comparison of Transformer and LSTM with attention block model on MS-COCO dataset, which is a standard dataset for image captioning. For both the models we have used pretrained Inception-V3 CNN encoder for feature extraction of the images. The Bilingual Evaluation Understudy score (BLEU) is used to checked the accuracy of caption generated by both models. Along with the transformer and LSTM with attention block models,CLIP-diffusion model, M2-Transformer model and the X-Linear Attention model have been discussed with state of the art accuracy.
PDF 13 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables


SePaint: Semantic Map Inpainting via Multinomial Diffusion

Authors:Zheng Chen, Deepak Duggirala, David Crandall, Lei Jiang, Lantao Liu

Prediction beyond partial observations is crucial for robots to navigate in unknown environments because it can provide extra information regarding the surroundings beyond the current sensing range or resolution. In this work, we consider the inpainting of semantic Bird’s-Eye-View maps. We propose SePaint, an inpainting model for semantic data based on generative multinomial diffusion. To maintain semantic consistency, we need to condition the prediction for the missing regions on the known regions. We propose a novel and efficient condition strategy, Look-Back Condition (LB-Con), which performs one-step look-back operations during the reverse diffusion process. By doing so, we are able to strengthen the harmonization between unknown and known parts, leading to better completion performance. We have conducted extensive experiments on different datasets, showing our proposed model outperforms commonly used interpolation methods in various robotic applications.


StyO: Stylize Your Face in Only One-Shot

Authors:Bonan Li, Zicheng Zhang, Xuecheng Nie, Congying Han, Yinhan Hu, Tiande Guo

This paper focuses on face stylization with a single artistic target. Existing works for this task often fail to retain the source content while achieving geometry variation. Here, we present a novel StyO model, ie. Stylize the face in only One-shot, to solve the above problem. In particular, StyO exploits a disentanglement and recombination strategy. It first disentangles the content and style of source and target images into identifiers, which are then recombined in a cross manner to derive the stylized face image. In this way, StyO decomposes complex images into independent and specific attributes, and simplifies one-shot face stylization as the combination of different attributes from input images, thus producing results better matching face geometry of target image and content of source one. StyO is implemented with latent diffusion models (LDM) and composed of two key modules: 1) Identifier Disentanglement Learner (IDL) for disentanglement phase. It represents identifiers as contrastive text prompts, ie. positive and negative descriptions. And it introduces a novel triple reconstruction loss to fine-tune the pre-trained LDM for encoding style and content into corresponding identifiers; 2) Fine-grained Content Controller (FCC) for the recombination phase. It recombines disentangled identifiers from IDL to form an augmented text prompt for generating stylized faces. In addition, FCC also constrains the cross-attention maps of latent and text features to preserve source face details in results. The extensive evaluation shows that StyO produces high-quality images on numerous paintings of various styles and outperforms the current state-of-the-art. Code will be released upon acceptance.


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