
2023-02-09 更新

SeaFormer: Squeeze-enhanced Axial Transformer for Mobile Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Qiang Wan, Zilong Huang, Jiachen Lu, Gang Yu, Li Zhang

Since the introduction of Vision Transformers, the landscape of many computer vision tasks (e.g., semantic segmentation), which has been overwhelmingly dominated by CNNs, recently has significantly revolutionized. However, the computational cost and memory requirement render these methods unsuitable on the mobile device, especially for the high-resolution per-pixel semantic segmentation task. In this paper, we introduce a new method squeeze-enhanced Axial TransFormer (SeaFormer) for mobile semantic segmentation. Specifically, we design a generic attention block characterized by the formulation of squeeze Axial and detail enhancement. It can be further used to create a family of backbone architectures with superior cost-effectiveness. Coupled with a light segmentation head, we achieve the best trade-off between segmentation accuracy and latency on the ARM-based mobile devices on the ADE20K and Cityscapes datasets. Critically, we beat both the mobile-friendly rivals and Transformer-based counterparts with better performance and lower latency without bells and whistles. Beyond semantic segmentation, we further apply the proposed SeaFormer architecture to image classification problem, demonstrating the potentials of serving as a versatile mobile-friendly backbone.


Generalized Few-Shot 3D Object Detection of LiDAR Point Cloud for Autonomous Driving

Authors:Jiawei Liu, Xingping Dong, Sanyuan Zhao, Jianbing Shen

Recent years have witnessed huge successes in 3D object detection to recognize common objects for autonomous driving (e.g., vehicles and pedestrians). However, most methods rely heavily on a large amount of well-labeled training data. This limits their capability of detecting rare fine-grained objects (e.g., police cars and ambulances), which is important for special cases, such as emergency rescue, and so on. To achieve simultaneous detection for both common and rare objects, we propose a novel task, called generalized few-shot 3D object detection, where we have a large amount of training data for common (base) objects, but only a few data for rare (novel) classes. Specifically, we analyze in-depth differences between images and point clouds, and then present a practical principle for the few-shot setting in the 3D LiDAR dataset. To solve this task, we propose a simple and effective detection framework, including (1) an incremental fine-tuning method to extend existing 3D detection models to recognize both common and rare objects, and (2) a sample adaptive balance loss to alleviate the issue of long-tailed data distribution in autonomous driving scenarios. On the nuScenes dataset, we conduct sufficient experiments to demonstrate that our approach can successfully detect the rare (novel) classes that contain only a few training data, while also maintaining the detection accuracy of common objects.


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