
2023-03-06 更新

Toward Risk-based Optimistic Exploration for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Jihwan Oh, Joonkee Kim, Minchan Jeong, Se-Young Yun

The multi-agent setting is intricate and unpredictable since the behaviors of multiple agents influence one another. To address this environmental uncertainty, distributional reinforcement learning algorithms that incorporate uncertainty via distributional output have been integrated with multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) methods, achieving state-of-the-art performance. However, distributional MARL algorithms still rely on the traditional $\epsilon$-greedy, which does not take cooperative strategy into account. In this paper, we present a risk-based exploration that leads to collaboratively optimistic behavior by shifting the sampling region of distribution. Initially, we take expectations from the upper quantiles of state-action values for exploration, which are optimistic actions, and gradually shift the sampling region of quantiles to the full distribution for exploitation. By ensuring that each agent is exposed to the same level of risk, we can force them to take cooperatively optimistic actions. Our method shows remarkable performance in multi-agent settings requiring cooperative exploration based on quantile regression appropriately controlling the level of risk.
PDF AAMAS2023 camera-ready version. First two authors contributed equally


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