Diffusion Models

2023-03-04 更新

Modulating Pretrained Diffusion Models for Multimodal Image Synthesis

Authors:Cusuh Ham, James Hays, Jingwan Lu, Krishna Kumar Singh, Zhifei Zhang, Tobias Hinz

We present multimodal conditioning modules (MCM) for enabling conditional image synthesis using pretrained diffusion models. Previous multimodal synthesis works rely on training networks from scratch or fine-tuning pretrained networks, both of which are computationally expensive for large, state-of-the-art diffusion models. Our method uses pretrained networks but does not require any updates to the diffusion network’s parameters. MCM is a small module trained to modulate the diffusion network’s predictions during sampling using 2D modalities (e.g., semantic segmentation maps, sketches) that were unseen during the original training of the diffusion model. We show that MCM enables user control over the spatial layout of the image and leads to increased control over the image generation process. Training MCM is cheap as it does not require gradients from the original diffusion net, consists of only $\sim$1$\%$ of the number of parameters of the base diffusion model, and is trained using only a limited number of training examples. We evaluate our method on unconditional and text-conditional models to demonstrate the improved control over the generated images and their alignment with respect to the conditioning inputs.


Directed Diffusion: Direct Control of Object Placement through Attention Guidance

Authors:Wan-Duo Kurt Ma, J. P. Lewis, W. Bastiaan Kleijn, Thomas Leung

Text-guided diffusion models such as DALLE-2, IMAGEN, and Stable Diffusion are able to generate an effectively endless variety of images given only a short text prompt describing the desired image content. In many cases the images are very high quality as well. However, these models often struggle to compose scenes containing several key objects such as characters in specified positional relationships. Unfortunately, this capability to direct'' the placement of characters and objects both within and across images is crucial in storytelling, as recognized in the literature on film and animation theory. In this work we take a particularly straightforward approach to providing the needed direction, by injectingactivation’’ at desired positions in the cross-attention maps corresponding to the objects under control, while attenuating the remainder of the map. The resulting approach is a step toward generalizing the applicability of text-guided diffusion models beyond single images to collections of related images, as in storybooks. To the best of our knowledge, our Directed Diffusion method is the first diffusion technique that provides positional control over multiple objects, while making use of an existing pre-trained model and maintaining a coherent blend between the positioned objects and the background. Moreover, it requires only a few lines to implement.
PDF Our project page: https://hohonu-vicml.github.io/DirectedDiffusion.Page


Imaginary Voice: Face-styled Diffusion Model for Text-to-Speech

Authors:Jiyoung Lee, Joon Son Chung, Soo-Whan Chung

The goal of this work is zero-shot text-to-speech synthesis, with speaking styles and voices learnt from facial characteristics. Inspired by the natural fact that people can imagine the voice of someone when they look at his or her face, we introduce a face-styled diffusion text-to-speech (TTS) model within a unified framework learnt from visible attributes, called Face-TTS. This is the first time that face images are used as a condition to train a TTS model. We jointly train cross-model biometrics and TTS models to preserve speaker identity between face images and generated speech segments. We also propose a speaker feature binding loss to enforce the similarity of the generated and the ground truth speech segments in speaker embedding space. Since the biometric information is extracted directly from the face image, our method does not require extra fine-tuning steps to generate speech from unseen and unheard speakers. We train and evaluate the model on the LRS3 dataset, an in-the-wild audio-visual corpus containing background noise and diverse speaking styles. The project page is https://facetts.github.io.
PDF ICASSP 2023. Project page: https://facetts.github.io


Differentially Private Diffusion Models Generate Useful Synthetic Images

Authors:Sahra Ghalebikesabi, Leonard Berrada, Sven Gowal, Ira Ktena, Robert Stanforth, Jamie Hayes, Soham De, Samuel L. Smith, Olivia Wiles, Borja Balle

The ability to generate privacy-preserving synthetic versions of sensitive image datasets could unlock numerous ML applications currently constrained by data availability. Due to their astonishing image generation quality, diffusion models are a prime candidate for generating high-quality synthetic data. However, recent studies have found that, by default, the outputs of some diffusion models do not preserve training data privacy. By privately fine-tuning ImageNet pre-trained diffusion models with more than 80M parameters, we obtain SOTA results on CIFAR-10 and Camelyon17 in terms of both FID and the accuracy of downstream classifiers trained on synthetic data. We decrease the SOTA FID on CIFAR-10 from 26.2 to 9.8, and increase the accuracy from 51.0% to 88.0%. On synthetic data from Camelyon17, we achieve a downstream accuracy of 91.1% which is close to the SOTA of 96.5% when training on the real data. We leverage the ability of generative models to create infinite amounts of data to maximise the downstream prediction performance, and further show how to use synthetic data for hyperparameter tuning. Our results demonstrate that diffusion models fine-tuned with differential privacy can produce useful and provably private synthetic data, even in applications with significant distribution shift between the pre-training and fine-tuning distributions.


Can We Use Diffusion Probabilistic Models for 3D Motion Prediction?

Authors:Hyemin Ahn, Esteve Valls Mascaro, Dongheui Lee

After many researchers observed fruitfulness from the recent diffusion probabilistic model, its effectiveness in image generation is actively studied these days. In this paper, our objective is to evaluate the potential of diffusion probabilistic models for 3D human motion-related tasks. To this end, this paper presents a study of employing diffusion probabilistic models to predict future 3D human motion(s) from the previously observed motion. Based on the Human 3.6M and HumanEva-I datasets, our results show that diffusion probabilistic models are competitive for both single (deterministic) and multiple (stochastic) 3D motion prediction tasks, after finishing a single training process. In addition, we find out that diffusion probabilistic models can offer an attractive compromise, since they can strike the right balance between the likelihood and diversity of the predicted future motions. Our code is publicly available on the project website: https://sites.google.com/view/diffusion-motion-prediction.
PDF 7 pages, 3 figures, ICRA 2023


Synthesizing Mixed-type Electronic Health Records using Diffusion Models

Authors:Taha Ceritli, Ghadeer O. Ghosheh, Vinod Kumar Chauhan, Tingting Zhu, Andrew P. Creagh, David A. Clifton

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) contain sensitive patient information, which presents privacy concerns when sharing such data. Synthetic data generation is a promising solution to mitigate these risks, often relying on deep generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). However, recent studies have shown that diffusion models offer several advantages over GANs, such as generation of more realistic synthetic data and stable training in generating data modalities, including image, text, and sound. In this work, we investigate the potential of diffusion models for generating realistic mixed-type tabular EHRs, comparing TabDDPM model with existing methods on four datasets in terms of data quality, utility, privacy, and augmentation. Our experiments demonstrate that TabDDPM outperforms the state-of-the-art models across all evaluation metrics, except for privacy, which confirms the trade-off between privacy and utility.


Reducing the Prior Mismatch of Stochastic Differential Equations for Diffusion-based Speech Enhancement

Authors:Bunlong Lay, Simon Welker, Julius Richter, Timo Gerkmann

Recently, score-based generative models have been successfully employed for the task of speech enhancement. A stochastic differential equation is used to model the iterative forward process, where at each step environmental noise and white Gaussian noise are added to the clean speech signal. While in limit the mean of the forward process ends at the noisy mixture, in practice it stops earlier and thus only at an approximation of the noisy mixture. This results in a discrepancy between the terminating distribution of the forward process and the prior used for solving the reverse process at inference. In this paper, we address this discrepancy. To this end, we propose a forward process based on a Brownian bridge and show that such a process leads to a reduction of the mismatch compared to previous diffusion processes. More importantly, we show that our approach improves in objective metrics over the baseline process with only half of the iteration steps and having one hyperparameter less to tune.
PDF 5 pages, 3 figures


Monocular Depth Estimation using Diffusion Models

Authors:Saurabh Saxena, Abhishek Kar, Mohammad Norouzi, David J. Fleet

We formulate monocular depth estimation using denoising diffusion models, inspired by their recent successes in high fidelity image generation. To that end, we introduce innovations to address problems arising due to noisy, incomplete depth maps in training data, including step-unrolled denoising diffusion, an $L_1$ loss, and depth infilling during training. To cope with the limited availability of data for supervised training, we leverage pre-training on self-supervised image-to-image translation tasks. Despite the simplicity of the approach, with a generic loss and architecture, our DepthGen model achieves SOTA performance on the indoor NYU dataset, and near SOTA results on the outdoor KITTI dataset. Further, with a multimodal posterior, DepthGen naturally represents depth ambiguity (e.g., from transparent surfaces), and its zero-shot performance combined with depth imputation, enable a simple but effective text-to-3D pipeline. Project page: https://depth-gen.github.io


Unlimited-Size Diffusion Restoration

Authors:Yinhuai Wang, Jiwen Yu, Runyi Yu, Jian Zhang

Recently, using diffusion models for zero-shot image restoration (IR) has become a new hot paradigm. This type of method only needs to use the pre-trained off-the-shelf diffusion models, without any finetuning, and can directly handle various IR tasks. The upper limit of the restoration performance depends on the pre-trained diffusion models, which are in rapid evolution. However, current methods only discuss how to deal with fixed-size images, but dealing with images of arbitrary sizes is very important for practical applications. This paper focuses on how to use those diffusion-based zero-shot IR methods to deal with any size while maintaining the excellent characteristics of zero-shot. A simple way to solve arbitrary size is to divide it into fixed-size patches and solve each patch independently. But this may yield significant artifacts since it neither considers the global semantics of all patches nor the local information of adjacent patches. Inspired by the Range-Null space Decomposition, we propose the Mask-Shift Restoration to address local incoherence and propose the Hierarchical Restoration to alleviate out-of-domain issues. Our simple, parameter-free approaches can be used not only for image restoration but also for image generation of unlimited sizes, with the potential to be a general tool for diffusion models. Code: https://github.com/wyhuai/DDNM/tree/main/hq_demo


Level Up the Deepfake Detection: a Method to Effectively Discriminate Images Generated by GAN Architectures and Diffusion Models

Authors:Luca Guarnera, Oliver Giudice, Sebastiano Battiato

The image deepfake detection task has been greatly addressed by the scientific community to discriminate real images from those generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) models: a binary classification task. In this work, the deepfake detection and recognition task was investigated by collecting a dedicated dataset of pristine images and fake ones generated by 9 different Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architectures and by 4 additional Diffusion Models (DM). A hierarchical multi-level approach was then introduced to solve three different deepfake detection and recognition tasks: (i) Real Vs AI generated; (ii) GANs Vs DMs; (iii) AI specific architecture recognition. Experimental results demonstrated, in each case, more than 97% classification accuracy, outperforming state-of-the-art methods.


Diffusing Graph Attention

Authors:Daniel Glickman, Eran Yahav

The dominant paradigm for machine learning on graphs uses Message Passing Graph Neural Networks (MP-GNNs), in which node representations are updated by aggregating information in their local neighborhood. Recently, there have been increasingly more attempts to adapt the Transformer architecture to graphs in an effort to solve some known limitations of MP-GNN. A challenging aspect of designing Graph Transformers is integrating the arbitrary graph structure into the architecture. We propose Graph Diffuser (GD) to address this challenge. GD learns to extract structural and positional relationships between distant nodes in the graph, which it then uses to direct the Transformer’s attention and node representation. We demonstrate that existing GNNs and Graph Transformers struggle to capture long-range interactions and how Graph Diffuser does so while admitting intuitive visualizations. Experiments on eight benchmarks show Graph Diffuser to be a highly competitive model, outperforming the state-of-the-art in a diverse set of domains.


StraIT: Non-autoregressive Generation with Stratified Image Transformer

Authors:Shengju Qian, Huiwen Chang, Yuanzhen Li, Zizhao Zhang, Jiaya Jia, Han Zhang

We propose Stratified Image Transformer(StraIT), a pure non-autoregressive(NAR) generative model that demonstrates superiority in high-quality image synthesis over existing autoregressive(AR) and diffusion models(DMs). In contrast to the under-exploitation of visual characteristics in existing vision tokenizer, we leverage the hierarchical nature of images to encode visual tokens into stratified levels with emergent properties. Through the proposed image stratification that obtains an interlinked token pair, we alleviate the modeling difficulty and lift the generative power of NAR models. Our experiments demonstrate that StraIT significantly improves NAR generation and out-performs existing DMs and AR methods while being order-of-magnitude faster, achieving FID scores of 3.96 at 256*256 resolution on ImageNet without leveraging any guidance in sampling or auxiliary image classifiers. When equipped with classifier-free guidance, our method achieves an FID of 3.36 and IS of 259.3. In addition, we illustrate the decoupled modeling process of StraIT generation, showing its compelling properties on applications including domain transfer.


Understanding the Diffusion Objective as a Weighted Integral of ELBOs

Authors:Diederik P. Kingma, Ruiqi Gao

Diffusion models in the literature are optimized with various objectives that are special cases of a weighted loss, where the weighting function specifies the weight per noise level. Uniform weighting corresponds to maximizing the ELBO, a principled approximation of maximum likelihood. In current practice diffusion models are optimized with non-uniform weighting due to better results in terms of sample quality. In this work we expose a direct relationship between the weighted loss (with any weighting) and the ELBO objective. We show that the weighted loss can be written as a weighted integral of ELBOs, with one ELBO per noise level. If the weighting function is monotonic, then the weighted loss is a likelihood-based objective: it maximizes the ELBO under simple data augmentation, namely Gaussian noise perturbation. Our main contribution is a deeper theoretical understanding of the diffusion objective, but we also performed some experiments comparing monotonic with non-monotonic weightings, finding that monotonic weighting performs competitively with the best published results.


Human Motion Diffusion as a Generative Prior

Authors:Yonatan Shafir, Guy Tevet, Roy Kapon, Amit H. Bermano

In recent months, we witness a leap forward as denoising diffusion models were introduced to Motion Generation. Yet, the main gap in this field remains the low availability of data. Furthermore, the expensive acquisition process of motion biases the already modest data towards short single-person sequences. With such a shortage, more elaborate generative tasks are left behind. In this paper, we show that this gap can be mitigated using a pre-trained diffusion-based model as a generative prior. We demonstrate the prior is effective for fine-tuning, in a few-, and even a zero-shot manner. For the zero-shot setting, we tackle the challenge of long sequence generation. We introduce DoubleTake, an inference-time method with which we demonstrate up to 10-minute long animations of prompted intervals and their meaningful and controlled transition, using the prior that was trained for 10-second generations. For the few-shot setting, we consider two-person generation. Using two fixed priors and as few as a dozen training examples, we learn a slim communication block, ComMDM, to infuse interaction between the two resulting motions. Finally, using fine-tuning, we train the prior to semantically complete motions from a single prescribed joint. Then, we use our DiffusionBlending to blend a few such models into a single one that responds well to the combination of the individual control signals, enabling fine-grained joint- and trajectory-level control and editing. Using an off-the-shelf state-of-the-art (SOTA) motion diffusion model as a prior, we evaluate our approach for the three mentioned cases and show that we consistently outperform SOTA models that were designed and trained for those tasks.


Consistency Models

Authors:Yang Song, Prafulla Dhariwal, Mark Chen, Ilya Sutskever

Diffusion models have made significant breakthroughs in image, audio, and video generation, but they depend on an iterative generation process that causes slow sampling speed and caps their potential for real-time applications. To overcome this limitation, we propose consistency models, a new family of generative models that achieve high sample quality without adversarial training. They support fast one-step generation by design, while still allowing for few-step sampling to trade compute for sample quality. They also support zero-shot data editing, like image inpainting, colorization, and super-resolution, without requiring explicit training on these tasks. Consistency models can be trained either as a way to distill pre-trained diffusion models, or as standalone generative models. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that they outperform existing distillation techniques for diffusion models in one- and few-step generation. For example, we achieve the new state-of-the-art FID of 3.55 on CIFAR-10 and 6.20 on ImageNet 64x64 for one-step generation. When trained as standalone generative models, consistency models also outperform single-step, non-adversarial generative models on standard benchmarks like CIFAR-10, ImageNet 64x64 and LSUN 256x256.


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