I2I Translation

2023-03-04 更新

Depth- and Semantics-aware Multi-modal Domain Translation: Generating 3D Panoramic Color Images from LiDAR Point Clouds

Authors:Tiago Cortinhal, Eren Erdal Aksoy

This work presents a new depth- and semantics-aware conditional generative model, named TITAN-Next, for cross-domain image-to-image translation in a multi-modal setup between LiDAR and camera sensors. The proposed model leverages scene semantics as a mid-level representation and is able to translate raw LiDAR point clouds to RGB-D camera images by solely relying on semantic scene segments. We claim that this is the first framework of its kind and it has practical applications in autonomous vehicles such as providing a fail-safe mechanism and augmenting available data in the target image domain. The proposed model is evaluated on the large-scale and challenging Semantic-KITTI dataset, and experimental findings show that it considerably outperforms the original TITAN-Net and other strong baselines by 23.7$\%$ margin in terms of IoU.


Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation with Limited Data to Reveal Subtle Phenotypes

Authors:Anis Bourou, Auguste Genovesio

Unpaired image-to-image translation methods aim at learning a mapping of images from a source domain to a target domain. Recently, these methods proved to be very useful in biological applications to display subtle phenotypic cell variations otherwise invisible to the human eye. However, current models require a large number of images to be trained, while mostmicroscopy experiments remain limited in the number of images they can produce. In this work, we present an improved CycleGAN architecture that employs self-supervised discriminators to alleviate the need for numerous images. We demonstrate quantitatively and qualitatively that the proposed approach outperforms the CycleGAN baseline, including when it is combined with differentiable augmentations. We also provide results obtained with small biological datasets on obvious and non-obvious cell phenotype variations, demonstrating a straightforward application of this method.


Unpaired Translation from Semantic Label Maps to Images by Leveraging Domain-Specific Simulations

Authors:Lin Zhang, Tiziano Portenier, Orcun Goksel

Photorealistic image generation from simulated label maps are necessitated in several contexts, such as for medical training in virtual reality. With conventional deep learning methods, this task requires images that are paired with semantic annotations, which typically are unavailable. We introduce a contrastive learning framework for generating photorealistic images from simulated label maps, by learning from unpaired sets of both. Due to potentially large scene differences between real images and label maps, existing unpaired image translation methods lead to artifacts of scene modification in synthesized images. We utilize simulated images as surrogate targets for a contrastive loss, while ensuring consistency by utilizing features from a reverse translation network. Our method enables bidirectional label-image translations, which is demonstrated in a variety of scenarios and datasets, including laparoscopy, ultrasound, and driving scenes. By comparing with state-of-the-art unpaired translation methods, our proposed method is shown to generate realistic and scene-accurate translations.


Invariant Layers for Graphs with Nodes of Different Types

Authors:Dmitry Rybin, Ruoyu Sun, Zhi-Quan Luo

Neural networks that satisfy invariance with respect to input permutations have been widely studied in machine learning literature. However, in many applications, only a subset of all input permutations is of interest. For heterogeneous graph data, one can focus on permutations that preserve node types. We fully characterize linear layers invariant to such permutations. We verify experimentally that implementing these layers in graph neural network architectures allows learning important node interactions more effectively than existing techniques. We show that the dimension of space of these layers is given by a generalization of Bell numbers, extending the work (Maron et al., 2019). We further narrow the invariant network design space by addressing a question about the sizes of tensor layers necessary for function approximation on graph data. Our findings suggest that function approximation on a graph with $n$ nodes can be done with tensors of sizes $\leq n$, which is tighter than the best-known bound $\leq n(n-1)/2$. For $d \times d$ image data with translation symmetry, our methods give a tight upper bound $2d - 1$ (instead of $d^{4}$) on sizes of invariant tensor generators via a surprising connection to Davenport constants.


Towards Surgical Context Inference and Translation to Gestures

Authors:Kay Hutchinson, Zongyu Li, Ian Reyes, Homa Alemzadeh

Manual labeling of gestures in robot-assisted surgery is labor intensive, prone to errors, and requires expertise or training. We propose a method for automated and explainable generation of gesture transcripts that leverages the abundance of data for image segmentation to train a surgical scene segmentation model that provides surgical tool and object masks. Surgical context is detected using segmentation masks by examining the distances and intersections between the tools and objects. Next, context labels are translated into gesture transcripts using knowledge-based Finite State Machine (FSM) and data-driven Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) models. We evaluate the performance of each stage of our method by comparing the results with the ground truth segmentation masks, the consensus context labels, and the gesture labels in the JIGSAWS dataset. Our results show that our segmentation models achieve state-of-the-art performance in recognizing needle and thread in Suturing and we can automatically detect important surgical states with high agreement with crowd-sourced labels (e.g., contact between graspers and objects in Suturing). We also find that the FSM models are more robust to poor segmentation and labeling performance than LSTMs. Our proposed method can significantly shorten the gesture labeling process (~2.8 times).
PDF accepted for the 2023 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)


BEVPlace: Learning LiDAR-based Place Recognition using Bird’s Eye View Images

Authors:Lun Luo, Shuhang Zheng, Yixuan Li, Yongzhi Fan, Beinan Yu, Siyuan Cao, Huiliang Shen

Place recognition is a key module for long-term SLAM systems. Current LiDAR-based place recognition methods are usually based on representations of point clouds such as unordered points or range images. These methods achieve high recall rates of retrieval, but their performance may degrade in the case of view variation or scene changes. In this work, we explore the potential of a different representation in place recognition, i.e. bird’s eye view (BEV) images. We observe that the structural contents of BEV images are less influenced by rotations and translations of point clouds. We validate that, without any delicate design, a simple VGGNet trained on BEV images achieves comparable performance with the state-of-the-art place recognition methods in scenes of slight viewpoint changes. For more robust place recognition, we design a rotation-invariant network called BEVPlace. We use group convolution to extract rotation-equivariant local features from the images and NetVLAD for global feature aggregation. In addition, we observe that the distance between BEV features is correlated with the geometry distance of point clouds. Based on the observation, we develop a method to estimate the position of the query cloud, extending the usage of place recognition. The experiments conducted on large-scale public datasets show that our method 1) achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of recall rates, 2) is robust to view changes, 3) shows strong generalization ability, and 4) can estimate the positions of query point clouds. Source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/zjuluolun/BEVPlace.


Monocular Depth Estimation using Diffusion Models

Authors:Saurabh Saxena, Abhishek Kar, Mohammad Norouzi, David J. Fleet

We formulate monocular depth estimation using denoising diffusion models, inspired by their recent successes in high fidelity image generation. To that end, we introduce innovations to address problems arising due to noisy, incomplete depth maps in training data, including step-unrolled denoising diffusion, an $L_1$ loss, and depth infilling during training. To cope with the limited availability of data for supervised training, we leverage pre-training on self-supervised image-to-image translation tasks. Despite the simplicity of the approach, with a generic loss and architecture, our DepthGen model achieves SOTA performance on the indoor NYU dataset, and near SOTA results on the outdoor KITTI dataset. Further, with a multimodal posterior, DepthGen naturally represents depth ambiguity (e.g., from transparent surfaces), and its zero-shot performance combined with depth imputation, enable a simple but effective text-to-3D pipeline. Project page: https://depth-gen.github.io


Indescribable Multi-modal Spatial Evaluator

Authors:Lingke Kong, X. Sharon Qi, Qijin Shen, Jiacheng Wang, Jingyi Zhang, Yanle Hu, Qichao Zhou

Multi-modal image registration spatially aligns two images with different distributions. One of its major challenges is that images acquired from different imaging machines have different imaging distributions, making it difficult to focus only on the spatial aspect of the images and ignore differences in distributions. In this study, we developed a self-supervised approach, Indescribable Multi-model Spatial Evaluator (IMSE), to address multi-modal image registration. IMSE creates an accurate multi-modal spatial evaluator to measure spatial differences between two images, and then optimizes registration by minimizing the error predicted of the evaluator. To optimize IMSE performance, we also proposed a new style enhancement method called Shuffle Remap which randomizes the image distribution into multiple segments, and then randomly disorders and remaps these segments, so that the distribution of the original image is changed. Shuffle Remap can help IMSE to predict the difference in spatial location from unseen target distributions. Our results show that IMSE outperformed the existing methods for registration using T1-T2 and CT-MRI datasets. IMSE also can be easily integrated into the traditional registration process, and can provide a convenient way to evaluate and visualize registration results. IMSE also has the potential to be used as a new paradigm for image-to-image translation. Our code is available at https://github.com/Kid-Liet/IMSE.
PDF Accepted by CVPR2023


Zero-Shot Text-to-Parameter Translation for Game Character Auto-Creation

Authors:Rui Zhao, Wei Li, Zhipeng Hu, Lincheng Li, Zhengxia Zou, Zhenwei Shi, Changjie Fan

Recent popular Role-Playing Games (RPGs) saw the great success of character auto-creation systems. The bone-driven face model controlled by continuous parameters (like the position of bones) and discrete parameters (like the hairstyles) makes it possible for users to personalize and customize in-game characters. Previous in-game character auto-creation systems are mostly image-driven, where facial parameters are optimized so that the rendered character looks similar to the reference face photo. This paper proposes a novel text-to-parameter translation method (T2P) to achieve zero-shot text-driven game character auto-creation. With our method, users can create a vivid in-game character with arbitrary text description without using any reference photo or editing hundreds of parameters manually. In our method, taking the power of large-scale pre-trained multi-modal CLIP and neural rendering, T2P searches both continuous facial parameters and discrete facial parameters in a unified framework. Due to the discontinuous parameter representation, previous methods have difficulty in effectively learning discrete facial parameters. T2P, to our best knowledge, is the first method that can handle the optimization of both discrete and continuous parameters. Experimental results show that T2P can generate high-quality and vivid game characters with given text prompts. T2P outperforms other SOTA text-to-3D generation methods on both objective evaluations and subjective evaluations.
PDF Accepted in CVPR 2023


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