2023-03-04 更新

3D-aware Blending with Generative NeRFs

Authors:Hyunsu Kim, Gayoung Lee, Yunjey Choi, Jin-Hwa Kim, Jun-Yan Zhu

Image blending aims to combine multiple images seamlessly. It remains challenging for existing 2D-based methods, especially when input images are misaligned due to differences in 3D camera poses and object shapes. To tackle these issues, we propose a 3D-aware blending method using generative Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), including two key components: 3D-aware alignment and 3D-aware blending. For 3D-aware alignment, we first estimate the camera pose of the reference image with respect to generative NeRFs and then perform 3D local alignment for each part. To further leverage 3D information of the generative NeRF, we propose 3D-aware blending that directly blends images on the NeRF’s latent representation space, rather than raw pixel space. Collectively, our method outperforms existing 2D baselines, as validated by extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations with FFHQ and AFHQ-Cat.
PDF Project page:


VQ3D: Learning a 3D-Aware Generative Model on ImageNet

Authors:Kyle Sargent, Jing Yu Koh, Han Zhang, Huiwen Chang, Charles Herrmann, Pratul Srinivasan, Jiajun Wu, Deqing Sun

Recent work has shown the possibility of training generative models of 3D content from 2D image collections on small datasets corresponding to a single object class, such as human faces, animal faces, or cars. However, these models struggle on larger, more complex datasets. To model diverse and unconstrained image collections such as ImageNet, we present VQ3D, which introduces a NeRF-based decoder into a two-stage vector-quantized autoencoder. Our Stage 1 allows for the reconstruction of an input image and the ability to change the camera position around the image, and our Stage 2 allows for the generation of new 3D scenes. VQ3D is capable of generating and reconstructing 3D-aware images from the 1000-class ImageNet dataset of 1.2 million training images. We achieve an ImageNet generation FID score of 16.8, compared to 69.8 for the next best baseline method.
PDF 15 pages. For visual results, please visit the project webpage at


MixNeRF: Modeling a Ray with Mixture Density for Novel View Synthesis from Sparse Inputs

Authors:Seunghyeon Seo, Donghoon Han, Yeonjin Chang, Nojun Kwak

Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has broken new ground in the novel view synthesis due to its simple concept and state-of-the-art quality. However, it suffers from severe performance degradation unless trained with a dense set of images with different camera poses, which hinders its practical applications. Although previous methods addressing this problem achieved promising results, they relied heavily on the additional training resources, which goes against the philosophy of sparse-input novel-view synthesis pursuing the training efficiency. In this work, we propose MixNeRF, an effective training strategy for novel view synthesis from sparse inputs by modeling a ray with a mixture density model. Our MixNeRF estimates the joint distribution of RGB colors along the ray samples by modeling it with mixture of distributions. We also propose a new task of ray depth estimation as a useful training objective, which is highly correlated with 3D scene geometry. Moreover, we remodel the colors with regenerated blending weights based on the estimated ray depth and further improves the robustness for colors and viewpoints. Our MixNeRF outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in various standard benchmarks with superior efficiency of training and inference.
PDF 14 figures including supplementary materials


LC-NeRF: Local Controllable Face Generation in Neural Randiance Field

Authors:Wenyang Zhou, Lu Yuan, Shuyu Chen, Lin Gao, Shimin Hu

3D face generation has achieved high visual quality and 3D consistency thanks to the development of neural radiance fields (NeRF). Recently, to generate and edit 3D faces with NeRF representation, some methods are proposed and achieve good results in decoupling geometry and texture. The latent codes of these generative models affect the whole face, and hence modifications to these codes cause the entire face to change. However, users usually edit a local region when editing faces and do not want other regions to be affected. Since changes to the latent code affect global generation results, these methods do not allow for fine-grained control of local facial regions. To improve local controllability in NeRF-based face editing, we propose LC-NeRF, which is composed of a Local Region Generators Module and a Spatial-Aware Fusion Module, allowing for local geometry and texture control of local facial regions. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations show that our method provides better local editing than state-of-the-art face editing methods. Our method also performs well in downstream tasks, such as text-driven facial image editing.


NerfDiff: Single-image View Synthesis with NeRF-guided Distillation from 3D-aware Diffusion

Authors:Jiatao Gu, Alex Trevithick, Kai-En Lin, Josh Susskind, Christian Theobalt, Lingjie Liu, Ravi Ramamoorthi

Novel view synthesis from a single image requires inferring occluded regions of objects and scenes whilst simultaneously maintaining semantic and physical consistency with the input. Existing approaches condition neural radiance fields (NeRF) on local image features, projecting points to the input image plane, and aggregating 2D features to perform volume rendering. However, under severe occlusion, this projection fails to resolve uncertainty, resulting in blurry renderings that lack details. In this work, we propose NerfDiff, which addresses this issue by distilling the knowledge of a 3D-aware conditional diffusion model (CDM) into NeRF through synthesizing and refining a set of virtual views at test time. We further propose a novel NeRF-guided distillation algorithm that simultaneously generates 3D consistent virtual views from the CDM samples, and finetunes the NeRF based on the improved virtual views. Our approach significantly outperforms existing NeRF-based and geometry-free approaches on challenging datasets, including ShapeNet, ABO, and Clevr3D.
PDF Project page:


USR: Unsupervised Separated 3D Garment and Human Reconstruction via Geometry and Semantic Consistency

Authors:Yue Shi, Yuxuan Xiong, Jingyi Chai, Bingbing Ni, Wenjun Zhang

Dressed people reconstruction from images is a popular task with promising applications in the creative media and game industry. However, most existing methods reconstruct the human body and garments as a whole with the supervision of 3D models, which hinders the downstream interaction tasks and requires hard-to-obtain data. To address these issues, we propose an unsupervised separated 3D garments and human reconstruction model (USR), which reconstructs the human body and authentic textured clothes in layers without 3D models. More specifically, our method proposes a generalized surface-aware neural radiance field to learn the mapping between sparse multi-view images and geometries of the dressed people. Based on the full geometry, we introduce a Semantic and Confidence Guided Separation strategy (SCGS) to detect, segment, and reconstruct the clothes layer, leveraging the consistency between 2D semantic and 3D geometry. Moreover, we propose a Geometry Fine-tune Module to smooth edges. Extensive experiments on our dataset show that comparing with state-of-the-art methods, USR achieves improvements on both geometry and appearance reconstruction while supporting generalizing to unseen people in real time. Besides, we also introduce SMPL-D model to show the benefit of the separated modeling of clothes and the human body that allows swapping clothes and virtual try-on.


RealFusion: 360° Reconstruction of Any Object from a Single Image

Authors:Luke Melas-Kyriazi, Christian Rupprecht, Iro Laina, Andrea Vedaldi

We consider the problem of reconstructing a full 360{\deg} photographic model of an object from a single image of it. We do so by fitting a neural radiance field to the image, but find this problem to be severely ill-posed. We thus take an off-the-self conditional image generator based on diffusion and engineer a prompt that encourages it to “dream up” novel views of the object. Using an approach inspired by DreamFields and DreamFusion, we fuse the given input view, the conditional prior, and other regularizers in a final, consistent reconstruction. We demonstrate state-of-the-art reconstruction results on benchmark images when compared to prior methods for monocular 3D reconstruction of objects. Qualitatively, our reconstructions provide a faithful match of the input view and a plausible extrapolation of its appearance and 3D shape, including to the side of the object not visible in the image.
PDF Project page:


Learning Neural Volumetric Representations of Dynamic Humans in Minutes

Authors:Chen Geng, Sida Peng, Zhen Xu, Hujun Bao, Xiaowei Zhou

This paper addresses the challenge of quickly reconstructing free-viewpoint videos of dynamic humans from sparse multi-view videos. Some recent works represent the dynamic human as a canonical neural radiance field (NeRF) and a motion field, which are learned from videos through differentiable rendering. But the per-scene optimization generally requires hours. Other generalizable NeRF models leverage learned prior from datasets and reduce the optimization time by only finetuning on new scenes at the cost of visual fidelity. In this paper, we propose a novel method for learning neural volumetric videos of dynamic humans from sparse view videos in minutes with competitive visual quality. Specifically, we define a novel part-based voxelized human representation to better distribute the representational power of the network to different human parts. Furthermore, we propose a novel 2D motion parameterization scheme to increase the convergence rate of deformation field learning. Experiments demonstrate that our model can be learned 100 times faster than prior per-scene optimization methods while being competitive in the rendering quality. Training our model on a $512 \times 512$ video with 100 frames typically takes about 5 minutes on a single RTX 3090 GPU. The code will be released on our project page:
PDF Project page:


MERF: Memory-Efficient Radiance Fields for Real-time View Synthesis in Unbounded Scenes

Authors:Christian Reiser, Richard Szeliski, Dor Verbin, Pratul P. Srinivasan, Ben Mildenhall, Andreas Geiger, Jonathan T. Barron, Peter Hedman

Neural radiance fields enable state-of-the-art photorealistic view synthesis. However, existing radiance field representations are either too compute-intensive for real-time rendering or require too much memory to scale to large scenes. We present a Memory-Efficient Radiance Field (MERF) representation that achieves real-time rendering of large-scale scenes in a browser. MERF reduces the memory consumption of prior sparse volumetric radiance fields using a combination of a sparse feature grid and high-resolution 2D feature planes. To support large-scale unbounded scenes, we introduce a novel contraction function that maps scene coordinates into a bounded volume while still allowing for efficient ray-box intersection. We design a lossless procedure for baking the parameterization used during training into a model that achieves real-time rendering while still preserving the photorealistic view synthesis quality of a volumetric radiance field.
PDF Video and interactive web demo available at


Renderable Neural Radiance Map for Visual Navigation

Authors:Obin Kwon, Jeongho Park, Songhwai Oh

We propose a novel type of map for visual navigation, a renderable neural radiance map (RNR-Map), which is designed to contain the overall visual information of a 3D environment. The RNR-Map has a grid form and consists of latent codes at each pixel. These latent codes are embedded from image observations, and can be converted to the neural radiance field which enables image rendering given a camera pose. The recorded latent codes implicitly contain visual information about the environment, which makes the RNR-Map visually descriptive. This visual information in RNR-Map can be a useful guideline for visual localization and navigation. We develop localization and navigation frameworks that can effectively utilize the RNR-Map. We evaluate the proposed frameworks on camera tracking, visual localization, and image-goal navigation. Experimental results show that the RNR-Map-based localization framework can find the target location based on a single query image with fast speed and competitive accuracy compared to other baselines. Also, this localization framework is robust to environmental changes, and even finds the most visually similar places when a query image from a different environment is given. The proposed navigation framework outperforms the existing image-goal navigation methods in difficult scenarios, under odometry and actuation noises. The navigation framework shows 65.7% success rate in curved scenarios of the NRNS dataset, which is an improvement of 18.6% over the current state-of-the-art.
PDF Preprint version, CVPR 2023 accepted. Supplementary Video: This will be replaced by a camera-ready version with some minor revisions


S-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Street Views

Authors:Ziyang Xie, Junge Zhang, Wenye Li, Feihu Zhang, Li Zhang

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) aim to synthesize novel views of objects and scenes, given the object-centric camera views with large overlaps. However, we conjugate that this paradigm does not fit the nature of the street views that are collected by many self-driving cars from the large-scale unbounded scenes. Also, the onboard cameras perceive scenes without much overlapping. Thus, existing NeRFs often produce blurs, ‘floaters’ and other artifacts on street-view synthesis. In this paper, we propose a new street-view NeRF (S-NeRF) that considers novel view synthesis of both the large-scale background scenes and the foreground moving vehicles jointly. Specifically, we improve the scene parameterization function and the camera poses for learning better neural representations from street views. We also use the the noisy and sparse LiDAR points to boost the training and learn a robust geometry and reprojection based confidence to address the depth outliers. Moreover, we extend our S-NeRF for reconstructing moving vehicles that is impracticable for conventional NeRFs. Thorough experiments on the large-scale driving datasets (e.g., nuScenes and Waymo) demonstrate that our method beats the state-of-the-art rivals by reducing 7% to 40% of the mean-squared error in the street-view synthesis and a 45% PSNR gain for the moving vehicles rendering.


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