Domain Adaptation

2023-03-04 更新

MSDA: Monocular Self-supervised Domain Adaptation for 6D Object Pose Estimation

Authors:Dingding Cai, Janne Heikkilä, Esa Rahtu

Acquiring labeled 6D poses from real images is an expensive and time-consuming task. Though massive amounts of synthetic RGB images are easy to obtain, the models trained on them suffer from noticeable performance degradation due to the synthetic-to-real domain gap. To mitigate this degradation, we propose a practical self-supervised domain adaptation approach that takes advantage of real RGB(-D) data without needing real pose labels. We first pre-train the model with synthetic RGB images and then utilize real RGB(-D) images to fine-tune the pre-trained model. The fine-tuning process is self-supervised by the RGB-based pose-aware consistency and the depth-guided object distance pseudo-label, which does not require the time-consuming online differentiable rendering. We build our domain adaptation method based on the recent pose estimator SC6D and evaluate it on the YCB-Video dataset. We experimentally demonstrate that our method achieves comparable performance against its fully-supervised counterpart while outperforming existing state-of-the-art approaches.


Cross-Domain Label Propagation for Domain Adaptation with Discriminative Graph Self-Learning

Authors:Lei Tian, Yongqiang Tang, Liangchen Hu, Wensheng Zhang

Domain adaptation manages to transfer the knowledge of well-labeled source data to unlabeled target data. Many recent efforts focus on improving the prediction accuracy of target pseudo-labels to reduce conditional distribution shift. In this paper, we propose a novel domain adaptation method, which infers target pseudo-labels through cross-domain label propagation, such that the underlying manifold structure of two domain data can be explored. Unlike existing cross-domain label propagation methods that separate domain-invariant feature learning, affinity matrix constructing and target labels inferring into three independent stages, we propose to integrate them into a unified optimization framework. In such way, these three parts can boost each other from an iterative optimization perspective and thus more effective knowledge transfer can be achieved. Furthermore, to construct a high-quality affinity matrix, we propose a discriminative graph self-learning strategy, which can not only adaptively capture the inherent similarity of the data from two domains but also effectively exploit the discriminative information contained in well-labeled source data and pseudo-labeled target data. An efficient iterative optimization algorithm is designed to solve the objective function of our proposal. Notably, the proposed method can be extended to semi-supervised domain adaptation in a simple but effective way and the corresponding optimization problem can be solved with the identical algorithm. Extensive experiments on six standard datasets verify the significant superiority of our proposal in both unsupervised and semi-supervised domain adaptation settings.


Assessing Domain Gap for Continual Domain Adaptation in Object Detection

Authors:Anh-Dzung Doan, Bach Long Nguyen, Surabhi Gupta, Ian Reid, Markus Wagner, Tat-Jun Chin

To ensure reliable object detection in autonomous systems, the detector must be able to adapt to changes in appearance caused by environmental factors such as time of day, weather, and seasons. Continually adapting the detector to incorporate these changes is a promising solution, but it can be computationally costly. Our proposed approach is to selectively adapt the detector only when necessary, using new data that does not have the same distribution as the current training data. To this end, we investigate three popular metrics for domain gap evaluation and find that there is a correlation between the domain gap and detection accuracy. Therefore, we apply the domain gap as a criterion to decide when to adapt the detector. Our experiments show that our approach has the potential to improve the efficiency of the detector’s operation in real-world scenarios, where environmental conditions change in a cyclical manner, without sacrificing the overall performance of the detector. Our code is publicly available at
PDF Submitted to CVIU


Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Distilled Discriminative Clustering

Authors:Hui Tang, Yaowei Wang, Kui Jia

Unsupervised domain adaptation addresses the problem of classifying data in an unlabeled target domain, given labeled source domain data that share a common label space but follow a different distribution. Most of the recent methods take the approach of explicitly aligning feature distributions between the two domains. Differently, motivated by the fundamental assumption for domain adaptability, we re-cast the domain adaptation problem as discriminative clustering of target data, given strong privileged information provided by the closely related, labeled source data. Technically, we use clustering objectives based on a robust variant of entropy minimization that adaptively filters target data, a soft Fisher-like criterion, and additionally the cluster ordering via centroid classification. To distill discriminative source information for target clustering, we propose to jointly train the network using parallel, supervised learning objectives over labeled source data. We term our method of distilled discriminative clustering for domain adaptation as DisClusterDA. We also give geometric intuition that illustrates how constituent objectives of DisClusterDA help learn class-wisely pure, compact feature distributions. We conduct careful ablation studies and extensive experiments on five popular benchmark datasets, including a multi-source domain adaptation one. Based on commonly used backbone networks, DisClusterDA outperforms existing methods on these benchmarks. It is also interesting to observe that in our DisClusterDA framework, adding an additional loss term that explicitly learns to align class-level feature distributions across domains does harm to the adaptation performance, though more careful studies in different algorithmic frameworks are to be conducted.
PDF A journal paper published by Pattern Recognition in 2022


Domain Generalisation via Domain Adaptation: An Adversarial Fourier Amplitude Approach

Authors:Minyoung Kim, Da Li, Timothy Hospedales

We tackle the domain generalisation (DG) problem by posing it as a domain adaptation (DA) task where we adversarially synthesise the worst-case target domain and adapt a model to that worst-case domain, thereby improving the model’s robustness. To synthesise data that is challenging yet semantics-preserving, we generate Fourier amplitude images and combine them with source domain phase images, exploiting the widely believed conjecture from signal processing that amplitude spectra mainly determines image style, while phase data mainly captures image semantics. To synthesise a worst-case domain for adaptation, we train the classifier and the amplitude generator adversarially. Specifically, we exploit the maximum classifier discrepancy (MCD) principle from DA that relates the target domain performance to the discrepancy of classifiers in the model hypothesis space. By Bayesian hypothesis modeling, we express the model hypothesis space effectively as a posterior distribution over classifiers given the source domains, making adversarial MCD minimisation feasible. On the DomainBed benchmark including the large-scale DomainNet dataset, the proposed approach yields significantly improved domain generalisation performance over the state-of-the-art.


Dirichlet-based Uncertainty Calibration for Active Domain Adaptation

Authors:Mixue Xie, Shuang Li, Rui Zhang, Chi Harold Liu

Active domain adaptation (DA) aims to maximally boost the model adaptation on a new target domain by actively selecting limited target data to annotate, whereas traditional active learning methods may be less effective since they do not consider the domain shift issue. Despite active DA methods address this by further proposing targetness to measure the representativeness of target domain characteristics, their predictive uncertainty is usually based on the prediction of deterministic models, which can easily be miscalibrated on data with distribution shift. Considering this, we propose a \textit{Dirichlet-based Uncertainty Calibration} (DUC) approach for active DA, which simultaneously achieves the mitigation of miscalibration and the selection of informative target samples. Specifically, we place a Dirichlet prior on the prediction and interpret the prediction as a distribution on the probability simplex, rather than a point estimate like deterministic models. This manner enables us to consider all possible predictions, mitigating the miscalibration of unilateral prediction. Then a two-round selection strategy based on different uncertainty origins is designed to select target samples that are both representative of target domain and conducive to discriminability. Extensive experiments on cross-domain image classification and semantic segmentation validate the superiority of DUC.
PDF Accepted at ICLR 2023 as Spotlight


Towards domain generalisation in ASR with elitist sampling and ensemble knowledge distillation

Authors:Rehan Ahmad, Md Asif Jalal, Muhammad Umar Farooq, Anna Ollerenshaw, Thomas Hain

Knowledge distillation has widely been used for model compression and domain adaptation for speech applications. In the presence of multiple teachers, knowledge can easily be transferred to the student by averaging the models output. However, previous research shows that the student do not adapt well with such combination. This paper propose to use an elitist sampling strategy at the output of ensemble teacher models to select the best-decoded utterance generated by completely out-of-domain teacher models for generalizing unseen domain. The teacher models are trained on AMI, LibriSpeech and WSJ while the student is adapted for the Switchboard data. The results show that with the selection strategy based on the individual models posteriors the student model achieves a better WER compared to all the teachers and baselines with a minimum absolute improvement of about 8.4 percent. Furthermore, an insights on the model adaptation with out-of-domain data has also been studied via correlation analysis.


A Universal Question-Answering Platform for Knowledge Graphs

Authors:Reham Omar, Ishika Dhall, Panos Kalnis, Essam Mansour

Knowledge from diverse application domains is organized as knowledge graphs (KGs) that are stored in RDF engines accessible in the web via SPARQL endpoints. Expressing a well-formed SPARQL query requires information about the graph structure and the exact URIs of its components, which is impractical for the average user. Question answering (QA) systems assist by translating natural language questions to SPARQL. Existing QA systems are typically based on application-specific human-curated rules, or require prior information, expensive pre-processing and model adaptation for each targeted KG. Therefore, they are hard to generalize to a broad set of applications and KGs. In this paper, we propose KGQAn, a universal QA system that does not need to be tailored to each target KG. Instead of curated rules, KGQAn introduces a novel formalization of question understanding as a text generation problem to convert a question into an intermediate abstract representation via a neural sequence-to-sequence model. We also develop a just-in-time linker that maps at query time the abstract representation to a SPARQL query for a specific KG, using only the publicly accessible APIs and the existing indices of the RDF store, without requiring any pre-processing. Our experiments with several real KGs demonstrate that KGQAn is easily deployed and outperforms by a large margin the state-of-the-art in terms of quality of answers and processing time, especially for arbitrary KGs, unseen during the training.
PDF The paper is accepted to SIGMOD 2023


Diffusing Graph Attention

Authors:Daniel Glickman, Eran Yahav

The dominant paradigm for machine learning on graphs uses Message Passing Graph Neural Networks (MP-GNNs), in which node representations are updated by aggregating information in their local neighborhood. Recently, there have been increasingly more attempts to adapt the Transformer architecture to graphs in an effort to solve some known limitations of MP-GNN. A challenging aspect of designing Graph Transformers is integrating the arbitrary graph structure into the architecture. We propose Graph Diffuser (GD) to address this challenge. GD learns to extract structural and positional relationships between distant nodes in the graph, which it then uses to direct the Transformer’s attention and node representation. We demonstrate that existing GNNs and Graph Transformers struggle to capture long-range interactions and how Graph Diffuser does so while admitting intuitive visualizations. Experiments on eight benchmarks show Graph Diffuser to be a highly competitive model, outperforming the state-of-the-art in a diverse set of domains.


Neuro-Modulated Hebbian Learning for Fully Test-Time Adaptation

Authors:Yushun Tang, Ce Zhang, Heng Xu, Shuoshuo Chen, Jie Cheng, Luziwei Leng, Qinghai Guo, Zhihai He

Fully test-time adaptation aims to adapt the network model based on sequential analysis of input samples during the inference stage to address the cross-domain performance degradation problem of deep neural networks. We take inspiration from the biological plausibility learning where the neuron responses are tuned based on a local synapse-change procedure and activated by competitive lateral inhibition rules. Based on these feed-forward learning rules, we design a soft Hebbian learning process which provides an unsupervised and effective mechanism for online adaptation. We observe that the performance of this feed-forward Hebbian learning for fully test-time adaptation can be significantly improved by incorporating a feedback neuro-modulation layer. It is able to fine-tune the neuron responses based on the external feedback generated by the error back-propagation from the top inference layers. This leads to our proposed neuro-modulated Hebbian learning (NHL) method for fully test-time adaptation. With the unsupervised feed-forward soft Hebbian learning being combined with a learned neuro-modulator to capture feedback from external responses, the source model can be effectively adapted during the testing process. Experimental results on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method can significantly improve the adaptation performance of network models and outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods.
PDF CVPR2023 accepted


Large-Scale Domain-Specific Pretraining for Biomedical Vision-Language Processing

Authors:Sheng Zhang, Yanbo Xu, Naoto Usuyama, Jaspreet Bagga, Robert Tinn, Sam Preston, Rajesh Rao, Mu Wei, Naveen Valluri, Cliff Wong, Matthew P. Lungren, Tristan Naumann, Hoifung Poon

Contrastive pretraining on parallel image-text data has attained great success in vision-language processing (VLP), as exemplified by CLIP and related methods. However, prior explorations tend to focus on general domains in the web. Biomedical images and text are rather different, but publicly available datasets are small and skew toward chest X-ray, thus severely limiting progress. In this paper, we conducted by far the largest study on biomedical VLP, using 15 million figure-caption pairs extracted from biomedical research articles in PubMed Central. Our dataset (PMC-15M) is two orders of magnitude larger than existing biomedical image-text datasets such as MIMIC-CXR, and spans a diverse range of biomedical images. The standard CLIP method is suboptimal for the biomedical domain. We propose BiomedCLIP with domain-specific adaptations tailored to biomedical VLP. We conducted extensive experiments and ablation studies on standard biomedical imaging tasks from retrieval to classification to visual question-answering (VQA). BiomedCLIP established new state of the art in a wide range of standard datasets, substantially outperformed prior VLP approaches. Surprisingly, BiomedCLIP even outperformed radiology-specific state-of-the-art models such as BioViL on radiology-specific tasks such as RSNA pneumonia detection, thus highlighting the utility in large-scale pretraining across all biomedical image types. We will release our models at to facilitate future research in biomedical VLP.
PDF The models will be released soon at


Enhancing General Face Forgery Detection via Vision Transformer with Low-Rank Adaptation

Authors:Chenqi Kong, Haoliang Li, Shiqi Wang

Nowadays, forgery faces pose pressing security concerns over fake news, fraud, impersonation, etc. Despite the demonstrated success in intra-domain face forgery detection, existing detection methods lack generalization capability and tend to suffer from dramatic performance drops when deployed to unforeseen domains. To mitigate this issue, this paper designs a more general fake face detection model based on the vision transformer(ViT) architecture. In the training phase, the pretrained ViT weights are freezed, and only the Low-Rank Adaptation(LoRA) modules are updated. Additionally, the Single Center Loss(SCL) is applied to supervise the training process, further improving the generalization capability of the model. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-arts detection performances in both cross-manipulation and cross-dataset evaluations.


Target Domain Data induces Negative Transfer in Mixed Domain Training with Disjoint Classes

Authors:Eryk Banatt, Vickram Rajendran, Liam Packer

In practical scenarios, it is often the case that the available training data within the target domain only exist for a limited number of classes, with the remaining classes only available within surrogate domains. We show that including the target domain in training when there exist disjoint classes between the target and surrogate domains creates significant negative transfer, and causes performance to significantly decrease compared to training without the target domain at all. We hypothesize that this negative transfer is due to an intermediate shortcut that only occurs when multiple source domains are present, and provide experimental evidence that this may be the case. We show that this phenomena occurs on over 25 distinct domain shifts, both synthetic and real, and in many cases deteriorates the performance to well worse than random, even when using state-of-the-art domain adaptation methods.
PDF 8 pages


UZH_CLyp at SemEval-2023 Task 9: Head-First Fine-Tuning and ChatGPT Data Generation for Cross-Lingual Learning in Tweet Intimacy Prediction

Authors:Andrianos Michail, Stefanos Konstantinou, Simon Clematide

This paper describes the submission of UZH_CLyp for the SemEval 2023 Task 9 “Multilingual Tweet Intimacy Analysis”. We achieved second-best results in all 10 languages according to the official Pearson’s correlation regression evaluation measure. Our cross-lingual transfer learning approach explores the benefits of using a Head-First Fine-Tuning method (HeFiT) that first updates only the regression head parameters and then also updates the pre-trained transformer encoder parameters at a reduced learning rate. Additionally, we study the impact of using a small set of automatically generated examples (in our case, from ChatGPT) for low-resource settings where no human-labeled data is available. Our study shows that HeFiT stabilizes training and consistently improves results for pre-trained models that lack domain adaptation to tweets. Our study also shows a noticeable performance increase in cross-lingual learning when synthetic data is used, confirming the usefulness of current text generation systems to improve zero-shot baseline results. Finally, we examine how possible inconsistencies in the annotated data contribute to cross-lingual interference issues.
PDF Submitted for peer-review at SemEval-2023


Domain-adapted large language models for classifying nuclear medicine reports

Authors:Zachary Huemann, Changhee Lee, Junjie Hu, Steve Y. Cho, Tyler Bradshaw

With the growing use of transformer-based language models in medicine, it is unclear how well these models generalize to nuclear medicine which has domain-specific vocabulary and unique reporting styles. In this study, we evaluated the value of domain adaptation in nuclear medicine by adapting language models for the purpose of 5-point Deauville score prediction based on clinical 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT reports. We retrospectively retrieved 4542 text reports and 1664 images for FDG PET/CT lymphoma exams from 2008-2018 in our clinical imaging database. Deauville scores were removed from the reports and then the remaining text in the reports was used as the model input. Multiple general-purpose transformer language models were used to classify the reports into Deauville scores 1-5. We then adapted the models to the nuclear medicine domain using masked language modeling and assessed its impact on classification performance. The language models were compared against vision models, a multimodal vision language model, and a nuclear medicine physician with seven-fold Monte Carlo cross validation, reported are the mean and standard deviations. Domain adaption improved all language models. For example, BERT improved from 61.3% five-class accuracy to 65.7% following domain adaptation. The best performing model (domain-adapted RoBERTa) achieved a five-class accuracy of 77.4%, which was better than the physician’s performance (66%), the best vision model’s performance (48.1), and was similar to the multimodal model’s performance (77.2). Domain adaptation improved the performance of large language models in interpreting nuclear medicine text reports.


Cluster-Guided Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Imbalanced Medical Image Classification

Authors:Shota Harada, Ryoma Bise, Kengo Araki, Akihiko Yoshizawa, Kazuhiro Terada, Mariyo Kurata, Naoki Nakajima, Hiroyuki Abe, Tetsuo Ushiku, Seiichi Uchida

Semi-supervised domain adaptation is a technique to build a classifier for a target domain by modifying a classifier in another (source) domain using many unlabeled samples and a small number of labeled samples from the target domain. In this paper, we develop a semi-supervised domain adaptation method, which has robustness to class-imbalanced situations, which are common in medical image classification tasks. For robustness, we propose a weakly-supervised clustering pipeline to obtain high-purity clusters and utilize the clusters in representation learning for domain adaptation. The proposed method showed state-of-the-art performance in the experiment using severely class-imbalanced pathological image patches.


Do Machine Learning Models Learn Common Sense?

Authors:Aaditya Naik, Yinjun Wu, Mayur Naik, Eric Wong

Machine learning models can make basic errors that are easily hidden within vast amounts of data. Such errors often run counter to human intuition referred to as “common sense”. We thereby seek to characterize common sense for data-driven models, and quantify the extent to which a model has learned common sense. We propose a framework that integrates logic-based methods with statistical inference to derive common sense rules from a model’s training data without supervision. We further show how to adapt models at test-time to reduce common sense rule violations and produce more coherent predictions. We evaluate our framework on datasets and models for three different domains. It generates around 250 to 300k rules over these datasets, and uncovers 1.5k to 26k violations of those rules by state-of-the-art models for the respective datasets. Test-time adaptation reduces these violations by up to 38% without impacting overall model accuracy.


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