Domain Adaptation

2023-03-06 更新

Learning to Adapt to Online Streams with Distribution Shifts

Authors:Chenyan Wu, Yimu Pan, Yandong Li, James Z. Wang

Test-time adaptation (TTA) is a technique used to reduce distribution gaps between the training and testing sets by leveraging unlabeled test data during inference. In this work, we expand TTA to a more practical scenario, where the test data comes in the form of online streams that experience distribution shifts over time. Existing approaches face two challenges: reliance on a large test data batch from the same domain and the absence of explicitly modeling the continual distribution evolution process. To address both challenges, we propose a meta-learning approach that teaches the network to adapt to distribution-shifting online streams during meta-training. As a result, the trained model can perform continual adaptation to distribution shifts in testing, regardless of the batch size restriction, as it has learned during training. We conducted extensive experiments on benchmarking datasets for TTA, incorporating a broad range of online distribution-shifting settings. Our results showed consistent improvements over state-of-the-art methods, indicating the effectiveness of our approach. In addition, we achieved superior performance in the video segmentation task, highlighting the potential of our method for real-world applications.


EcoTTA: Memory-Efficient Continual Test-time Adaptation via Self-distilled Regularization

Authors:Junha Song, Jungsoo Lee, In So Kweon, Sungha Choi

This paper presents a simple yet effective approach that improves continual test-time adaptation (TTA) in a memory-efficient manner. TTA may primarily be conducted on edge devices with limited memory, so reducing memory is crucial but has been overlooked in previous TTA studies. In addition, long-term adaptation often leads to catastrophic forgetting and error accumulation, which hinders applying TTA in real-world deployments. Our approach consists of two components to address these issues. First, we present lightweight meta networks that can adapt the frozen original networks to the target domain. This novel architecture minimizes memory consumption by decreasing the size of intermediate activations required for backpropagation. Second, our novel self-distilled regularization controls the output of the meta networks not to deviate significantly from the output of the frozen original networks, thereby preserving well-trained knowledge from the source domain. Without additional memory, this regularization prevents error accumulation and catastrophic forgetting, resulting in stable performance even in long-term test-time adaptation. We demonstrate that our simple yet effective strategy outperforms other state-of-the-art methods on various benchmarks for image classification and semantic segmentation tasks. Notably, our proposed method with ResNet-50 and WideResNet-40 takes 86% and 80% less memory than the recent state-of-the-art method, CoTTA.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023


ACL-SPC: Adaptive Closed-Loop system for Self-Supervised Point Cloud Completion

Authors:Sangmin Hong, Mohsen Yavartanoo, Reyhaneh Neshatavar, Kyoung Mu Lee

Point cloud completion addresses filling in the missing parts of a partial point cloud obtained from depth sensors and generating a complete point cloud. Although there has been steep progress in the supervised methods on the synthetic point cloud completion task, it is hardly applicable in real-world scenarios due to the domain gap between the synthetic and real-world datasets or the requirement of prior information. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel self-supervised framework ACL-SPC for point cloud completion to train and test on the same data. ACL-SPC takes a single partial input and attempts to output the complete point cloud using an adaptive closed-loop (ACL) system that enforces the output same for the variation of an input. We evaluate our proposed ACL-SPC on various datasets to prove that it can successfully learn to complete a partial point cloud as the first self-supervised scheme. Results show that our method is comparable with unsupervised methods and achieves superior performance on the real-world dataset compared to the supervised methods trained on the synthetic dataset. Extensive experiments justify the necessity of self-supervised learning and the effectiveness of our proposed method for the real-world point cloud completion task. The code is publicly available from
PDF Published at CVPR 2023


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